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回复: rotten 研究所

S/M stands for Sadism and Masochism. Some prefer the term BDSM or Bondage and Discipline, Dominance and Submission. Women who enjoy BDSM find that combining pleasure and pain turns them on.

S/M is not abuse. It is consensual activity between willing partners. BDSM is a way for some women to gain power by pushing their limits. Some examples of S/M are: spanking, bondage, whipping, acting out scenes and attending sex parties.
2006-12-17 19:42:58

使用道具 举报


回复: rotten 研究所

sadism and masochism

Sadism is the sexual pleasure or gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. The word is derived from the name of the Marquis de Sade, a prolific French philosopher-writer of sadistic novels.The counterpart of sadism is masochism, the sexual pleasure or gratification of having pain or suffering inflicted upon the self, often consisting of sexual fantasies or urges for being beaten, humiliated, bound, tortured, or otherwise made to suffer, either as an enhancement to or a substitute for sexual pleasure. The name is derived from the name of the 19th century author Leopold von Sacher-Masoch, known for his novel Venus in Furs that dealt with highly masochistic themes.
Sadism and masochism, often interrelated (one person obtaining sadistic pleasure by inflicting pain or suffering on another person who thereby obtains masochistic pleasure), are collectively known as S&M or sadomasochism.
The words are now commonly used to describe personality traits in an emotional, rather than sexual sense. Although it is quite different from the original meaning, this usage is not entirely inaccurate. There is quite frequently a strong emotional aspect to the sexual desires, taking the form of a need for domination or submission—the desire to control another, or to be controlled, as opposed to a simple desire for pain (which is technically known as algolagnia).
It is often agreed that this desire for dominance or submission is in fact the driving force behind sadomasochism, with the giving and receiving of pain acting only as an active stimulation to reinforce those feelings. This view is supported by the nature of sadomasochistic behavior. A masochist does not in general take pleasure in any arbitrary form of pain, only in pain received under the pretext of enforcing authority, and typically only that of a sexual nature. Likewise, a sadist usually only takes pleasure in pain that is inflicted for reasons of punishment and control, and most often for the indirect pleasure of the masochist. Many sadomasochistic activities involve only mild pain or discomfort. Often they are focused primarily on roleplay.

The biology of S&M

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Pain, violence, sex and love all are associated with the release of a variety of hormones and chemicals within the human body. Furthermore, humans have been shown to exhibit sympathetic responses in their bodies while watching, hearing, or imagining such experiences.

  • Levels of sex hormone testosterone can be temporarily affected by one's role S&M interactions. Dominant participants often get raised testosterone levels; whereas submissive participants often get depressed testosterone levels.

  • Endorphins are released by pain experiences and can be perceived as pleasurable and possibly psychologically addictive. It is due to this same release of endorphins that people can become addicted to self harm. In this way, the acts of self harm and engaging in masochistic behavior can be similar in function though most would agree, not in causality.

  • Brain chemicals such as serotonin and melatonin can be affected by emotional or stressful experiences.
The effects of S&M on body chemistry probably reinforce the behavior and therefore create psychological states that seek to further such behavior.

