There are a few cardinal rules about parking your car with stuff in it.
1. If you have valuables and/or cash and/or important documents and/or anything irreplaceable your car should never be out of your sight for a moment. That means you should be within a few feet of the car, not across a huge parking lot where you can barely pick your car out from among all the others.
2. Never leave anything visible in the car that would identify it as belonging to a tourist — no maps or guidebooks, no clothing of any significance, essentially nothing other than perhaps a copy of yesterday's local paper.
3. Never park your car and then arrange all your stuff in full view. You are simply advertising to the local miscreants where everything of value is hidden thus making their jobs much easier. Stop a fair distance away from where you intend to park and arrange everything there. Then head to your stopping point, park and get out of the car, walking away as if you were just off to do a little shopping and had nothing of interest or value with you. I see people violating this rule all the time. Dumb...
4. Think about where you are parking. The far end of a large and almost deserted surface parking lot is probably not the best place. Somewhere with a lot of people about is a much better idea if you can manage it. And parking with the back of the car against a wall is a good way to make life difficult for the bad boys and girls...
I think the smash and grab of valuable items left unwittingly visible in a car might be more prevalent in France than in other places simply because of the number of tourists there and the opportunities it presents to thieves willing to take advantage of someone on vacation.
Ok...I can accept that they'll get away with it because law enforcement is 'busy with other things'. It changes where I'll spend my tourist dollars if I know I HAVE TO leave my luggage in the car, but that's ok too. There are plenty of places in the world to enjoy where your stuff will still be yours if you take an hour or two for a dip in the ocean.
“...That is so unfortunate but you should know that the city has recognized the problem and are trying to do something about it. I saw a television program a few weeks ago about this very subject in Nice and the city is reinforcing their manpower, adding more security cameras as well as putting more security measures in place to prevent crime against tourists before it happens.”
btw There is now a CCTV system in NIce- inaugurated beginning of March