I fully understand the frustration losting in the software installation, especially for people like me IT slower.
A little sharing to ppl wanting this GPS:
The GUAM Map is not necessary, as long as you download the uncoded TOMTOM through the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/59307490/tt6.032_elrincondedey_.rar www.revefrance.com
The follow the steps:
打开网页后,点free 再新打开的一页里输入那几个字母,用右键另存(不要用任何下载工具)速度大约800k/s 下载解压后得到两个文件夹,第一个是安装文件,第二个是破解文件,把安装文件xx.cab复制到ppc ou pda ou tomtom机子安装后,把破解文件tomtmom.exe 替换安装目录里的tomtom可执行文件即可
1. copy the file downloaded into your PPC, unzip the files (suggest to store in memory card, not PPC device)
2. run the "ttn_6_032_8351_HTCNLD.cab" from your PPC (the TOMTOM will be installed into your PPC device program folder autoly)
3. replace the second file "TomTom Navigator.exe" in your unzip file to the one with the same name under your PPC device program file.
4. run the application, check if it is ok.
Wish this help some people : )
Thank you to the topic issuer, this is really a fantastic sharing! I am going to France with your GPS map. : )