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楼主: tiff


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2008-7-2 15:20:55

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Some points in the post of the 92th,101th and 108th floor from Dillon shows his reflexion on the phenomena of the 'great immigration'' of the Chinese nation which has begun since the late 20 century.

As one of the "natural born" (as least I see myself like this) Gters, I was shaken and highed motivated by the stories of the elite "ancesters", their hard-working spirit, their wisdom and intelligence, and especially their success as "un etranger",  (most stories are somewhat fictious to me now, either because the definition of the success has changed in my mind, or because I am the older and older and the dream of the younth gradually (and silently!)becomes the rythme of the boring routine life......how beautiful are they, the dreams!...) Bon, in any case, I am very supportive to the idea of "expand yourself out of China if you ARE ABLE TO".

As this level, I am rather serious, as Dillon's found. I took a lot of care to see the difference between the people who aren't able to do something and the people who can't do something.

The best exemple which I've heared was given by one invited guest in the New East School in Bejing. During his study in AUS., he's experienced something extradinary. One night when he was still working as a clerk in McD, the robbers with guns broke in. Of course they demanded the money. Well our dear compatriot said "I am not able to open the box for the cash!" instead of "I can't.....", as he didn't get the key on him and he didn't want to refuse at all before the gun guy. (Even to win a medal from the AUS gouvernement and become a "hero" is not a big deal in comparaison with the risk of the life, anyway.)

Many people want to get out of China, but they can't(pity?), and there are more, they are not able to(shame? I am quite serious and "dur", sorry but it is true. ).
In some level, the immigrations are the "naturally selected" ones, even if they have the diversified forms of the existance. To make the debat futher developed, if I say that in the case of tiff, it is better to stay at least for several years to "culturize" (sorry for borrowing the word used by Dillon without the payment) himself, this is just in order to get a better adaptability for him later to re-immigrate into in a much more severe environement to survive (or live?, or enjoy?).  In the other hand, MANY oversea-studying Chinese students are suitable to STAY in China, and the ones of this category with the capital letters are not the ordinary ones. These are the ones with the "natural advantages". With these "privileges", the have the freedom to cross the ocean as they would, an "external immigration" is not their bussiness. It is an internal mutation that they will make...... In this level, if tiff has got a big "supporting mountain" or a great "back stage", go back soon, no hesitations, you will have all what you miss here......

Each one should find his place, individually and specifiedly, this is my conclusion.

All my sincere thanks for this debat, especially the posts from Dillon, all makes me much better think and make my choice. I am not able to know myself until the last detail, but I get a much clearer picture thanks to my experience in France.  And if I made a trinity (ou triple, hehe) in this forum, it is because I become much more open, even too much due to this year's experience with the french guys self-called "une equipe de fou, vachement fou"!  And I understand that trying to hide my defauts to save my "ugly" face is absolutely not the best strategy to develop myself! The one who has the courage to acknowledge his faileur could get the chance to win in the next round. (and I believe by my own experience that it is true that the first fat doesn't count, the last fat will break the bed into pieces......hehe)

At last, to complete the point of view on the 101th floor, which inspired me much, I say that in the future, the teams who are ready to learn will win much more quickly. The spirit of "working as a learner, not a leader" is becoming the key in the future for the administrateurs of the enterprises, especially the big ones, either in China or in France. And if one stops to learn key and begin to haunt in the bars or kalaoke frequently, I bet that he will see his "ceiling de ciment tres dur" above his head soon soon soon......

P.S.: It will be a great pleasure to share the beer with Dillon and get to know the "obscure reasons" for this intriguing invitation......
2008-7-2 22:29:26

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2008-7-2 23:33:27

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原帖由 hp824 于 2008-7-2 11:28 发表

2008-7-3 09:12:37

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2 guys have talked about cultural competence or relational competence, also according to someone, the working enviroment for IT persons in china is supposed to be tough and cold. But don't forget the love and the joy which your family could bring to you, which you can't find even in the cultural capital of europe. You may laugh at this academic attitude in a romantic, if having a life with your family is supposed to be less important than culturizing yourseilf in europe years and years. otherwise this acquisition of cultural competence or relational competence is prepared for another round of 'mouse race'? Poor guy.
2008-7-3 10:39:58

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2008-7-3 23:36:45

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2008-7-3 23:41:45

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原帖由 gerousia 于 2008-7-3 11:39 发表
2 guys have talked about cultural competence or relational competence, also according to someone, the working enviroment for IT persons in china is supposed to be tough and cold. But don't forget the  ...

