Finance: Finance de marché, finance d’entreprise, analyse financière
Financements internationaux:Financement de projets, gestion des risques, commerce international
Stratégie et Management:Stratégie d’entreprise, conseil, supply chain, audit
International Project Finance: Mention anglophone du master, et plus particulièrement de la mention « Financements internationaux »
Orientations pédagogiques
Quatre grands principes:
en première année de master, un équilibre entre la finance de marché, la finance d’entreprise et la stratégie,
une utilisation systématique des études de cas,
une adaptation permanente à la conjoncture et à l’actualité grâce aux nombreux enseignants issus du monde de l’entreprise,
un accent sur l’appréhension de l’ensemble des types de risque
Une première année commune à toutes les mentions, dédiée à la formation fondamentale de l’ensemble des disciplines d’économie, finance et stratégie,
Une deuxième année de spécialisation spécifique à chaque mention
Les enseignements fondamentaux par semestre
S1: Comptabilité, Outils de gestion, Introduction à la stratégie, Droit des entreprises, Mathématiques financières, Macroéconomie financière
S2: Analyse financière, Stratégie de l'entreprise, Marchés financiers, Riques bancaires
S3 Finance : Marchés financiers II, Finance d'entreprise
S3 Finance Internationale: Analyse des risques pays, Financement de projets, Droit des contrats internationaux, Financement du commerce international
S3 Stratégie et Management: Stratégie appliquée, Economie industrielle, Contrôle de gestion, Gouvernance et Management
S3 International Project Finance: Advanced International Project Finance, Country risk, Rating, Risks in banking, Legal aspects of international projects
Quelques chiffres :
une formation constituée à 30% par des électifs et options,
22% des enseignements en langue anglaise,
162 enseignants dans le master en 2010/11.
Les étudiants choisissent définitivement leur mention de spécialisation à la fin de la première année du master ou à leur retour d’année de césure ;
Les étudiants ont un accès favorisé à l’ensemble des enseignements de Sciences Po Entrepreneurs (enseignements optionnels) et par extension à l’incubateur de Sciences Po.
Fonctions exercées en premier emploi
Promotion 2009 : 41% des diplômés ont trouvé un emploi avant d’être diplômés,
88% trouvent un emploi dans les 6 mois après la diplomation,
Salaire moyen 1 an après la diplomation (promotion 2009) : €47 237
Localisation géographique du 1er emploi
Promotion 2009
débouchee professionelle
Emplois pourvus à l’issue du 3ème semestre en 2011
Chargé d’études stratégiques, EDF GDF Suez, Paris
Analyste financier, UBS, Paris
Analyste, Morgan Stanley, Londres
Ingénieur études et exploitation, Aviation civile, Paris
Consultant, McKinsey, Paris
Analyste, Lazard, Paris
Consultant M&A, Jefferies, Londres
Analyste M&A, Bank of America Merryl Lynch, Londres
Au 17 avril 2011, 16% des étudiants avaient déjà signé un contrat de travail.
Sciences Po's Diversity Program lauded CEP "an affirmative action success"
The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 13, 2011
The Higher Education Chronicle has lauded the outstanding success of Sciences Po's 10-year-old diversity program, the Priority Education Agreements, in recruiting students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. The recently-released Tiberj report found that the program has raised the proprotion of students from working-class or underprivileged backgrounds to 28.5% of the student body, considerably higher than in most American universities, and that these students perform as well academically as their peers and went on to find employment in "classic" jobs for Sciences Po graduates.
Admission conditionnelle langue : vous êtes admis à condition de prouver que vous avez le niveau de langue requis pour le programme dans lequel vous êtes admis. Vous devez pour cela envoyer les résultats de vos tests de langue avant les dates limites du programme de Master, de la bourse ou du programme de double diplôme pour lequel vous postulez. En l’absence des résultats requis à cette date, vous avez un an pour les présenter et pourrez alors intégrer Sciences Po à la rentrée suivante.
Sciences Po / Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs
Sciences Po is member school of APSIA (Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs), which comprises 34 member schools in North America, Asia and Europe, such as Harvard University, Columbia University, Yale University, Princeton University, National University of Singapore and University of St.Gallen.
In order to improve the professional education in international affairs, each fall, APSIA sponsors forums where potential and prospective graduate students can learn about programs from officers of APSIA member schools.
This year, Sciences Po China representative had participated the forum organized in Shanghai on September 20. Sciences Po will also be present in the forums held in Bangkok (Sep 22) and Hongkong (Sep 24).
Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), established in 2010, offers world leaders of tomorrow an innovative and comprehensive grounding in international affairs. Corresponding with his life-long career at the center of international diplomacy and academia, Dean Ghassan Salamé is furthering his commitment to the future of global affairs by fostering the development of PSIA, the largest professional school of international affairs inEurope.
PSIA attracts the best students and faculty world-wide, and has an international student population that exceeds 70%. With 1200 students coming from 100 different countries, PSIA is the only school of international affairs inFrance, and among the largest inEurope.
PSIA offers a choice of 9 master’s programs in the most salient fields of international affairs, including:
Development Practice | Environmental Policy | Human Rights and Humanitarian Action | International Development | International Energy | International Economic Policy | International Public Management | International Security
Our students get the core knowledge they will use in financing international trade, projects (infrastructure, energy…) and assets (airplane, boats …) in Europeand Emerging Markets. The teaching philosophy is progressive and rests on courses in Finance and Strategy in parallel, putting together an in-depth theoretical curriculum and up to date case studies. Top-notch professionals lead the courses with a double focus on the various facets of emerging markets (macro-economy, financial flows and political risk) and social responsibility.
The first year is an in-depth view of financial economics and financial management also encompassing a comprehensive approach of corporate strategy. Students will develop core knowledge in financial accounting, financial analysis and financial modelling.
The second year is a case study based hands-on approach that enables students to tackle the various fronts of project finance and infrastructure business; including country analysis, trade finance, financial modelling, asset/cash based finance, law. The internship with our various partners will then secure that they can apply those concepts in a practical manner.
We target mainly the following jobs:
International retail banking
International trade finance
International project finance ( infrastructure, energy etc) in banks and industry
Risk management
More information:
10月10日,Sciences Po 与复旦大学在巴黎举办联合研讨会《欧洲国家债务危机与中欧关系》(“The sovereignty debt crisis and Sino-European relations?”)
复旦大学陈志敏,陈玉刚教授,巴黎政治大学经济研究中心Francesco Saraceno教授主讲。
Sovereignty debt crisis is the second wave of the global financial crisis. It will hurt the recover of world economy without right treatment. However, it is more difficult to cooperate in the international level because of the sovereignty issue. It is reshaping states and international order. Sino-European relations are also under its impact. How shall we deal with it? Can Sino-European relations move into a new stage when we fight together?
This needs our common efforts and strategic view. Professors from Fudan University and Sciences Po analysed the debt crisis situation in Europe, the solutions on table now and its influence on European integration. Professors from Fudan presented the Chinese vision on this crisis and its impact on Sino-European relations.
Moderator: Ludovic Chaker, Director, The Centre for Asia, the Pacific, Africa and the Middle East
Speakers: Professor Chen Zhimin : Chair & Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Fudan University Chen Yugang, Associate Professor, Department of International Politics
Professor Francesco Saraceno, OCFC – Center for Reseach in Economics of SciencesPo, Economics Concentration Director, Master of European Affairs.