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楼主: Nimoo


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In the shadow of St-Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church,passersby reflect the diversity of Marseille.
Immigrants“consider themselves Marseillais from the moment they get there,”observed one resident
In the shadow of St-Vincent de Paul Roman Catholic Church,passersby reflect the .jpg
2012-3-24 17:15:35

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Many immigrants live and work in central neighborhoods like the Noailles district,rather than living segregated in far-flung suburbs,as in Paris

Many immigrants live and work in central neighborhoods like the Noailles distric.jpg
2012-3-24 17:17:42

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-26 14:02 编辑

“That means that often the grandparents were in Algeria,the parents came here,and the grandchildren are French but have a Arab last name.”

After World War Ⅱ a Jewish immigration from North Africa began. And by 1962, after France had given up colonial control of Algeria,Morocco,and Tunisia(the Maghreb),came tens of thousand of pieds-noirs,or black feet,who were actually white French citizens fleeing newly independent Algeria,where many had lived for generations.

He does not know how many have Muslim roots.

“That means that often the grandparents were in Algeria,the parents came here,a.jpg
2012-3-24 17:20:21

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-26 14:01 编辑

Members of the Jewish community of perhaps 70,000-one of the Europe's largest-attend a funeral at St.-Pierre Cemetery.Jews and Muslims alike"are careful with the words we use, "says a Jewish leader." Marseille is like a volcano,if you say something you should not,it may burst"

The city center “is a district with a very numerous North African population,”says Gaudin.

Members of the Jewish community of perhaps 70,000 Marseille is like a volcano,if.jpg

2012-3-24 17:21:43

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-26 13:58 编辑

During Friday prayers the faithful overflow into an alley behind the mosque on Rue Gaillarde in Northern Marseille.
The city’s growing number of mosques and prayer rooms isn’t keeping pace with the ever expangding Muslim population.
Gaillarde in Northern Marseille.The city’s growing number of mosques and prayer.jpg
2012-3-24 17:23:09

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-26 13:26 编辑

A Muslim family watchs sheep being butchered at Moustapha Slimani meat market during ld al-Adha,the holiday commemorating  Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son.Many sheep are still ritually slaughtered in Muslim homes,despite a law forbidding the practice.
A Muslim family watchs sheep being butchered at Moustapha Slimani meat market du.jpg
2012-3-24 17:24:14

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-25 13:33 编辑

An immigrant from Tunisia waits patiently for relatives to greet him at the Gare St.-Charles,the Bustling central train station.It was September 2010,just months before the upheavals of the Arab Spring.For this man,the chance to begin life anew,in Marseille,had already arrived.

“Five or six years ago there were a lot of car thefts.These days there are a lot of holdups.That's become the fashion”。

What will Marseille be like by then? It may well be the first western European city with a majority of its residents from Muslim backgrounds.

An immigrant from Tunisia waits patiently for relatives to greet him at the Gare.jpg
2012-3-24 17:25:42

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-25 13:48 编辑

North Africans make up one of the largest flows of non-EU immigrants to the region. Moroccans are the second largest group(after Turks).
The booming economy of the 1950s and ‘60s created the need for Europe’s big wave of immigrant labor,often from former colonies:
There is a perception that Europe is becoming Islamized and Arabized,but it is difficult to say how many Europeans today are Muslim or of non-European descent.

North Africans make up one of the largest flows of non-EU immigrants to the regi.jpg
2012-3-24 17:27:22

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白衬衫 发表于 2012-3-25 10:47
东欧人,,,吉普赛人GITAN在南部也多啊~~~! ...

“Members of the Jewish community of perhaps 70,000-one of the Europe's largest-attend a funeral at St.-Pierre Cemetery.Jews and Muslims alike"are careful with the words we use, "says a Jewish leader." Marseille is like a volcano,if you say something you should not,it may burst"

文字满长的,详细内容请慢慢看吧。还有一句话讲的:“Five or six years ago there were a lot of car thefts.These days there are a lot of holdups.That's become the fashion”。你看,That's become the fashion”,五六年前是汽车偷盗,a lot of ,而今拦路抢劫风行,加之警察纵容,这在年轻人中间的仿效行为是不可忽视的!

2012-3-26 14:22:22

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本帖最后由 Nimoo 于 2012-3-26 14:25 编辑

2012-3-26 14:24:38

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白衬衫 发表于 2012-3-25 23:41
朋友的 车子,,居然在室内停车场里面被砸了玻璃。 ...

2012-3-26 14:30:23

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白衬衫 发表于 2012-3-25 23:45
按照我南法这么多年的 工作,,,,南部在马赛等大城市,,,阿拉伯人确实多,,,但是GITAN也多啊,,,,他们做坏事比阿拉伯人更加没有头脑!!~~~

提醒大家,在5月中旬开始到末,,,,南部的一个小镇LES SAINTES MARIES DE LA MER 不要去旅游!~~~~ 那时是吉普赛人的节日!~~~~
2012-3-26 14:44:01

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白衬衫 发表于 2012-3-25 23:45
按照我南法这么多年的 工作,,,,南部在马赛等大城市,,,阿拉伯人确实多,,,但是GITAN也多啊,,,,他们做坏事比阿拉伯人更加没有头脑!!~~~

2012-4-5 08:31:30

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巴黎真的很不安全么 怎么才能避免被抢劫
“看了很多在法国被抢的事例 本来很期待的旅行 现在则是非常害怕 都快妄想症了 小偷多到不怕 那可以防 但抢劫的话就一点办法没有 等着东西被拿走 说不定还伤及人身 同学刚从法国回来说比伦敦好多了 没遇到不开心的事 可看到被抢的帖子还是很担心 说不定就轮到我了。大家都是怎么做的。每次离开酒店都把贵重物品放在前台?”
“我已经从巴黎回来了 说实话 真的不喜欢巴黎 服务态度太差 我定的铁塔底下 塞纳河旁一个四星酒店 问前台点事情 不是说不知道 就是喊着和我们说 我们坐地铁换郊区火车 没有地铁出口直接进了坐火车的地方 没找到卖票的 想出站补票 结果在法国没有补票这么一说 到站直接让我们交100欧的罚款 态度极差 说这是在法国 没有免费的东西 你干什么都得花钱 没有免费的车坐 没有免费的飞机 这是在法国 什么都不是免费的 感觉话中带着侮辱性 虽然我英语不好 可是可以感觉到 到巴黎第一天 只坐一站地铁就被一个白人女孩掏包了 幸亏没放什么东西 在巴黎整个感觉很差 罗马虽然又脏又乱 我都觉得比巴黎好”
2012-4-5 08:31:58

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2012-4-22 03:57:12

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