Alors, l'amour, c'est quoi?
"Ta voix, tes yeux, tes mains, tes lèvres. Nos silences, nos paroles. La lumière qui s'en va, la lumière qui revient. Un seul sourire pour nous deux. Pas besoin de savoir. J'ai vu la nuit créer le jour sans que nous changions d'apparence. Ô bien aimée de tous, bien aimée d'un seul, en silence ta bouche a promis d'être heureuse. De loin en loin dit la haine, de proche en proche dit l'amour. Par la caresse nous sortons de notre enfance. Je vois de mieux en mieux la forme humaine, comme un dialogue d'amoureux. Le coeur n'a qu'une seule bouche. Toutes les choses aux hasard, tous les mots dits sans y penser. Les sentiments à la dérive. Les hommes tournent dans la ville. Les regards, la parole et le fait que je t'aime, tout est en mouvement. Il suffit d'avancer pour vivre, d'aller droit devant soi vers tous ceux que l'on aime. J'allais vers toi. J'allais vers la lumière. Si tu souris, c'est pour mieux m'envahir. Les rayons de tes bras entrouvraient le brouillard."
Paul Eluard, Capitale de la douleur (1926)
lu par Natacha (Anna Karina, dans Alphaville [1963])
Randolph Van Cleve: To me they were creatures from another planet. To this day I wouldn't know how to find the stage entrance to a theatre.
Hugo Van Cleve: Its always around the back, in an alleyway, there's a sign above the door 'Stage Entrance', you can't miss it.
Bertha Van Cleve: I'll find you a Miss Right and her parents will be Mr and Mrs Right.
Henry Van Cleve: I'm not employed here. I'm not a book salesman. I took one look at you and followed you into the store. If you'd walked into a restaurant I would have become a waiter. If you'd walked into a burning building I would have become a fireman. If you'd walked into an elevator, I would have stopped it between two floors, and we'd have spent the rest of our lives there.
Hugo Van Cleve: Albert, I'm struggling successfully against the gout. I'm waging a terrific battle with my liver. And I'm holding my own against asthma, but I doubt strength enough to survive your jokes.
Henry Van Cleve: And when I awakened, there where all my relatives, speaking in low tones, and saying nothing but the kindest things about me. Then I knew I was dead.
Jerry Falk: Do you love me?
Amanda: What a question. Just because I pull away when you touch me?
David Dobel: Let me tell you, I am of the Hebrew persuasion, but that guy who handles you is a member of one of the lost tribes of Israel that should have remained lost.
David Dobel: Last night I was home alone in my apartment and I conjured up a threesome with me, Marilyn Monroe and Sophia Loren, and it was very very erotic. As a matter of fact if I'm not mistaken, it was the first time those two great actresses ever appeared in anything together.
David Dobel: What you don't know, won't hurt you, it'll kill you. Like if they tell you you're going to shower but they turn out not to be showers.
Jerry Falk: I feel like committing suicide, but I've got so many problems, that wouldn't solve them all.
Jerry Falk: She's so sexy. Look at her body language. All verbs!
«Dans ma profession, personne ne souhaite votre bonheur, parce que ...
后来出了续集的小说 Au secours Pardon。正看到一半。
« Tout le monde voulait être unique, mais en réalité tout le monde avait envie de ressembler à la même couverture de magazine. »
Private Gomer Pyle: Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Today, you people are no longer maggots. Today, you are Marines. You're part of a brotherhood. From now on until the day you die, wherever you are, every Marine is your brother. Most of you will go to Vietnam. Some of you will not come back. But always remember this: Marines die. That's what we're here for. But the Marine Corps lives forever. And that means YOU live forever.