The psychology of S&M

The terms sadism and masochism were first used consistently to describe these behaviors by the German psychiatrist Richard Freiherr von Krafft-Ebing in his 1886 compilation of case studies Psychopathia Sexualis, a famous study of sexual perversity. Sigmund Freud, a psychoanalyst and a contemporary of Krafft-Ebing, noted that both were often found in the same individuals, and combined the two into a single dichotomous entity known as sadomasochism (often abbreviated as S&M or S/M). This observation is commonly verified in both literature and practice; many sadists and masochists define themselves as "switchable"—capable of taking pleasure in either role.
Both Krafft-Ebing and Freud assumed that sadism in men resulted from the distortion of the aggressive component of the male sexual instinct. Masochism in men, however, was seen as a more significant aberration, contrary to the nature of male sexuality. Freud doubted that masochism in men was ever a primary tendency, and speculated that it may exist only as a transformation of sadism. Sadomasochism in women received comparatively little discussion, as it was believed that it occurred primarily in men. Both also assumed that masochism was so inherent to female sexuality that it would be difficult to distinguish as a separate inclination.
Havelock Ellis, in Studies in the Psychology of Sex, argued that there is no clear distinction between the aspects of sadism and masochism, and that they may be regarded as complementary emotional states. He also made the important point that sadomasochism is concerned only with pain in regard to sexual pleasure, and not in regard to cruelty, as Freud had suggested. In other words, the sadomasochist generally desires that the pain be inflicted or received in love, not in abuse, for the pleasure of either one or both participants. This mutual pleasure may even be essential for the satisfaction of those involved.
Here Ellis touches upon the often paradoxical nature of consensual S&M. It is not only pain to initiate pleasure, but violence—or the simulation of violence—to express love. This contradictory character is perhaps most evident in the observation by some that not only are sadomasochistic activities usually done for the benefit of the masochist, but that it is often the masochist that controls them, through subtle emotional cues received by the sadist.
In his essay Coldness and Cruelty, Gilles Deleuze rejects the term 'sadomasochism' as artificial, especially in the context of the prototypical masochistic work, Sacher-Masoch's Venus In Furs. Deleuze instead argues that the tendency toward masochism is based on desire brought on from the delay of gratification. Taken to its extreme, an infinite delay, this is manifested as perpetual coldness. The masochist derives pleasure from, as Deleuze puts it, The Contract: the process by which he can control another individual and turn the individual into someone cold and callous. The Sadist, in contrast, derives pleasure from The Law: the unavoidable power that places one person below another. The sadist attempts to destroy the ego in an effort to unify the id and superego, in effect gratifying the most base desires the sadist can express while ignoring or competely suppressing the will of the ego, or of the conscience. Thus, Deleuze attempts to argue that Masochism and Sadism arise from such different impulses that the combination of the two terms is meaningless and misleading. The perceived sadistic capabilities of masochists are treated by Deleuze as reactions to masochism. Indeed, in the epilogue of Venus In Furs, the character of Severin has become bitter from his experiment in masochism, and advocates instead the domination of women.
Many theorists, particularly feminist theories, have suggested that sadomasochism is an inherent part of modern Western culture. According to their theories, sex and relationships are both consistently taught to be formulated within a framework of male dominance and female submission. Some of them further link this hypothesized framework to inequalities among gender, class, and race which remain a substantial part of society, despite the efforts of the civil rights movement and feminism. However, the degree to which any of these influences actually affect sexuality -- either consciously or unconsciously -- is unknown, and the validity of this theory of socially-conditioned female masochism is questionable.
There are a number of reasons commonly given for why a sadomasochist finds the practice of S&M enjoyable, and the answer is largely dependent on the individual. For some, taking on a role of compliance or helplessness offers a form of therapeutic escape; from the stresses of life, from responsibility, or from guilt. For others, being under the power of a strong, controlling presence may evoke the feelings of safety and protection associated with childhood. They likewise may derive satisfaction from earning the approval of that figure (see: Servitude (BDSM)). A sadist, on the other hand, may enjoy the feeling of power and authority that comes from playing the dominant role, or receive pleasure vicariously through the suffering of the masochist. It is poorly understood, though, what ultimately connects these emotional experiences to sexual gratification, or how that connection initially forms.
It is usually agreed on by psychologists that experiences during early sexual development can have a profound effect on the character of sexuality later in life. Sadomasochistic desires, however, seem to form at a variety of ages. Some individuals report having had them before puberty, while others do not discover them until well into adulthood. According to one study, the majority of male sadomasochists (53%) developed their interest before the age of 15, while the majority of females (78%) developed their interest afterwards (Breslow, Evans, and Langley 1985). Like sexual fetishes, sadomasochism can be learned through conditioning—in this context, the repeated association of sexual pleasure with an object or stimulus.

The distinction between S&M, BDSM and D/S

Sadists enjoy inflicting sexual pain. Masochists enjoy receiving sexual pain. D/S is Domination and submission. Not all masochists are submissive, and not all submissives enjoy pain. Not all sexual sadists are dominant, and not all who enjoy domination are sexual sadists. BDSM is a term which describes many activities: bondage, discipline, domination and submission, sadism and masochism.

