第10个问题被选择的是一个SMS&P部门的黑人女孩实习生(PS:不是歧视,还长得很困难) 所以挑得上挑不上纯粹是运气问题 点名是由法国分公司的President Eric Boustouller来挑的 所以请你放下你的偏见 微软里面的文化是平等 ...
第10个问题被选择的是一个SMS&P部门的黑人女孩实习生(PS:不是歧视,还长得很困难) 所以挑得上挑不上纯粹是运气问题点名是由法国分公司的President Eric Boustouller来挑的 所以请你放下你的偏见 微软里面的文化是平等平和的我和Division的老板隔一个办公桌同在一个Open Space,他的桌子一点不比我的大,他的还不是窗口位,因为他经常不在所以特意留下窗口位给新来的同事享受
最后 尊敬不等于卑躬屈膝 只有缺乏德性的人才会喜欢哈巴狗 全体同事5分钟的鼓掌是发自内心的尊敬
oh, so they did pick a "stagiaire". I know this may sound dumb, but maybe u didn't get picked just for not being ugly enough?! lol
you know what, even if ur boss had a bigger desk, i wouldn't consider that you are a victim of inequality. why, because i don't simply base my judgement on sizes of desks or their locations. your boss' desk is of same size as yours, maybe it's just that he doesn't need a bigger one. he's decided to leave the window-side location to a newcomer or whosoever, it's just because he is often away from the office. such a gesture gives no proof of equality at work, even generosity. just come to think of it, except those "dog-in-the-manger" type of guys, who won't let others enjoy sth that one has no need for? Commen sense, right? well, another possibility that shouldn't be ruled out: Your boss might be troubled with a certain dread of heights which keeps him away from windows. hehe. just a joke. what do i know? but anyway, to me, the true equality has a very profound meaning and should be defined as being equal in opportunties and many other things. of course, if your boss gives up sth he needs for the good of a new co-worker, that will be sth complete different. and i would probably, in that case, be willing to concede the existenceof equality and peace in your workingenvironment.
too bad u didn't answer my question in my last message.
典型找架的 我不爱吵嘴 随你说去吧 你自己慢慢探讨“equality at work”吧 反正我在那呆着觉得不错就是了 每天早上起来都很有动力去上班 你什么时候找到了真正equal的公司的时候记得发个帖子通报一下大家 ...
咱又不是劳动监察局的,犯不上为这种事儿劳神。再说了,即便找到了,我想也没必要在这儿里发帖子通报了吧。又不是像见到BG这样的重大事件。说实在的,能亲眼一睹他老人家的风采,这种机会对于我们这样的普通人恐怕不会比在北京奥运的机会能多多少。也就是lz不太想张扬此事吧了。要我看,不要说在这里发个帖子了,就是登报发声明都不为过。当然,这会不可避免地牵扯到一些费用问题。so how about this: you stand in the busiest street in Paris, holding one arm high in the air, and yell at the top of your lungs: I MET BILL GATES! I MET BILL GATES! I MET BILL GATES! That'll do it.
parlant de l'esprit de partage, c'est pas pour autant de partager n'importe quoi avec n'importe quel motif, mais de partager ce qui merite d'etre partage, autrement dit, qqch d'utile. sur ce point la, je vous cache pas le fait que j'ai bcp de mal a voir en quoi votre post est utile aux autres. relisez les reponses dans ce thread, vous verrez bien ce que je voulais dire. en faisant partager votre experience "precieuse", votre post n'a suscite que des reactions comme la jalousie, l'ironie, la plaisanterie et l'indifference chez les autres. meme bon, il faut reconnaitre que certaines reponses sont marrantes et m'ont fait sourire. si c'est ca le plaisir de partage que vous entendez, je suis entierement d'accord. lol enfin, bref, ca fait un peu pretentieux de faire etalage de qqch sous le pretexte de partage, non?