Reply: Thanks for the message. I have been busy recently and will not be able to reply in detail your questions. But in general terms, you need to listen a lot to native English speakers. I mean A LOT. It is actually never enough. You will also need to have a command of as large a vocabulary as you can, making a big part of it your active vocabulary. As to interpretation, your skills will only improve after a few years intensive practice. Dont try to aim at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as your ideal employer. Best interpreters may not necessary from that ministry though theirs may have the highest profile. Zhu Tong as a personal friend of mine (see new photos in my site) is indeed an excellent interpreter. However, there are not many like her there now.
Welcome to visit my site and even make comments on the BBS.
Wish you plenty of success in your studies. James May 31, 2002
"When you lose a language, you lose a culture, intellectual wealth, a work of art. It's like dropping a bomb on a museum, the Louvre." 1 Language is the living expression of human culture and the various languages of our planet give voice to the diversity of human experience. Much as genetic diversity is now considered a common good to be safeguarded, linguistic diversity must be considered a world heritage meriting preservation.
To circumscribe the languages in which we communicate is to impoverish our common heritage of human wisdom and to deprive humankind of the fruits born from a cross-pollination of ways of thinking, feeling, and approaching existence. Any "cost accounting" in relation to languages must take into account the often intangible, but nonetheless very real benefits inherent in cultural diversity, cross-cultural communication and the human language bank.
The use of multiple languages in international concourse is not an impediment to communication, but an essential part of it. It is precisely to promote understanding that our world linguistic heritage must be promoted and preserved.
1) Comment by the late Kenneth Hale cited in The Economist (November 3, 2001). Mr. Hale was Professor of Linguistics at MIT and the author of "The Green Book of Language Revitalisation."
"In China, a very large country, we are already getting enquiries from interpreters who do not live in Beijing and have very few possibilities of working with AIIC members (all of whom live in Beijing). And as elsewhere in the world, there are sometimes local rivalries and group loyalties that make it difficult for applicants to find sponsors or for members to sign for otherwise reputable colleagues. As I mentioned, being a member may provide a competitive advantage – an advantage that some member may think will disappear if too many are let in!\"
Reply: 我做翻译十几年,我理解的“视译”全是发言人照发言稿宣读,翻译看着稿子边听边译,没有只给你一份稿子,没人读,光让你翻译的时候;翻译的时候一定不能忘记“check against delivery\",所以必须是以听为主,不能以看为主。有不少翻译似乎“视译”的水平很高,能够看着稿子一句句翻译,出的东西也算不错,但可能没有听到发言人早就对原稿进行了改动,他(她)根本就不管人家说什么,“强行”进行翻译。这会不会是“视译”做得太多了造成的?
>“视译” 全是发言人照发言稿宣读,翻译看着稿子边听边译
更确切地说,这是\"带稿同传,即\"simultaneous interpretation with text\"。
那当然。做视译(sight translation)的时候,先听发言人念一遍(段),后将内容译出。上面也说了,在实际工作中,视译(as opposed to SI w/ text)用得很少,主要用于交传场合,讲者拿出书面稿来念,有原文稿子给你看,不就是做视译嘛。
既然在实际工作中用得不多,为什么要学呢?因为它是学同传(包括带高同传)的一个很好的准备,可以慢慢练,一个意群一个一意群地琢磨,等于是offline SI,以此来学会断句、顺译。
不是,主要问题是没有学会带高同传的特定技能。SI w/ text 与视译大不一样的地方就是要同时监听,即同时看稿子做视译,同时听发言并与书面内容进行比较,有出入时译口头内容。带稿同传是很难学好的,建议初学者最好先通读讲稿一遍,然后做翻译的时候多听少看。
2 一个小时的法语写作,Etre citoyen du monde.(Avantages et contraintes de la mondialisation)。
3 一个半小时的法译中,Les Grands Dossiers Sciences Humaines N。9,07年12月和08年1月到2月期上关于动物的道德感(Aux fondements de la morale,及L'origine des sociétés)的两个文章,看完后用中文回答两个问题,主要是考对文章内容的理解,不需要个人见解,最后翻译两个段落,从“C.Darwin pensait..."到" fixent à eux-mêmes"。
4 一个半小时的英译中,08年2月13的The Times上一篇叫Naked streets are way ahead after barrier removal leads to safter roads的报道,一样的回答两个问题并翻译两个段落,从”It calls for...”到“elicit more considerate behaviour“。
Interprète de Nicolas Sarkozy lors de sa visite officielle en Chine, Bruno Gensburger nous donne un aperçu de son travail.