Sadism and masochism in real life

The term BDSM describes the quite common activities between consenting adults that contain sadistic and masochistic elements. Many behaviors such as erotic spanking, tickling and love-bites that many people think of only as "rough" sex also contain elements of sado-masochism. Note the issue of legal consent which may or may not represent a defense to criminal liability for any more serious injuries caused.
In certain extreme cases, sadism and masochism can include fantasies, sexual urges or behaviour that cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning, to the point that they can be considered part of a mental disorder. However, this is an uncommon case, and psychiatrists are now moving towards regarding sadism and masochism not as disorders in and of themselves, but only as disorders when associated with other problems such as a personality disorder.
"Sadism" and "masochism," in the context of consensual sexual activities, are not strictly accurate terms, at least by the psychological definitions. "Sadism" in absolute terms refers to someone whose pleasure in causing pain does not depend on the consent of the "victim." Indeed, a lack of consent may be a requisite part of the experience for a true sadist. Similarly, the masochist in consensual BDSM is someone who enjoys the experience of pain in a particular context and, usually, according to a certain scripted and mutually agreed upon "scene." These "masochists" do not typically enjoy pain in other scenarios, such as accidental injury, medical procedures, and so on.
Similarly, the exchange of power in S&M may not be along the expected lines. While it might be assumed that the "sadist," or "top"--the person who gives the sensation or causes the humiliation--is the one with the power, the actual power may lie with the "masochist," or "bottom," who typically creates the script, or at least sets the boundaries, by which the S&M practitioners play.

Sadism and masochism in fiction

In general, the depiction of sadism and masochism in fiction tends to be portrayed from the viewpoint of masochistic fantasy.
Leopold von Sacher-Masoch's novel Venus in Furs is essentially one long masochistic fantasy, where the male principal character encourages his mistress to mistreat him. It inspired a song of the same name, and about the same subject matter, by the rock group The Velvet Underground, featuring the lyric "Kiss the boot of shiny, shiny leather."
Edward Hyde, one of the main characters Robert Louis Stevenson's in The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, is described as experiencing glee when he beats statesman Sir Danvers Carew to death.
George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four might be seen as containing sadism, in that the man O'Brien, when he is torturing Winston Smith, seems to enjoy doing so. Indeed, he exults in the destruction and despair he inflicts, seeing it as an excercise of power.
The 1971 film Straw Dogs, by director Sam Peckinpah, features a scene where the character of Amy Sumner (played by Susan George) is "raped" by her ex-boyfriend. The scene is extremely ambiguous, but it is usually interpreted that Amy begins to enjoy the encounter, of which she is the masochistic subject.
In the 1987 film Hellraiser and its sequels, Pinhead (the lead cenobite) feels that there is beauty in suffering and torture.
Story of O is another classic masochistic novel, written by a woman, Pauline Réage. In this novel, the female principal character is kept in a chateau and mistreated by a group of men.
The novelist Anne Rice, best known for Interview with the Vampire, wrote the sadomasochistic trilogy The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty under the pseudonym of A. N. Roquelaure.
Bram Stoker's Dracula features three women who like Count Dracula himself maintain youth and vigour by drinking the blood of other humans. These three, who are concubines or wives of the Count, seem to glorify pain and suffering of others; they refer to their drinking of blood as a "kiss" and enjoy it with a sexual passion.
Terry Brooks' The Wishsong of Shannara features a demon called the Jachyra, which is delighted and excited by pain-- its own and that of others alike.
The 2001 movie La Pianiste (released with subtitles as The Piano Teacher) describes a relationship between a repressed piano teacher and her pupil, which ends unhappily when she reveals her extreme masochistic desires to him, which brings the relationship to an end, but not before he has made a disgusted attempt to enact his conception of her masochistic fantasies.
The metaphysical documentary What the Bleep Do We Know!? featured a bridesmaid who is shown subconsciously transmitting the message "Make me suffer please!" to the wedding-guests.
The 2001 Japanese movie Koroshiya 1 (released with subtitles as Ichi the Killer) follows 2 main characters, Kakihara and Ichi. Kakihara is an extreme sado-masochist who has a taste for pain and humiliation, while also having a taste of delivering pain and humiliation. Kakihara is looking for the extreme sadist who will grant him his wish of ultimate masochistic release even if it results in his death. (In fact he hopes it does)
A 2002 movie, Secretary, directed by Steven Shainberg, explores the relationship between a masochistic secretary and her dominant, sadistic employer.
The TV drama Queer as Folk includes elements of S&M.
The characters of Dr. Phoebus Farb in the 1960 black comedy The Little Shop of Horrors and Orin Scrivello, DDS in the musical stage adaptation of the same title are comically sadistic figures.
Several pirates, outlaws, and slave-drivers in Brian Jacques' Redwall series are described as cowards who enjoy inflicting pain on weaker creatures-- only to be slain, often by a hero whom they had underestimated.
A character in Anne Bishop's trilogy, the Black Jewels Trilogy, is called Daemon Sadi and nicknamed "The Sadist" for his cruelty towards women (who used him as a personal prostitute).
In Paulo Coelho's novel Eleven Minutes the main character, Maria, experiments with sadomasochism and her partner has studied the topic thoroughly.

