北大:European energy politics: Challenges and perspectives for engaging partners
Secure, sustainable and competitive energy are fundamental objectives to European actors. Facing growing competition for fossil fuel resources, the EU is redefining its energy policy with its various partners in a changing context. The presentation tries to understand how European energy politics works, as well as its main challenges and perspectives. Then, it focuses on the ’Southern corridor‘ as a case-study, where several pipeline projects try to attract resources from the Caucasus and Russia.
复旦:Turning Eastward or Southward, or how the EU reconsiders its neighbourhood
The European Neighbourhood Policy is a relatively new foreign policy, dating back from 2003-2004, and probably one of the most ambitious. It is based on the geopolitical assumption that European actors must be able to organise the development of a stable and more democratic order in its backyards. Yet, many European actors diverge now on how to deal with the neighbours, a few years
after the post-Soviet ?colored revolutions? and in the period of the ?Arab spring?. The competition between East and South should be investigated carefully, as it illustrates how geopolitics is renegotiated among European actors.
Google awards for Sciences Po Cartographers and Journalists
Google has awarded a 50,000 euro research grant to cartographers at Sciences Po, in the latest sign of growing ties with the US technology firm. The award was announced in December within days of another action involving Google at Sciences Po: the awarding by the Journalism School of a joint prize for innovation in journalism.
巴政建立的法国经济形势观察机构L’Observatoire français des conjonctures économiques (OFCE)是一个独立的对公共政策进行观察,评估和研究的机构,旗下共有40多名法国和其他国家的学者,其中包括三名诺贝尔奖获得者。
德班峰会召开后,OFCE研究员,巴政MPA项目教授Eloi Laurent对峰会的结果提出了自己的意见和评价。
from 12/12 | 09:00 to 03/02 | 19:00
Twenty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Sciences Po Library presents a documentary dossier on its website and an exhibition in the windows of the René Rémond Library.
The dossier and exhibition are the fruit of a partnership between the Centre d'Histoire de Sciences Po and the Bibliothèque de Documentation Internationale Contemporaine (BDIC). http://www.sciencespo.fr/eveneme ... ?lang=en&id=458
Etienne Wasmer awarded the Prix Wolowski for his book "Principles of Microeconomics"
Etienne Wasmer, professor of Department of Economics Sciences Po has been awarded the prestigious Prix Wolowski by the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques for his book Principles of Microecnomics (Pearson, 2010). This manual already received the 2010 Prize for the best book for economics students published by a French economist, awarded by the Association française de science économique.
The Prix Wolowski is awarded every four years alternatively to a work on legislation and a work on political economy.
第一学期给我的感觉仍是基础性课程较多,理论性也较强,主要是为之后的学习打基础。比如,Political System of EU这门课并不单纯的介绍欧盟的各个机构,而是通过各种理论来解读欧盟运作的方式和内在动力,有许多内容与我们所想象的有所区别。而欧盟法这门课则偏向美式的教学方法,课上师生互动较多,多以case law的形式解读欧盟法的内在精神。就像我之前所说,每门课都要求我们做许多努力(阅读材料,presentation等),如果不做准备的话,理解老师教授的内容则会有些困难。