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楼主: tiff


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觉得楼主可以把两个post description都贴出来看看
2008-6-25 23:45:14

使用道具 举报



我们搞个 soirée 吧  
好好交流下心得 顺便 happy 下
不好意思 說反了

我家第10届以后的soirée都可以预留給 supelec
2008-6-25 23:46:43

使用道具 举报


回复 65F 的帖子

还是觉得JR zbb再故弄玄虚
2008-6-26 05:05:30

使用道具 举报


it's too difficult to choose.**  


这个决定还是得自己来做,不管怎样good luck!!!!!!!!!!!
2008-6-26 08:40:23

使用道具 举报


回复 57F 的帖子

2008-6-26 09:25:37

使用道具 举报


2008-6-26 12:23:50

使用道具 举报



原帖由 kangjason 于 2008-6-26 06:05 发表 npluisi又是哪个啊老杨不太符合他说的啊,不是个很大的公司吧还是觉得JR zbb再故弄玄虚
2008-6-26 13:01:19

使用道具 举报


2008-6-26 18:36:20

使用道具 举报


SUPELEC  牛人,别的不好说,不过楼主能念这个学校并且毕业,前途一定非常好。
2008-6-26 18:41:50

使用道具 举报



[ 本帖最后由 Dillon 于 2008-6-26 22:42 编辑 ]
2008-6-26 20:37:38

使用道具 举报


2008-6-27 03:50:54

使用道具 举报


原帖由 特立笃行 于 2008-6-26 00:46 发表

我们搞个 soirée 吧  
好好交流下心得 顺便 happy 下
不好意思 說反了

我家第10届以后的soirée都可以预留給 supelec
hoho ...


2008-6-27 12:19:57

使用道具 举报


well after reading the answer from Dillon, I feel very......good!
It is a long time that I haven't read the English writing from a Chinese guy with the elaborations like this! (If he is a real 100% pure Chinese!)
Maybe because I haven't written in English for a long time (3 years?), well I think I didn't make myself quite well understood. I am not an anti-captalist at all! On the contrary, from all what I've learned since from the college school, I've acquired the vision of the ''Darwinism'' towards life in my deep mind until today (but much more "cache" in another culture, you see), especially as I've experienced all the terrible "selections" in our "great" country. The word communist is for the generation of my parents, I call myself as the capitalist with a solid maxism theory.
My point is also based on the "core competence", which is neither the technical competence nor the collaborative competence as Dillon has mentioned. In the near future, if we take a speculation based on the facts accepted by the most, the center role of the game will change. (if it hasn't already happened!) The technical expert is valuable, a technical manager is important, but China (as a client, not the motherland!) needs the talents more than all these guys. Even a good technical expert is replaceble, as what I've seen in my own experience. as an employee, you are never too excellent to be unreplaceble!
Well as I've said, tiff is graduated from a prestigious school (and in this culture of the "merde", only when you are baptised by the name of the "Grande 'Grande Ecole' '' you could do something special...... ), tiff got the excellent opportunity to work in the big company, and naturally "pass" into the "middle class" and maybe, maybe get the possibility to mutate to a higher level (the "transparent ceiling" theory exists everywhere, even in China, so not taken into count in my level ). And just based on these facts and the road to make as he would like to do, he could do something special out of the "regular way", which means jump out of the "mouse race" I've mentioned. (Imagine, my dear friend, when the giraffes get a mutation to be able to fly one day, do them need to get their necks longer by the boring efforts to enjoy the leave of the tree? ) And when one does not play the game as the others, maybe he gets more the chance to become the winners, right? The cultural thing I was talking about is not pure, not utopic, I was talking about the clients and the "cultural products"......
Just something to add to better understand the idea of Dillon. It seems that you think the French culture is not rich as it is told. I agree, especially when I see the Frenchmen arrogant of the things they don't even know. I'd like to say that I have no intention to exagerate the ''grandeur'' of the French culture even in a minimum level, anyway, if you have no intention to know more, you can also think that this culture is just like her superficial appearance: "POURRI", as I've used a lot as I've seen the life style of the youngmen in the streets and the bars. Well, in fact, gradually I've got the chance to understand that more than 90% the people whom I see in my daily life on this territory are only the "masse a la base" of this nation, not the "selected" ones, and so if we say that this is a country totally "POURRI", it is because the "core competence" of this culture is well hidden, not shown. Anyway one should know that when Marie Curie had dicovered the Ranium, there was always the young ''pourris'' drunk even not 1km away from her laboratory......

I wish that we have an excellent exchange, even with much humour with the ironic tones, which makes the debat much hotter! And due to my English level, I use so little the elaboration, all my sincere excuses!
2008-6-28 22:05:08

使用道具 举报


Welcome back and take a seat. ;-)
Believe me, u did make urself quite well understood, and surely I knew at the first place u r not and far from an anti-capitalist or whatever, actually nobody here wanna know u r communist or capitalist, nor me, nor urself I guess, as long as as u always give politically-correct speeches, or even not...
What intrigued or interested me the most from ur first post, was the fact that u speak  seriously in form of an email + with ur truename as nickname + in English, somebody also write seriously, somebody use their truename, somebody write in English, but all these three together, the trinity, it's kinda never seen for me in such a place( no offense to this forum, I swear... ) - as if u've been diving in the deep water already for too long and then temporarily out of ur mind for some certain reasons and make a sudden comeback just like this, forgetting to change ur name, ur tone and ur language. Since we are giving the same advice( stay rather than return ) and our arguments sound complementary, surely it's not of my nature to let such a lovely acadamic guy go back hiding himself like this, instead, such a provocation could bring u back into such an otherwise inexisting debat and allow u to speak out ur mind loudly and vively, like this.
I have forgotten to apologize, haven't I? Apologize to be somewhat elusive this time of not willing(capable) to debate with u on the cultural topic, as well the one about the French/Chinese core competition. I've to admit that these topics seem alien to me and I think u won't mind to allow me to give this chance to Brother Hu and Uncle Sarko.
Talk to u the next time my buddy, and I own your a bear for... for some obscured reasons...

[ 本帖最后由 Dillon 于 2008-6-29 03:01 编辑 ]
2008-6-29 01:11:07

使用道具 举报


2008-6-29 01:38:22

使用道具 举报

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