Sadomasochism in popular culture

Sadomasochism has also become a popular theme for advertisers who seek to appear "edgy" or unconventional. Anheuser-Busch, Inc., a mainstream brewer of popular beers, including Bud Lite, now sponsors the Folsom Street Fair and Diesel brand Jeans runs ads in major fashion magazines with an S&M theme.
2006-12-17 19:49:08

使用道具 举报


回复: rotten 研究所

Post by 花散里
不好意思 我看到的 都是 红叉叉
Post by 淘气小笨蛋
红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉 红叉叉
Post by sin_city

不好意思~都是silent hill的wallpaper,我那个空间挂了,可能流量太大了吧,到时候我换个空间再传,最近忙,下周传,嘿嘿
2006-12-17 19:52:25

使用道具 举报


回复: rotten 研究所



2006-12-18 10:43:29

使用道具 举报


回复: rotten 研究所




(四)连环变 态杀手类:著名的《万圣节》(《月光光心慌慌》)系列可以从1978年一直拍到今年的第八集《万圣节惊魂——刀光再现》、《德克萨斯电锯杀人狂》、《连环杀手肖像:亨利》、《危情十日》、《继父》、《尖声惊叫》系列、《去年夏天搞的鬼1、2》、《毛骨悚然》、《七宗罪》、《来自地狱》、《沉默的羔羊》、《汉尼拔》到《红龙》、《支解狂魔》、《毛骨悚然2》等

最后特别介绍英国恐怖片《杀人如麻》(CRADLE OF FEAR)



