"The State of Environmental Migration 2010" Publication of Sciences Po Students Research
Professor François Germenne, who teaches the course "Migration and the Environment" recently supervised the compilation of written work by Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) students enrolled in his course, culminating in publication. "The State of Environmetnal Migration 2010" is co-edited by the Institut du développment durable et des relations internationales Sciences Po (IDDRI) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). http://www.psia.sciences-po.fr/c ... ia-student-research
“Queer Week” the week around issues of gender and sexuality
The 3rd edition of the week around issues of gender and sexuality, “Queer Week”, will question the prevailing discourse on gender and sexuality and its impact on our identity and what is the most intimate about it. Through conferences, movie screenings and workshops, Queer Week is an opportunity to face diversity and alternative thinking on what defines us. It is a cycle of four days to question ourselves and our relation to others.
This year, the Presage program dedicated to research and teaching in the field of the gender studies at Sciences Po, collaborates with this unique student initiative born in 2010!
楼主您好~我在巴政网站master那栏看到有个专业叫Master of experimentation in Art and Politics,英语和法语授课,英语要求6.5,法语只要求B1.我以为它属于英语项目,但是它又没有被放在programmes en anglais底下~很疑惑这个开不开放给国际生申请呀~因为这个帖子首页也没有提到这个项目。。。。
另外我看到这个是一年制的,属于formation continue diplomate,招工作后回炉进修那种,我是工作快一年了,不晓得能不能申,也怕这个不能签证啊什么的~