Medical Abortion Advantages,
- It may seem more natural, like a miscarriage.
- No shots, anesthesia, instruments, or vacuum aspirator machine, unless it fails. (你做药流的时候怎么会打止痛针了呢?我就随意一问,不用跟我辩,我不是医生。)
- The pregnancy can be ended earlier than with Surgical Abortion.
- Being at home instead of a clinic may seem more comforting and private. (PS 美国是可以在家完成药流过程的。)
- Any support person can be there during the abortion process. Disavantages,
- It takes several days. (24小时是哪儿来的?)
- It is not completely predictable. (撇开药流的失败率高,还有可能打乱内分泌平衡、容易感染、容易导致不孕。所以你说的创伤、感染率,我不知道你怎么得来的。微创最大的优势就是创伤微小。并且,你所有的assumption都是在药流成功的基础上来谈的,可基于它失败的风险较高,药流失败后带来的创伤、感染是不是就不应该在这里被当作优势比较了呢?)
- Bleeding can be very heavy and lasts longer than with a surgical.
- Cramping can be severe and usually lasts longer than with a surgical.
- Two visits to the provider are necessary, and possibly more.
- It fails more often than a surgical.