原帖由 李云龙 于 2007-11-23 18:54 发表 
frank_d老兄,长矛阵是被大剑破的么? 这破铁片子能负担的起这种历史责任么? 你找资料来给大家看看。 别跟俺称兄道弟,俺可高攀不起,,,破铁片子?你真井底的蛤蟆,你不懂就别装了,欧洲中世纪末文艺复兴初期刀剑盔甲冶炼技术是冶炼界8大奇迹之一,跟中国百炼钢齐名,你当我们跟国内的垃圾军事论坛似的就是玩玩刀剑啊,材料学冶炼学都要了解的,跟你似的知道点皮毛就到处炫耀,真不愿意搭理你这样的人,告诉你材料,自己去查,你NB的话英语难不住你吧,你以后别在这里出现了好不好?
n contrast to longswords, technically, true two-handed swords (epee's a deux main)or "two-handers" were actually Renaissance, not Medieval weapons. Theyare really those specialized forms of the later 1500-1600s, such as theSwiss/German Dopplehänder ("double-hander") or Bidenhänder ("both-hander"). The popular names Zweihander / Zweyhanderare actually relatively modern not historical terms. English ones weresometimes referred to as "slaughter-swords" after the German, Schlachterschwerter("battle swords"). While used similarly to longswords, and evenemployed in some duels, they were not identical in handling orperformance. No major historical teachings detailing fencing with thesespecific weapons are known. These weapons were used primarily forfighting among pike-squares where they would hack paths throughknocking aside poles, possibly even lobbing the ends off opposinghalberds and pikes then slashing and stabbing among the ranks. Wieldedby the largest and most impressive soldiers (Doppelsoldners,who received double pay), they were also used to guard banners andcastle walls. The Italian humanist historian Paulus Jovius writing inthe early 1500s also described the two-hand great sword as being usedby Swiss soldiers to chop the shafts of pikes at the battle of Fornovoin” 《The Weighty Issue of Two-Handed Greatswords》J. Clements
“Kamniker and Krenn”
”William J. McPeak. "For a Swordsmen with Muscle as Well as Skill, Two Hands Could be Better Than One." Military History“
“Metropolitan's 1982”
“Art of Chivalry”
“Leon Gautier.Chivalay[M].New York,Barnes & Noble Inc,1968. ”
“Raymond Rudorff.Knights and the age of chivalry[M].New York,The VikingPress,1974. ”
“Maurice Keen.Chivalry[M].New Haven and London,Yale University Press,1984.”
“Michael Foss.Chivalry[M].New York,David McKay Company Inc,1975. ”
“Edgar Prestage.Chivalry[M].New York,Alfred A Knopf,1928. ”
“Richard W Kaeuper.Chivalry and Violence in Medieval Europe[M].OxfordUniversity Press,1999.”
[ 本帖最后由 frank_d 于 2007-11-23 20:07 编辑 ] |