据新华社电 据法国媒体3月18日报道,一伙武装分子日前闯入法甲马赛队阿根廷前锋卢丘的住宅,抢走了银行卡和大批值钱物品。
去年11月,马赛队另两名球员的住宅遭到抢劫,一些珠宝和电子产品不翼而飞。而房屋的主人则因为前往斯洛伐克参加欧冠联赛躲过一劫。 马赛将为球员住所配备警卫 防止频繁暴力抢劫案件
http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2011-07-14/02125656976.shtml 蒙面匪武装抢劫马赛拍卖场 损失数万欧元
【欧洲时报网】由4名蒙面持武器的男子组成的一个团伙,24日早晨在拍卖之前,闯入马赛一个珠宝首饰和艺术品拍卖场,他们制服在场的20个人后,劫走了保险箱里的现款和珠宝首饰,损失估计达数万欧元。劫匪随后驾驶摩托车逃逸。 法国马赛上演西部片 匪徒用购物车打劫火车
MARSEILLE, France (Reuters Life!) - In a scene taken straight out of an American Wild West movie, masked men robbed a freight train in southern France on Thursday night after blocking the railway tracks with shopping carts and metal beams.
The daring attack on the northern outskirts of the southern French city of Marseille saw a passenger train hurtling into the blockade forcing it, and a cargo locomotive behind it, to stop.
"Attacks on trains aren't new, but it is a pretty rare phenomenon," David-Olivier Reverdy, a police union official in the area said.
"It's worthy of stagecoach attacks in the Wild West," he said.
About 20 bandits looted several carriages and then vanished into the night. It was unclear what was taken.
Nobody was injured in the attack, but Reverdy said the thieves had put people's lives in danger.
The railway union said in a statement that while such attacks were rare, Thursday's robbery was a sign that the railway authority was not investing enough in the security of its sites.