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楼主: amelia-fly


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sure, no harm

You are correct.
The phrase should have been
"After that, strictly speaking no such movement has succeed to appear anymore"

In fact, the phrase in my head was "arrived at certain phas ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-8-28 19:48

There is no transcendent in a strick sense.

according to the context, the movement here refers to the movement started by the theory put forward by Alain Robbe-Grillet, for a lot of writers were influenced.
my version of translation is " There is no transcendent in a strick sense." and with your suggestion taken into consideration, “ Strictly speaking, there is no transcendent .” i think the ST would mean "后无来者" in Chinese.

what do you think about it?
2009-8-29 02:05:10

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Théodore de Banville

Etienne Jean Baptiste Claude Théodore Faullain de Banville, né le 14 mars 1823 à Moulins (Allier) et mort le 13 mars 1891 à Paris, est un poète, dramaturge et critique français. Célèbre pour les Odes funambulesques et les Exilés, il est surnommé le poète du bonheur.[1]

Ami de Victor Hugo, de Charles Baudelaire et de Théophile Gautier, il est considéré dès son vivant comme l’un des plus éminents poètes de son époque. Il a notamment découvert le talent naissant d’Arthur Rimbaud.

Banville unit dans son œuvre le romantisme et le parnasse (dont il fut l’un des chefs de file). Il professait un amour exclusif de la beauté et la limpidité universelle de l’acte poétique, s’opposant à la fois à la poésie réaliste et à la dégénérescence du romantisme[2], face auxquelles il affirmait sa foi en la pureté de la création artistique.

Introduction to Théodore de Banville

Etienne Jean Baptiste Claude Théodore Faullain de Banville (judged from his long long name, he was an aristocrat) is a poet, play-writer, and a French critic. He was born on May 14 1823 in Moulins, and dead on March 13 1891 in Paris (I think it better to separate the long sentence). Well-known for his works Odes funambulesques and les Exilés, he was called as the “happy poet” (no idea if I’ve misunderstood it or not).

As the friend of Victor Hugo, Charles Baudelaire and Théophile Gautier, he is considered ever since his birth as one of the most eminent poets in his time. He has specially noticed the natural talent in Arthur Rimbaud.

Banville combines in his works the Romanticism and the factor of poems (it is shown in one of his masterpiece). He advocated an exclusive love for the beauty and the universal clarity of the poetry (it is OK to omit the word “l’acte”?), committed to once to the real poetry and to the degeneration of romanticism. For the last phrase, I really can’t figure out… why is “auxquelles” in plural form, and is “face” here a verb or a noun? If it is a noun, auxquelles should not be in plural form, but if it is a verb, there are 2 predicate in the sentence… confused…

Translation not sure:
dès son vivant= ever since his birth
le talent naissant= the natural talent
un chef de file= a masterpiece
2009-8-29 03:24:37

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2009-9-1 13:42:03

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2009-9-1 14:19:53

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2009-9-1 14:21:46

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I still...don't really comprehend movement. The stuff bothers me is that I'm not sure it's meanning "a touch of heart" or "a new vague of revolution"...
whatever, stick at where you are
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-1 14:42

i believe “a new vague of revolution” will be a good interpretation
2009-9-2 01:32:48

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1. aristocrat?might be....I judge from his last name "de Banville"

2.le poète du bonheur.....I would say "the poet of happiness", since he may be one wrote joyful scripts with an unhappy life. I've  ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-1 15:19

thank you very much for your explanation on "the poet of happiness", i think you are right .com

3.dès son vivant= ever since his birth
mais je dirais...all his life                        ----your version is better

4.notamment = especially
spécialement = specially          ---thanks  for telling me the differences between the words
5.Parnasse = Parnassianism 巴纳斯派,法国19世纪艺术流派
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parnassianism       ---i would say i admire you on being good at infomation-searching, and your spirit of figuring out whatever new
6.chef de file = leader   --the translation of the expression tells everything

7. face auxquelles il affirmait sa foi en la pureté de la création artistique.
= facing these he stated his faith on art creation's chastity
acte poétique = poetic act (means unconscious poetic behavior)www.revefrance.com
à la fois = (both) at the sametime
face à = facing          ----i looked up the dictionary and finally found that the phrase "face à" acts as a preposition,thank you for telling me about that.
2009-9-2 01:54:41