1. 活跳尸(Re-Animator):制片人布里安.尤兹纳,导演斯图尔特.戈登。
2. 活跳尸(二):导演布里安.尤兹纳。
3. 活魔人(From Beyond 1986):导演布里安.尤兹纳。
4. 养鬼吃人(系列):迄今已拍7集,以一、二、三集最有价值。一、二集导克里夫.贝克。
5. 群尸玩过界:导演彼得.杰克逊,这是他才华尽显的成功之作(他就是《魔戒3之王者归来》的导演)。
6. 德州链锯杀人狂(系列):托比.胡伯的成功之作,该系列共四集,后三集具有一定价值。
7. 幽浮魔点:查克.拉塞尔的早期名作,1988年公映,对50年代旧作的翻拍。
8. 鬼驱人(系列):托比.胡伯与斯匹尔伯格打造的名作。后又续出两集。
9. 美国人狼在伦敦:又称鬼追人、人狼咬哗鬼,人狼题材中的经典,悲剧。
10. 猛鬼街(系列):名导韦斯.卡拉文的惊世之作,以一、二、三集最好,四、五、六、七集虽逊色,但绝对值得全部收齐。而且几个名导均涉入其中,该系列片成了他们在恐怖片领域的演军之所,如查克.拉塞尔(三集)、雷尼.哈林(四集)、史蒂芬.霍普金斯(五集)。
11. 黑色星期五(系列):迄今共十集,该系列片仁者见仁,智者见智,毁誉参半。该片也译为《太凶杀人狂》。
12. 月光光心慌慌(系列):迄今共八集,名导约翰.卡朋特是始作俑者。它潜移默化影响了一批以凶杀案为主题的恐怖片。
13. 闪灵:库导的大作,不收遗憾终生!!!!!
14. 梦幻杀人档案:克里夫.贝克风格的作品。
15. 驱魔人(系列):共三集,第一集绝对经典!宗教色彩浓厚,二、三集价值不大。
16. 人狼(系列):八十年代的人狼系列片,是人狼类恐怖片的全面教材之作。共六集。
17. 哗鬼番生(系列):又叫灵魔翻生、生人回避。活死人题材的经典,比乔治.罗梅罗的僵尸电 影要活泼得多,共三集,一、二集强调特技,第三集由布里安.尤兹纳执导,特技+情感,还感动了不少人!
18. 差品味:彼得.杰克逊的作品。
19. 烈血海底城:属于变异生物类的恐怖片。第一滴血续集的导演乔治.卡斯梅托的作品。
20. 地狱之城:意大利导演Lucio Fulci之作,该导演特色有二:故事发生地总在外国,以美国居多;有刺激人消化道之作用!
21. The beyond:译名不详,前述导演的作品。
22. 僵尸(系列):原名ZOMBIE,共四集。Lucio Fulci是始作俑者,第一集最为经典。
23. 丧尸出笼:乔治.罗梅罗的作品,此君的电影适合给Micheal Jackson作MTV背景用。 该片一度被奸商作为电影版的《生化危机》出售。
24. 死亡的黎明:乔治.罗梅罗的另一代表作。
25. 恶夜僵尸:乔治.罗梅罗僵尸电影的得意之作,1968、1990共拍了两次。
26. 天魔回魂:约翰.卡朋特的宗教类恐怖片,观众需要知道一些基督教内容,是一部在科学与宗教中作妥协的产物,符合八十年代的科学宗教之风。
27. 变种夜魔:克里夫.贝克的作品,名导大卫.克罗南伯格在片中饰一杀人犯。
28. 撒旦回归(系列):共三集,也是宗教类恐怖片。
29. 鬼娃回魂:鬼娃新娘共四集。颇具特色,独树一帜,确立了一种以玩具为主角的恐怖片类型,开创了此类低成本片的先河,有一批追捧者。一、二集最好!尤其是第二集!特技+情节不错!
30. 恶魔玩具:鬼娃回魂的成功仿制品。
31. 突变第三型:80年代至今,是未知生物、外星生物(异形)的风摩期,约翰.卡朋特的这一作品较好地赶上这一潮流。
32. 穿梭猛鬼城(系列):宗教类恐怖片。
33. 闯错鬼门关(系列):即children of the corn,邪 教题材恐怖片。
34. 试管人魔:与“苍蝇"要反映的主题类似,人类永远不要充当上帝的角色,否则只能作孽!
35. 异形怪体:经典片,多次重拍,最近一次是1993年,导演斯图尔特.戈登。
36. 夜夜破胆:布里安.尤兹纳95年的宗教类恐怖片。
37. 魔鬼牙医(系列):布里安.尤兹纳作品,心理扭曲的世界的真实反映,两集。
38. 夺命凶眼(系列):大卫.克里罗南伯格开的头。共三集。
39. 食人族:属人类学题材的恐怖片,真实性不容置疑。另一部叫 Eaten Alive 也属于此类。
40. 蚂蚁帝国(食人蚁):属于自然类或生物学类题材恐怖片,十分真实!
41. 惊异大魔茧(食人巨蚊):生物学类题材的夸张,看起来像几亿年前一米多长的古蜻蜓。