美國華府喬治城大學同聲傳譯學教授馬博雯 (Margaret Bowen) 曾說到,從事筆譯與同步口譯的朋友們要牢記,「語言學習是終身的職志。」(Language learning is a lifelong undertaking.)這種體認,就是培訓筆譯與同聲傳譯技巧的最重要體認。在這一語言層面上,台灣學生碰到翻譯上的常見問題就是「中、英主動與被動時態」(Active vs. Passive Voice) 的問題。
例如,美國小說家沙林傑 (J.D. Salinger) 在他的名著《麥田補手》(The Catcher in the Rye) 的第一章開頭就有這句話:
If you really want to hear about it, the first thing you'll probably want to know is where I was born.
(1) I was told that tens of thousands of prayers meeting are being held on this day, and for that I am deeply grateful.
本句中就有兩處被動語態結構:I was told 及 are being held;可是中文的處理,反而要回歸到主動的語態,方合乎中文的語法。第 (2)、(3) 句也有此種現象。
(2) This is the first time in our history that this ceremony has been held, as your have been told, on this West front of the Capitol.
(3) There, on the western front, he was killed trying to carry a message between battalions under heavy artillery fire.
(4) A study completed by UNESCO in 1983 of thirty-seven countries is summarized and included in the appendix of this paper. This points out the diversity and indepth that can be taken.
(一項由聯合國教科文組織在 1983 年所完成的 37 個國家的研究,已經摘要並包括於附錄中。此報告指出我們可接受的廣度和深度。)
中英文主、被動語態的差異,會造成瞬間口譯時,必須將詞序顛倒翻譯。其他語法結構如虛詞 it 起頭的句子,如:
(5) It is my sincere hope that the 2006 APEC Summit will be a great success.
(我們衷心祝福 2006 年的 APEC 高峰會圓滿成功。)
一九九一年九月十三日,德國總理柯爾 (Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl) 應加州大學當時的總校長賈德那(David P. Gardner),及柏克萊加州大學故前校長田長霖之邀,到柏克萊加大的希臘露天劇場發表「田納演講」(The Tanner Lectures on Human Values)。加州大學特地自蒙特利國際研究學院邀請該校「翻譯及傳譯研究所」所長韋柏(Wihelm K. Weber)到柏克萊,研究如何在露天的場地裡,進行無電子傳譯設備的同步口譯。由於筆者曾於一九八九年在國科會資助下,赴蒙特利國際研究學院進行同步口譯之中英語法、語意、詞彙的對比研究。那時筆者常向韋柏所長灌輸我的另類同步傳譯理論與技巧:免用電子通信設備的同步口譯策略。
26 mai : Comment définir la difficulté scolaire en matière de langue(s) ? (如何定义语言当中的学术难题?)
Lieu : Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, salle Las Vergnas, 13, rue de Santeuil, Paris 5ème Organisatrices : Stéphanie Galligani, Sandrine Wachs, Corinne Weber - EA 2288 DILTEC (ED 268)
27 mai : Zola l'individu et la foule (左拉作品中的个人与群体)
Cette journée d'études se propose de revenir sur les rapports entre individu et foule qui se dessinent dans le roman zolien, et qui, dès l'origine, ont retenu l'attention critique (Jules Lemaître, Henry Céard, Emile Hennequin ...)
ESIT >> Les formations >> Interprétation de conférence
Accueil Interprétation de conférence
L'ESIT forme depuis plus de 50 ans des interprètes hautement qualifiés. L'enseignement est exigeant, adapté à la réalité de la profession.
L'interprétation de conférence s'exerce lors de réunions formelles, de grandes manifestations internationales ou de rencontres bilatérales de haut niveau.
Concrètement, les interprètes traduisent oralement les propos d'un orateur, soit de façon consécutive soit de façon simultanée.
La demande d'interprètes de qualité est plutôt en augmentation. Les recruteurs des grandes organisations internationales et régionales recherchent activement des interprètes de langue maternelle anglaise, par exemple. L'arabe et le russe sont également très demandés.
Pour plus de détails sur la formation et les conditions d'admission, cliquez ici. 新添加英文pdf专业介绍 >> English presentation : Masters in Conference Interpreting
Master européen EMCI
La section interprétation de l'ESIT est un membre fondateur du Master européen EMCI, consortium de partenariat, de partage et d'échanges, qui oeuvre à la promotion d'une formation de qualité. Le Master regroupe 18 Ecoles en Europe.
