法文原文是: Ne faites pas chauffer le moteur à l'arrêt. Démarrez plutôt immédiatement dès que les glaces sont dégagées. Le moteur atteint ainsi plus rapidement sa température de fonctionnement et les émissions de polluants sont moindres.
如果你把“Ne faites pas”翻译成“不建议”,那么你如何翻译“Il n'est pas recommandé”或者"Il n'est pas préférable" ?
"chauffer le moteur à l'arrêt"就是“让车停着热车”,所以“Ne faites pas chauffer le moteur à l'arrêt” 这句话里没有任何词汇暗示“长时间“及“建议”。我怎么都会理解成“不要在原地热车”,
结合后面关于dégager les glaces,你可以理解成原地热车直到窗户上的冰与雾气消失,我也可以理解为利用工具把挡风玻璃外面结的冰清除掉或者,在寒冷的地区,原地热车把窗户上的冰融化掉的时间远远要超过5~10分钟。(我居住在Alsace,这里的冬天能把车门锁冻住,挡风玻璃上的冰会结得很厚)。
Warm-up - Because the TDI engine is so efficient, it puts less heat into the cooling system than comparable gasoline engines. A TDI engine will not reach operating temperature by idling. There is no point starting the car a few minutes before you plan to use it in order to have a warm interior - it isn't going to happen. Heated seats are definitely a worthwhile option for those living in a cold climate!
The best way to warm up a TDI engine is to start up and GO, after minimum essential warm-up. It's generally recommended to drive gently for the first few minutes, until the temperature gauge approaches the normal range. When done this way, the warm-up period is not too different from that of a gasoline engine.
If one gets stuck in traffic with a cold engine, now there's a dilemma, because the engine won't generate enough heat to warm up. If this happens, one suggestion has been to introduce some electrical load to make the engine work a little harder, like the headlights, rear-window defroster, and heated seats if you have them.