42. 蛞蝓之灾:生物学类题材恐怖片。
43. 种子人魔:类似“异形怪体"。
44. 变种DNA(系列):生物学类题材恐怖片的又一夸张之作。共三集。
45. 破茧天魔(系列):共四集,韦斯.卡拉文始作俑。
46. 杀出个黎明(系列):共三集,塔伦蒂诺的鬼才之作!酷到极点!
47. 夜半鬼敲门(系列):共二集。史蒂芬.金的作品。
48. 舐血夜魔:史蒂芬.金的悲剧恐怖片,主题曲是ENYA的作品,回味无穷!!!
49. 丧尸特警:活死人题材的佳作。
50. 变形战士:擦“异形"边的仿制品,枪战场面不少。
51. 蛇妖:白面小生休.格兰特的作品,英伦风味重。
52. 从死亡归来(BACK FROM THE DEAD):与《群尸玩过界》类似,绝对刺激视觉与心理防线!
53. 人玩鬼(系列):又译《尸变》,影片中描述了尸体腐烂的千变万化,即恶心又恐怖。共三集。
54. 割人狂医:与“魔鬼牙医"一个类型。
54. 割人狂医:与“魔鬼牙医"一个类型。
55. 狂犬病:大卫.克罗南伯格的作品。
56. 变种血魔:布里安.尤兹纳的作品,生物类题材。
57. 恐怖南瓜头(系列):美国地域式的恐怖片,共四集。
58. 曼哈顿的婴儿:Lucio Fulci的作品。
59. 守墓屋:Lucio Fulci的作品,意大利式僵尸。
60. 变种女郎:一部优秀的人狼题材作品。
61. 杀手的肖像(系列):共二集。**杀人的真实描写!实在是杀人不眨眼!!!
62. 活死人的孩子:最新的活死人电影!
63. 血腥圣诞夜(系列):又称超魔空间,邪 教题材恐怖片,共四集。
64. C、H、U、D(系列):纽约地下生存的变异生物杀人的故事。
65. 蜘蛛岛:布里安.尤兹纳2001年的作品。
66. 食人巨鳄(系列):共三集。自然类恐怖片。
67. 小强风暴:原称they nest ,自然类恐怖片。
68. 蝙蝠:自然类恐怖片。
69. 梯下亡魂:精神不正常的人离远些为妙!此片是警示。韦斯.卡拉文的作品。
70. 铁血人狼:另类人狼的作品。
71. 神鬼大反扑:韦斯.卡拉文的吸血鬼题材作品,不错!不拖泥带水。
72. 墓穴怪谈(系列):该系列电影每一集均由二、三个独立小故事组成,题材广泛。其中有一集是施瓦辛格任导演。
73. 猛鼠食人城:生物变异的题材。
74. 猛鬼屋逐个捉:50年代老片重拍。泽梅基斯任制片人,可见此片重要性。
75. 鬼入侵(The Haunting):与《猛鬼屋逐个捉》题材相同。音效优异。又称“鬼屋凶灵"。
76. 瘦到死:史蒂芬.金的作品。
77. 深海狂鲨:生物变异的题材。雷尼.哈林的作品。
78. 魔鬼医院:**医生用活人作试验的恐怖故事。
79. 看夜更:丹麦的一部冲入美国市场较为成功的恐怖片。
80. 魔女佳丽(系列):共两集,人体特异功能式的恐怖片,复仇至上。
81. 血尸夜/恶夜之吻(黑夜临近):比尔.派克斯顿演的一部僵尸类恐怖片,人物刻划得不错。
82. 隔离屋有鬼:80年代的片子,属于“小魔怪"式的恐怖片。
83. 我知道你去年夏天干了什么(系列):两集。《月光光心慌慌》的追捧作。
84. 夺命狂呼(系列):三集。又译《惊声尖叫》。第一集最好。
85. 猛鬼学校(大学舞会之夜):四集。英文名:Prom Night 。80年代的作品,类似魔女佳丽。
86. 大白鲨:共四集。斯皮尔伯格始作俑。第一集不错,二、三也可。
87. 凶兆:共四集。类似大法师,宗教气氛弥漫。
88. 行尸女郎:Living Dead Girl。活死人题材。
89. 深海异形:自然类题材恐怖片。
90. 不可思议的勾魂事件:彼得.杰克逊到美国后的第一部作品,有些喜剧色彩。
91. 巫毒教:神秘邪 教使死人复活的题材。
92. 禁入魔镜(系列):共三集。
93. 捉妖小天师:少年儿童也能驱除邪怪。影片里出现了弗兰肯斯坦、人狼、CHUD、木乃伊,吸血鬼等鬼怪。
94. 惊心食人族:另类宗教题材。
95. 口出狂言:约翰.卡朋特的作品。又称战悚黑洞.
96. 巨蛙:自然类题材。
97. 巨蛙镇:变异人统治未来的题材。
98. 凶雾杀机:复仇/复仇……卡朋特的作品。
99. X你老墓(系列):两集。有点色情,妇女受害复仇,可以理解。
100. 追命传说(系列):三集。自然+宗教类题材。
2006-12-18 11:41:14