Les diplômés de la section obtiennent également le master européen.
The ESIT Conference Interpreting course is a two-year Masters programme.
ESIT offers training in a wide range of language combinations. All students must have both English and French. Other languages for which training is regularly provided are German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic. Other languages can also be accommodated depending on funding and applications.
We aim to provide high-quality training that will give our graduates direct access to the conference interpreting market worldwide.
To this end, we ensure that all interpreter training is provided by experienced conference interpreters. We also have a high trainer-student ratio. Students are confronted with realistic working conditions (authentic conference documents, mock conferences with outside speakers, opportunities to attend meetings at regional and international organisations, professional-standard simultaneous interpreting equipment).
Applicants are required to sit a series of preliminary written exercises aimed at ascertaining their comprehension and logical reasoning skills. Oral tests are organised in May to test oral language skills and potential interpreting ability.
The course follows the usual French academic year, starting in early October and continuing until mid-May. Exams are held at the end of each year in June or early July and mi september.
For further details about the course and entrance exams, click here.
La Sorbonne Nouvelle sans fil
Dès aujourd'hui la Sorbonne Nouvelle offre à l'ensemble de ses étudiants et personnels un accès wifi à Internet. Nous avons fait le choix de mettre en place le réseau Eduroam désormais disponible sur les principaux sites de notre université. Outre l'accès au wifi à la Sorbonne Nouvelle, ce service vous offre également un accès Internet dans la plupart des universités françaises et dans beaucoup d'universités en Europe, au Canada, en Australie, en Chine, au Japon... Les étudiants et personnels de ces universités peuvent également profiter du réseau Eduroam de la Sorbonne Nouvelle.
Vous pouvez trouver toutes les informations nécessaires pour vous connecter au réseau Eduroam de notre université sur la page : Raphael Costambeys-Kempczynski, Vice Président chargé des Systèmes d'Information et de la Communication
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Another American in Paris-- Historic and touristic sites and events in the United States and France, from a point of view that is no longer American but is not French either.
About Me
Mark Meigs
I am a professor of American History and have worked in France for about 17 years. I planned this blog some time ago to be like the old “Letters from Paris” in The New Yorker magazine. When I mention my heroes of the genre to my friends they groan. If I explain exactly how those authors managed to write once more about this famously beautiful city just by saying it's beautiful, my friends cross their arms. By the time I unravel how, from Janet Flanner to Adam Gopnik, authors rediscover romance here even when the city already has such a romantic pull that Tom Cruise came specially to propose at the top of the Eiffel tower, my friends have found their coats and I hear people on the stairs. So it's good that I have been hurried into bloggery, if not print. This political and labor relations struggle described here, that is far from my usual concerns, involves me willy-nilly, and has given a gloss of action to a contemplative life. So off I go to the barricades. As a man of action I tell what happened and don't explain why I do what I do. Are those footsteps I hear on the stairs coming up or going down now?
Marching on Tuesday, February 10 - Did the Minister Blink?
On Monday night, February 9 (2009), the radio reported that Valérie Pécresse, minister of higher education and research, had withdrawn the reform, the one that would double most professors’ teaching load and maybe let a precious few do some research.
Valérie Pécresse (born July 14, 1967 in Neuilly-sur-Seine, Hauts-de-Seine) is a French politician. She has been deputy of the Yvelines since May 16, 2002, and Minister for Higher Education and Research since May 18, 2007.
Pécresse is the daughter of Dominique Roux (CEO of Bolloré telecom since January 2007).
Pécresse has degrees from HEC School of Management and ÉNA. She was an auditor of the Conseil d'État until 1998, when she was designated counselor of the presidence of the French Republic. She speaks French, English, Russian and Japanese.
In June 2002, she was elected deputy of the Yvelines' second constituency. She was also elected regional counselor of Île-de-France in 2004. Valérie Pécresse was a national spokeswoman of the UMP, and spokeswoman of the party in the Yvelines.
On May 18, 2007, she was designated Minister of Higher Education and Research of François Fillon's second cabinet.
There, she has launched many reforms which have caused a great wave of strikes.
In 2009, the Académie de la Carpette anglaise, an organization that opposes the spread of the English language in France, gave Pécresse the Prix de la Carpette Anglaise ("English Doormat Prize") for having refused to speak French at international meetings in Brussels, Belgium; Pécresse had stated that English was the easiest means of communication.