C:\itsutils>pdocread.exe -l
| 3.12M Part00
| 2.88M Part01
| 50.88M Part02
| 58.00M Part03
968.75M DSK1:
| 968.50M Part00
STRG handles: 834d5e62
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(968.50M) 03958bce
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
( 58.00M) 239584da
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
( 50.88M) 039582ce
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
( 2.88M) 2395828a
0 partitions, 0 binary partitions
customerid=00000000 uniqueid= 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
( 3.12M)6. If you get the following errror, probably your device is application locked:
C:\itsutils>pdocread.exe -l
Copying C:\itsutils\itsutils.dll to WCE:\windows\itsutils.dll
Could not update itsutils.dll to the current version, maybe it is inuse?
try restarting your device, or restart ActiveSyncCheck this wiki article on information about how to avoid that. Basically you have to modify this registry key, and then softreset using power button:
valuename '00001001' was set to dword:2, change it to dword:17. Note: There are two ways to read each partition: pdocread -h 0xHANDLVALUE 0 0xSIZEVALUE diskimage.nb or pdocread -d storename -p partitionname StartValue LengthValue file.raw
We will use the second method for the next step.
Overview of flash partitions (just for your information, not a step)
FLASHDR STOREINFO 114.88M (0x72e0000) dev='FLASHDR' store='Microsoft Flash Disk'
nsect=39700 bpsect=200 free=0 maxpartsize=0
3.12M ( 0x31fc00) Part00 'BOOT' end= 18fe type=20 image update kernel partition (XIP), used while image updates
2.88M ( 0x2e0000) Part01 'RAWFS' end= 1700 type=23 regular kernel partition (XIP), used for normal OS boot
50.88M (0x32e0000) Part02 'imgfs.dll' end=19700 type=25 imgfs
58.00M (0x3a00000) Part03 'fatfsd.dll' end=1d000 type=04 user filesystem
EXT_FLA STOREINFO 10.00M (0xa00000) dev='EXT_FLA' store=''
nsect=5000 bpsect=200 free=0 maxpartsize=0
10.00M ( 0xa00000) PART00 'fatfsd.dll' end= 5000 type=04 extended romThis does not include the IPL, splash and SPL.
8. Check that all the partition sizes reported by pdocread are correct:
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part00 -t
real nr of sectors: 6398 - 3.12Mbyte (0x31fc00)
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part01 -t
real nr of sectors: 5888 - 2.88Mbyte (0x2e0000)
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part02 -t
real nr of sectors: 104192 - 50.88Mbyte (0x32e0000)
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part03 -t
real nr of sectors: 118784 - 58.00Mbyte (0x3a00000)Note the partition sizes (in brackets) for the next step. They may differ from device to device.
9. Now let's dump the first 3 partitions (coldboot kernel, base kernel and imgfs), use the sizes you found in the previous step.
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part00 0 0x31fc00 Part00.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x31fc00, Part00.raw)
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part01 0 0x2e0000 Part01.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x2e0000, Part01.raw)
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part02 0 0x32e0000 Part02_0.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x0, 0x32e0000, Part02_0.raw)
ERROR: ITReadDisk - Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.In case there is a read error in the imgfs (as shown here) you'll have to read one specific 0x800 byte section separately and patch the diskimage to make it work. So either the flash is bad, or the driver reading it has bugs.
If your phone returns Part02_0.raw without errors, you can simply rename Par02_0.raw to Part02.raw and skip to step 15*
10. Check what we have so far:
C:\itsutils>dir Part*.raw
10/08/2006 22:52 3.275.776 Part00.raw
10/08/2006 22:53 3.014.656 Part01.raw
10/08/2006 23:00 39.911.424 Part02_0.raw
C:\itsutils>11. We use the 0x800 byte trick to complete dumping the rest of imgfs.
The file size is 39.911.424 (0x2610000 in hex), so we specify this value as start, and 0x800 byte length:
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part02 0x2610000 0x800 Part02_1.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x2610000, 0x800, Part02_1.raw)12. It worked, now we have to start at 0x2610000 + 0x800 and read the rest of the partition which is 0x32e0000 (total size) - 0x2610800 (what we have already read), so the result is 0xccf800 bytes length we need to read:
C:\itsutils>pdocread -w -d FLASHDR -p Part02 0x2610800 0xccf800 Part02_2.raw
CopyTFFSToFile(0x2610800, 0xccf800, Part02_2.raw)13. And that's it, all dumped successfully:
C:\itsutils>dir Part*.raw
10/08/2006 22:52 3.275.776 Part00.raw
10/08/2006 22:53 3.014.656 Part01.raw
10/08/2006 23:00 39.911.424 Part02_0.raw
11/08/2006 00:02 2.048 Part02_1.raw
11/08/2006 00:06 13.432.832 Part02_2.raw14. Now we need to concatenate the three Part_02_?.raw files.
In a Windows operating system
> copy /B Part02_0.raw+Part02_1.raw+Part02_2.raw Part02.rawIn an Unix operating system
$ cat Part02_0.raw Part02_1.raw Part02_2.raw > Part02.raw15. Now we can check the filesize is correct, and we have successfully dumped all 3 partitions:
C:\itsutils>dir Part0?.raw
10/08/2006 22:52 3.275.776 Part00.raw
10/08/2006 22:53 3.014.656 Part01.raw
11/08/2006 00:10 53.346.304 Part02.raw