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三池崇史 Takashi Miike 恐怖的萦绕

Kôshônin (2003)
牛头 Gokudô kyôfu dai-gekijô: Gozu (2003)
Kikoku (2003)  
生存还是毁灭3:特警新人王 Dead or Alive: Final (2002)  
Paato-taimu tantei (2002)  
Gokudô seisen: Jihaado III (2002)  
Jitsuroku Andô Noboru kyôdô-den: Rekka (2002)  
Shin jingi no hakaba (2002)
Onna kunishuu ikki (2002)  
Gokudô seisen: Jihaado II (2002)  
Pandoora (2002)
Sabu (2002)  
Koroshiya 1: The Animation Episode 0 (2002)
Gokudô seisen: Jihaado (2002)  
Kin'yuu hametsu Nippon: Tôgenkyô no hito-bito (2002)
Araburu tamashii-tachi (2001)  
Zuiketsu gensô - Tonkararin yume densetsu (2001)
拜访者Q Bizita Q (2001)
Family (2001)
Nikutai keibiin - sakareta seifuku (2001)
Katakuri-ke no kôfuku (2001)
杀手阿一 Koroshiya 1 (2001)  
Kikuchi-jô monogatari - sakimori-tachi no uta (2001)  
生存还是毁灭2:逃亡者 Dead or Alive 2: Tôbôsha (2000)  
Tengoku kara kita otoko-tachi (2000)
"Tajuu jinkaku tantei saiko - Amamiya Kazuhiko no kikan" (2000)  
Tsukamoto Shin'ya ga Ranpo suru (2000)
Isola: Tajuu jinkaku shôjo (2000)
漂流街 Hyôryuu-gai (2000)
切肤之爱 Ôdishon (1999)  
Silver - shirubaa (1999)
上班族金太郎 Sarariiman Kintarô (1999)  
日本黑社会 Nihon kuroshakai (1999)
Tennen shôjo Man next: Yokohama hyaku-ya hen (1999)
生存还是毁灭:犯罪者 Dead or Alive: Hanzaisha (1999)  
"Tennen shôjo Man" (1999)
中国鸟人 Chûgoku no chôjin (1998)  
雨狗 Gokudô kuroshakai (1997)  
Full Metal gokudô (1997)
战国极道志 Gokudô sengokushi: Fudô (1996)
新宿黑社会 Shinjuku kuroshakai: Chaina mafia sensô (1995)  
四万十川 Shimanto-gawa (1991)  
浪人街 Rônin-gai (1990)  
原子劫 Kuroi ame (1989)  
孔雀王 Kujaku ô (1988)
女衔 Zegen (1987)
2006-12-18 11:55:17

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大卫.柯南伯格 David Cronenberg

1967毕业后他曾为加拿大电视台拍摄多部短片,在独立拍摄了两部试验短片《Stereo,1969》和《Crimes of the Future,1970》之后,大卫.柯南伯格在1975年拍摄了他的首部长片《淫魔劫》(Shivers),并且得到了加拿大电影发展局的资助,不过电影局可能会为此次资助后悔。影片讲述的是某高级公寓里的一群住户遭遇不明寄生虫的侵袭而成为宿主,结果这些人陷入无法控制的性疯狂状态,而最后在得到高潮的同时也收获了死亡,影片结尾游泳池的一场戏像是恶魔的盛宴般惊心动魄。虽然在形式上克罗南伯格的影片和另两位著名恐怖片导演乔治.罗梅罗(George Romero)及托比.胡伯(Tobe Hooper)一样强调感官的刺激对观众的视觉冲激,但是克罗南伯格的恐怖片却善于把想像世界的残酷同现实生活的平庸结合在一起,强调恶梦的恐怖源于它是真实生活的一部份。这部影片在票房大卖的同时,也正式开启了大卫.柯南伯格的“恐怖之旅”!
大卫.柯南伯格的电影一直的一个主题是科学技术对人体的改造,最直接的后果就是产生各种突变而使一切变得无法控制而走上宿命的悲剧命运。如他的《疯狗症》(Rabid ,1977) 讲述了一个接受实验性植皮手术以保全美貌的女子因突变而成为了性吸血鬼。1983年的《死亡禁区》(The Dead Zone,1983)讲述医生相信一位能预知未来的人也能改变未来,结果在给一位政客的实验中直接造成了核灾难。这部根据史蒂芬.金小说改编的电影颇受好评。在《苍蝇》(The Fly,1986)中,负责“物体分解传送系统”科学家因为传送舱中混入的一只苍蝇而使自己成为半人半蝇的怪物。大卫.柯南伯格利用科技、人性的矛盾冲突产生独特的魅力,使其影片以恐怖的影像来表现哲学的、文学的内涵。
2006-12-18 11:58:36

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回复: rotten 研究所

我就喜欢看恐怖片 , 以前一到租 CD 光碟的地方就问有没有新恐怖片 .
但 Silent Hill 实在是太烂 , 看 10 分钟就看不下去了 .
后来跳着看 , 也觉得没劲 , 美国这么多年来没拍出来过象点样的恐怖片 .
2006-12-18 11:59:18

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回复: rotten 研究所

Post by sin_city
2006-12-18 15:51:52

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Post by coolbank
2006-12-18 15:53:24

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2006-12-18 16:51:23

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2006-12-18 16:51:39

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2006-12-18 16:59:55

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2006-12-18 17:03:25

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