There are 11 kinds of meritorious
virtues derived from making Buddha images
(1). 世世生生,眼目清澈明亮。
In every life you will have clear vision.
(2). 生处无恶:不论你生到什麽地方,
You will not be born in evil places.
Your friends and neighbors and kins will all be good people.
You won’t meet up with evil people or evil beasts.
(3). 常生贵家:生到富贵的家庭去,又有钱,又有地位。
You will always be born in a noble family with wealth and honor.
(4). 身体会有紫磨金色。
You body will be purple-golden in color.
(5). 丰饶珍宝:处处都是珍宝非常的丰富、非常的多。
You will possess an abundance of wealth.
(6). 生贤善家:生到贤人和善人的家庭去。
You will be born in a worthy and good family.
(7). 生得为皇:造佛像的功德,来生你就可以做皇帝。
这个国家没有皇帝,那个国 家还有,
You can be born a king. Now, there is no Emperor,
but you could be the President. It amounts to the same thing.
Or, if you insist on being an Emperor,
you can find a country with a monarchy and be born there.
(8). 可以做轮圣王:做轮圣王,那更尊贵了!转轮圣王一修就成佛。
You can be a Wheel-Turning Sage King.
That’s even higher than being President.
As a Wheel-Turning Sage King,
if you cultivate, you can become a Buddha.
(9). 不单在人间做王,而且还可以生到梵天去,寿命享有一劫的长。
You can be born in the Brahma Heavens and live for an eon.
You can also be born as a king in the human world.
(10). 不堕恶道:造过佛像的人,就不会堕落到三恶道去;
You will not be fall into the evil paths.
Those who make Buddha images will not fall into the hells,
the animal realm, or the realm of hungry ghosts.
(11). 生生世世都会敬重三宝、恭敬三宝、皈依三宝,不会堕落的。
In future incarnations you will still be able to revere the Three Jewels.
You will be able to take refuge with the Three Jewels. You will not fall.
Hearing these eleven meritorious virtues,
if we have the strength, we should make
more Buddha images. If you make Buddha images,
your appearance will be perfect and full.
Why is the Buddha’s appearance so perfect?
It’s because during the three great asankhyeya aeons
he cultivated the Way, he made countless Buddha images.
During the first asankhyeya aeon,
he encountered 75,000 Buddhas.
During the second, 76,000 and during the third, 77,000.
If he met with that many Buddhas,
of course he made more Buddha images than that.
Who knows how many he made?
That is why his appearance is so full and perfect.
But, in making images, we shouldn’t think,
“I’ll make a Buddha image and then I will be very handsome,
and people will fall in love with me.”
That is not a proper motive.
We should cultivate blessings and wisdom
so that in the future we can realize Buddhahood.
~ An Explanation by the Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
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