4月8日,体检。 (i will do that on may 26, will pay attention on following documents, thank you!)
Contrat d'accueil et d'intégration:一式两份,签字,一份留ANAEM,一份自留
Certificat de control medical:一式两份,一份第一次换工作居留卡是给prefecture,一份自留
Attestation session d'information sur la vie en France:因为有法国的学习经历,madame说肯定很了解了,直接给了,不需要再去培训。
Attestation ministrielle de dispene de formation linguistique:完成那张超简单的法语问卷后给的。如果法语实在不好,据说还有免费课程培训。
Convocation à la formation civique:这个没办法了,4月16日一天,要去培训,中餐提供。培训结束,也有一张attestation
and I will need to go there again after June 4 for my titre de sejour
a bit difficult with 1500 euro/month net, i think...
i was told by a lawyer friend that 2000 euro/month net is good, and of course, the case will be easier if salary is higher...