



CDD 法语助手
楼主: amelia-fly


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since elle means the book, you don't have to say "she" is referred to....
just use "it" or "this book"

it is this work....

sure works should be plural but  singular is ok too   
http://www.iciba.c ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-2 18:26

haha, thank you for telling me about that, it was confusing to me.
2009-9-3 01:51:11

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2009-9-3 16:03:46

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merci  beaucoup~
je prepare maintenant l'entretient pour demain, god bless me.
je vais continuer l'excercise dans 2 jours.
a bientot
2009-9-6 11:27:19

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2009-9-6 16:33:13

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u guyz r super!
2009-9-7 15:06:39

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参与人数 1战斗币 -1 收起 理由
微凉…… -1 呵呵 欢迎参与学习版交流学习,但请勿纯表 ...

查看全部评分总评分 : 战斗币 -1

2009-9-9 09:19:49

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Stellayu16 发表于 2009-9-6 17:33

2009-9-10 01:23:07

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本帖最后由 amelia-fly 于 2009-9-13 02:43 编辑

Politique française sous la Ve République   1er partie
Après que Charles de Gaulle eut fait adopter la constitution de la Cinquième République en 1958, la France a été gouvernée par des gouvernements de droite successifs jusqu'en 1981. Durant les années 1960, les partis de gauche avaient des résultats plutôt médiocres aux élections à l'échelle nationale. Les gouvernements successifs appliquaient généralement le programme gaulliste d'indépendance nationale, et de modernisation d'une manière interventionniste. Le gouvernement gaulliste, pourtant, a été critiqué pour sa brutalité : tandis que les élections étaient libres, l'État avait le monopole de la diffusion de la radio et de la télévision et cherchait à imposer son point de vue  sur l'actualité (cependant ce monopole n'était pas absolu, puisqu'il y avait des radios qui émettaient depuis les pays voisins). La politique sociale de De Gaulle était foncièrement conservatrice.
En mai 1968, une série de grèves de travailleurs et de révoltes d'étudiants agita la France. Mais cette agitation n'eut pas pour effet un changement immédiat de gouvernement, la droite étant triomphalement réélue à l'élection de juin 1968. L'électorat bascula au référendum de 1969 au sujet des réformes du sénat, dans un mouvement généralement considéré comme une lassitude des Français pour De Gaulle.

The french politics under the dominance of the fifth republic –1st part

Since the general Charles de Gaulle passed the Constitution of the fifth republic in 1958, France has been under the rule of the Right Party successively untill 1981. throughout the 1960s, the Left Party did not get a satisfactory result in the national political election (élections à l'échelle nationale—may i translate it into “political eletcion”?). The successive ruling party—the Party of the Right generally applied the Guallisme (note 1) of national independence, and of the interventionnisme of modernisme (I’ve probably misunderstood the structure of the phrase). The Left Party, meanwhile, was criticized for its brutality –though people were free to vote for the the elections, the government ruled the broadcasting of the radios and the televisions, and it tried to influence the current affaires (however the monopole was not absolute, for there were the radios broadcast from the neighbor country). The social politics of De Gaulle was evidently conservative.  
On May 1968, a series of strikes of workers and rebellions of students shake the country. But the unrest did not bring an immediate change to the government, the Party of the Right successfully got reelected on June 1968. the voters toppled the reforms of Senate in the referendum in 1969. that was a movement generally considered as the weariness of the French towards De Gaulle.

1. Guallisme --a doctrine brought up by the general Charles de Gaulle


The french politics under the dominance of the fifth republic –1st part

Since the general passing the Constitution of the fifth republic in 1958, France has been under the rule of the Right Party successively till 1981. throughout the 1960s, the Left Party did not get a satisfactory result in the national election. The successive ruling party—the Party of the Right generally applied the Guallisme (note 1) of national independence, and of the modernization in a interventional way. The Left Party, meanwhile, was criticized for its brutality –though the elections were free, the government ruled the broadcasting of the radios and the televisions, and it tried to impose its views on the current affaires (however the monopole was not absolute, for there were the radios broadcast from the neighbor country). The social policy of De Gaulle was fundamentally conservative.

On May 1968, a series of labor strikes of and rebellions of students shake the country. But the unrest did not bring an immediate change to the government, the Party of the Right successfully got reelected on June 1968. the voters toppled the reforms of Senate in the referendum in 1969. this is a movement generally considered as the weariness of the French towards De Gaulle.
2009-9-10 17:07:43

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[i=s] 本帖最后由 amelia-fly 于 2009-9-10 18:26 编辑 [/i]

[quote]Portée de l'œuvre = Book Summary

porter sur = affect / be strickly on....

affirmer = assert / state [with a positive voice]

tentation = envie = intention
tendance = tendency = tend to

Cette situ ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-3 17:03 [/quote]mais je ne peux pas trouver le sens de "summary" pour le mot "portee" dans le dictionnaire....tu l'as compris du contexte ou tu l'as su comme une expression?  Le développement des filles par rapport aux garçons et au monde qui les entoure leur démontre à elles et à la société que la femme n’a pas les mêmes capacités que l’homme
The developpement of girls compared to boys and to people around shows them, to themselves and to the society, that women are not as capable as men.--"leur" ici, c'est a dire "a elles et a la societe"?   
des effets que cela a sur le choix des femmes de se marier et d’abandonner leur propre carrière
the effects that it makes on the choice of......--je croix c'est mieux a dire "the effets it has on the choice of ...", non?
2009-9-10 17:25:02

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2009-9-10 18:21:10

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2009-9-10 18:38:24

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41# chaostade

it's so kind of you! do take care of yourself!
2009-9-11 00:55:11

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Portée de l'œuvre
is like : what's this book talking about?what does it tell you?what incites you by it?

I think it's better to be "book summary" to avoid from the word-to-word translation.

leur  ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-10 19:21

i finally got it with your detailed explanation{:12_494:}

try googling the phrase "have an effect on", and you'll get a lot of results
the phrase helps arrange the following gerunds, i think.
2009-9-11 01:02:05

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看得我 眼花缭乱
lz不介意 再重新编辑一下
比如 把相对正确的翻译 放在一起 加红字
2009-9-11 10:15:37

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看得我 眼花缭乱
lz不介意 再重新编辑一下
比如 把相对正确的翻译 放在一起 加红字
隐行的人 发表于 2009-9-11 11:15

2009-9-11 11:33:07

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