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楼主: Cogito

那些难忘的电影对白【27日更新 Va savoir】

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【All That Heaven Allows】 Douglas Sirk 1955

Alida: I guess all of us are looking for security these days. You see, Mick thought... Well, like a lot of other people... that if he had money and an important position it would make him secure. Then when he met Ron who didn't have either one and didn't seem to need them, he was completely baffled. The answer was so simple it took Mick a long time to figure it out.

Cary: What was the answer?

Alida: To thine own self be true. That's Ron. You see, Ron's security comes from inside himself. Nothing can ever take it away. Ron absolutely refuses to let unimportant things become important. That's what Mick and I were doing. We were.
2011-11-11 01:38:31

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【 'I Know Where I'm Going!'】 Michael Powell, Emeric Pressburger (1945)

Joan Webster: People around here are very poor I suppose.
Torquil MacNeil: Not poor, they just haven't got money.
Joan Webster: It's the same thing.
Torquil MacNeil: Oh no, it's something quite different.
2011-11-11 01:38:45

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【Les portes de la nuit】 Marcel Carné (1946)

Partout c'est pareil, toujours la même histoire, un grand sourire pour dire "Bonjour", un petit mouchoir pour dire "Au revoir".
2011-11-12 23:09:24

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本帖最后由 Cogito 于 2012-10-4 00:18 编辑

【Adaptation】Spike Jonze (2002)

Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want.
Charlie Kaufman: But she thought you were pathetic.
Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.

Charlie Kaufman: Here you go. The killer's a literature professor. He cuts off little chunks from his victims' bodies until they die. He calls himself "the deconstructionist".

Charlie Kaufman: Today is the first day of the rest of my life

【Gran Torino】Clint Eastwood (2008)

Thug: How old are you anyway?
Sue Lor: Mentally, I'm way too old for you.

Walt Kowalski: I confess that I have no desire to confess.

Walt Kowalski: [to Father Janovich] I think you're an overeducated 27-year-old virgin who likes to hold the hands of superstitious old ladies and promise them everlasting life.

Lawyer: [reading from Walt's will] And I'd like to leave my 1972 Gran Torino to ...my friend... Thao Vang Lor. On the condition that you don't chop-top the roof like one of those beaners, don't paint any idiotic flames on it like some white trash hillbilly, and don't put a big, gay spoiler on the rear end like you see on all the other zipperheads' cars. It just looks like hell. If you can refrain from doing any of that... it's yours.

【麻将】杨德昌 (1996)

红鱼: 这个世界没有一个人知道自己要的是什么,每个人都在等别人告诉他该怎么做就跟着怎么做。你只要很有信心地告诉他们要的是什么,他们会感激你。你知道为什么 ,因为每个人最怕的就是自己做错事情的时候还要怪自己,他们宁愿到时候骂别人骗他们也不要怪自己。

邱总: 这年头没有人知道自己要什么,每天看电视看八卦杂志看畅销书,甚至去看广告为的是什么,为的是想听别人告诉他怎么过日子。
2012-10-4 00:17:11

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【Va savoir】 Jacques Rivette (2001)

Dominique: Je vous dérange? Je peux entrer?

Ugo: Non!

Dominique: Vous n'êtes pas tout seul?

Ugo: Si, justement, c'est pour ça que vous ne pouvez pas entrer.

Dominique: Je vous fais peur? Je veux juste vous parler.

Ugo: Je ne veux pas.

Dominique: Qu'est-ce que j'ai fait?

Ugo: Rien.

Dominique: Non, je mérite pas ça. Je veux une explication. Laissez-moi entrer.

Ugo: Si vous entrez, je ne réponds rien. Ou je vous saute dessus, je vous mange tout cru, ou je vous flanque la fessée de votre vie.

Dominique: Je pends la risque.

Ugo: Pas moi.

ps,顺便记住了 "Tempus fugit, manet amor"
2013-5-27 12:42:38

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