l 5 PLACE CAMILLE JULLIAN 33000 BORDEAUX,UTOPIA电影院是个很好的艺术电影院。电影院是从前的教堂改建,一共有5个放映厅,5号放映厅最漂亮。它那里放映的都是挑选过的原声电影,我在那里看过中国片子,是讲四川话的,有点听不懂。也看过其他国家的。环境和氛围都不错。票价中午第一场是打折的,大概3欧元左右,其他时间是5欧元左右。不要骑车去,那里据说偷车的很多。
l TALENCE STADE NAUTIQUE 游泳池。它那里有一个室内一个室外的游泳池,室外的标准池开到九月底为止。和我看到这里的介绍不同。如果你是学生,又是TALENCE的居民,(只要出示居住证明),一次买十张票,每张只要1。28欧元。
Post by 女夭米青 这又是谁建议你逃票啊?谁把俺们中国人都当穷光蛋啊?拿国内奖学金的高人要是也玩这一套确实是太丢人了。。。还有楼主会说两种外语,这些问题都可以问护士小姐们的。。。最后一个问题很奇怪,楼主米自己的电脑么? 国内都流行无线上网,这里也是有滴。。
i have asked nurse students here and the answer was: you can buy them in the duty-free store of the airport when you go back home.
sometime the thinking method of french is quite different between us.
i have my own pc, but as you know, i live in a nurse school. i an not find the wire-less here.
another question:where can i buy the local telephone card with new telephone number, i don't need the cell phone,only a card. i have been to the Fnac and didn't find it.
Post by a.波er多滴LMS
friendly chinese.
are you a friendly chinese?
i fell so shame that you talk like this.
now, i know why my collegues told me to pay attention to certain chinese.
i am chinese and i proud of that i am chinese.
you did not read my post clearly and said like this, i only can feel regret.