■if you are a student, a letter from your school or college stating the course you are on, its start and finish dates, and the dates of the holiday period when you intend to visit the United Kingdom;这个对于学生是必须的吗?要学校开课程表,证明你那几天放假?
还有,在Accommodation and travel details部分,
You can submit any of the following documents to provide us with evidence of your accommodation and that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit.
Details of accommodation and return travel bookings
This could be:
?hotel booking confirmation(usually email)
?travel booking confirmation(can be email or copy of tickets)
?travel agent confirmation of both
?accommodation details with a supporting letter from the occupant confirming
that you are able to stay there
我住的是朋友家,所以是不是让他给我写一个suppoting letter就行啊?然后还需要他的住房证明和ID之类的吗?另外,因为朋友家在伦敦,我会跟他们说我的行程都在伦敦,免去订旅馆订车票等等的麻烦,这样什么行程证明都没有...可以不?