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Le Deuxième Sexe est un livre écrit en 1949 par Simone de Beauvoir, âgée alors de 41 ans.
C'est l’une des œuvres les plus célèbres et les plus importantes pour le mouvement féministe. De nos jours, elle est souvent employée comme référence dans le discours féministe. En fait, c’est elle qui est à l’origine du surnom de mère spirituelle de la deuxième vague féministe attribué à Simone de Beauvoir.
The Second Sex is a book written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949, when she was 41 years old.
It is one of the most famous and the most important works for the feminist movement. Nowadays, she is often referred to when the feminism is involved. Actually, it is she who introduced the nickname of spiritual mother of the second vague of feminism attributed to Simone de Beauvoir. (I may have misunderstood the sentence, or it would be too wordy. According to my understanding, “à l’origine” and “attribué à Simone de Beauvoir” refer to the same concept)

Translation not sure:
De nos jours –Nowadays
2009-9-2 05:22:57

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2009-9-2 13:07:00

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mouvement féministe = 女权主义运动 = feminism
(it already involves various movements but well it's never a fault  to specify)

De nos jours = actuellement = Nowadays

employée comme référence = qu ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-2 14:07

YES!your interpretation of "elle" explains everything! GOD, i've nerver been more excited!
2009-9-2 13:25:35

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本帖最后由 amelia-fly 于 2009-9-2 14:27 编辑

Portée de l'œuvre           (no idea what it’s  supposed to mean, the influence of the works?)
Cette œuvre importante était très controversée depuis sa publication.
Le Deuxième Sexe porte sur les différentes raisons de l’infériorisation de la femme dans la société et dans presque tous les domaines hors de la maison. Cette œuvre affirme que ce sont les hommes qui gèrent le monde et que la femme a la tentation de se consacrer entièrement à son mariage et à ses enfants, au risque de limiter sa liberté. Cette situation vient simplement du fait qu’elle ne se sent pas capable ou bien qu’elle ne désire pas rester célibataire pour des raisons économiques et/ou sociales. La société, les parents, la religion, tout réaffirme aux femmes qu’elles sont inférieures aux hommes et qu’elles devront avoir un mari. Le développement des filles par rapport aux garçons et au monde qui les entoure leur démontre à elles et à la société que la femme n’a pas les mêmes capacités que l’homme. Beauvoir parle de toutes les circonstances qui amènent les gens à croire à l’infériorité des femmes et des effets que cela a sur le choix des femmes de se marier et d’abandonner leur propre carrière.

The important works has been very controversial ever since its publication. The Second Sex presents the new reasons for the discrimination against the woman in the society and in almost all the fields outside their family. The works notes that it is the man that rules the world, and the woman tends to sacrifice their liberty to the family. Such situation is simply because of their not being able to or not willing to remain single for economic or social reasons. The society, the parents, and the religion advocate the idea that a woman is inferior to a man, and that she needs a husband. The development of girls, compared with that of the boys and people around them, tries to convince to them and to the society that the woman is not as capable as the man. Beauvoir talks about all the circunstances leading people to believe the inferiority of women and the effects on which women’s choice of marrying and abandoning their own career is made.

porter sur : be/talk about
Q: “ qui les entoure leur démontre à elles ”   ,leur 与à elles是否重复了?
2009-9-2 13:26:00

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Le Deuxième Sexe est un livre écrit en 1949 par Simone de Beauvoir, âgée alors de 41 ans.
C'est l’une des œuvres les plus célèbres et les plus importantes pour le mouvement féministe. De nos  ...
amelia-fly 发表于 2009-9-2 06:22

altered version:
The Second Sex is a book written by Simone de Beauvoir in 1949, when she was 41 years old.
It is one of the most famous and the most important works for the feminism. Nowadays, she is often referred to in the cases where the feminism is involved. Actually, it is this works that introduced the nickname of spiritual mother of the second vague of feminism attributed to Simone de Beauvoir.
2009-9-2 13:34:10

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2009-9-2 17:09:38

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2009-9-2 17:26:11

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since elle means the book, you don't have to say "she" is referred to....
just use "it" or "this book"

it is this work....

sure works should be plural but  singular is ok too   
http://www.iciba.c ...
chaostade 发表于 2009-9-2 18:26

haha, you are right, it should be "the book is often referred to..."
2009-9-3 01:50:18

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