保卫奥运圣火就是保卫奥运精神, 您参加了吗?
Protect Olympic Torch == Protect Olympic Spirit, are you with us?
Olympic game carries a 100-year dream of all Chinese of 56 nationalities.
Today, the Olympic Torch is suffering humiliation and is crying in bloody violence.
Tears in London!
For the violence to the Olympic!
For the prejudiced media!
For the lies from CNN!
英雄的她虽身有残疾,面对穷凶极恶的藏*独暴力抢夺和殴打,她用自己纤弱的后背来保护怀 里的圣火。
In Paris, a disabled female athlete is protecting the Olympic Torch with her back against the violence! Who is abusing human right? Who is bringing violence to this world?
是什么使她这么坚强?! 是奥运精神!
What makes her so strong?! The Olympic spirit!
奥运精神正在你的眼前蒙受着羞辱和暴力, 你在哪里?
Olympic spirit is suffering humiliation and violence in front of your eyes! Where are you?
保卫北京奥运圣火传递的队伍里, 我们能看到您吗?
Protect Beijing Olympic Torch Relay, can we see you there?!