Once upon a time, a little girl stolling around the sleepless street, murmured to herself, "poor guy..."
Deep silence complete...
Looking around with eyes widely open, she raised slightly the voice, "poor guy?!"
Appearently nobody around, merely she and her own stretched shadow...
Eyes closed and face frozen, she shouted out, "poor guy!"

Suddenly came a hawk voice, slow, weak but steady, "nooooot meeeeee"
Falled on both knees in panic, she tried hard to come back to herself and asked "Who's answering? Who said it's you? Why to answer? Why answer back?! Who are you?!"

The same hawk voice but this time the tone changed, as if even got more panic than the poor girl, "It's not me... It's... Well, I'm the man just downstaires, look down!"


[ 本帖最后由 Dillon 于 2008-7-4 10:00 编辑 ]
2008-7-4 01:33:29

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2008-7-4 06:33:53

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原帖由 liuhaifan 于 2008-7-2 23:29 发表
Some points in the post of the 92th,101th and 108th floor from Dillon shows his reflexion on the phenomena of the 'great immigration'' of the Chinese nation which has begun since the late 20 century.  ...

2008-7-4 08:52:21

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原帖由 封印卡 于 2008-7-4 09:52 发表


2008-7-4 08:53:57

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原帖由 封印卡 于 2008-7-4 09:53 发表


2008-7-4 09:04:54

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原帖由 Dillon 于 2008-7-4 02:33 发表

Once upon a time, a little girl stolling around the sleepless street, murmured to herself, "poor guy..."
Deep silence complete...
Looking around with eyes widely open, she raised slightly the voice, ...

Excuse my poor english. You don't have to answer my question.

I just wonder why we emphasize this socio-cultural integration, being far from our motherland and our family (someone who has his whole family in France excluded), just to enjoy this european cultural life ? to tell from Bordeaux and Bourgogne or Beaujolais ? absolutely not. or this integration can help us to break the transparent ceiling supposed to cover every chinese here in europe ? why not ! that can be the most important! but be sure you won't fall into another round of mouse racing...hehehehe... and what else ? a weekend in the parisian countryside, a big weekend at mediterranean beach, a visit to the former residence of Paul Cezanne, a long holiday beside a huge swimming pool of Marrakech ? That sounds good. if you really enjoy this european lifestyle, after you retire, at the age of 60, you can even start a new career as a painter or a sculptor,,,, and you never miss your homeland or regret not spend ing enough time with your parents. if so,  la vie est vraiment belle!
2008-7-4 10:28:48

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2008-7-4 11:12:54

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原帖由 gerousia 于 2008-7-4 11:28 发表

Excuse my poor english. You don't have to answer my question.

I just wonder why we emphasize this socio-cultural integration, being far from our motherland and our family (someone who has his whol ...

Here people have mainly been talking about the professional life for these working in the computer industry, with the author's original question in mind.
Since the author was asking for advices, people here are all kindly enough to share their experiences, personal opinions, as well as their sense of hummer from time to time just for diluting the otherwise overly academic, serious and heavy topic.
Among these advices, there’s one voice about the culture and the core competence of a country, which is by itself a vast topic. Personally I’m appreciated, just as most of the people here, I guess. But it doesn’t hold me from making jokes with him in a hope to hear more from him about his theory.
If you would like to bring some fresh air as an outsider( of this computer industry ) and as a sensitive and homesick female, wouldn’t you mind to be more instructive and positive? Everybody already knew the cruel reality about the cross-generation separation and most of the people here are not be able to bring their parents across the boundary, either as a student, nor as an immigrant. But it’s not the only consideration of this kind, what about the current generation, and the next generation? How about the liberty? As well as the so-called what what rights?
Even specific to the separation, how many people have the chance to live and work in the same city as their parents in such a dynamic and globlized world? Why not talking about ChunYun? Why not comparing the number of payed holiday in different countries?
Again, everybody knew it but nobody want to bring the discussion that far...  It's part of the reason people keep talking about romantic things like culture, Darwin and ........salary

[ 本帖最后由 Dillon 于 2008-7-4 13:55 编辑 ]
2008-7-4 12:22:54

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