四六级历年翻译真题中,“教育”话题是出现频率最高的。而且,根据我们这几年的观察发现:四六级翻译话题重复率较高。那么,下文的重点词汇你就必须要掌握了。 本文节选自教育部部长袁贵人3月11日两会期间的记者话实录,“黑体”词汇为“四六级翻译”重点 1.中国教育发展总体水平已达到甚至超过世界上很多中上收入国家。 The quality of education in China is on a par with, or even exceeds, many medium-high income countries.2.中国有悠久的、优秀的教育传统,我们形成了自己的特色和模式。China has a long and excellent history and tradition in education, and we have formed our educational characteristics and models.3.中国的教育比较注重基本知识的传授,比较注重基本技能的训练,比较注重行为规范的养成,再加上中国老师和学??的辛勤、刻苦、勤奋,我们在很多方面取得了优秀的成绩,培养出了一些优秀的人才。Chinese education puts more focus on imparting knowledge, basic skills training and discipline. Plus, thanks to the hard work of Chinese teachers and students, we have made excellent achievementsin education and cultivated a lot of talents. 4.但是,我们确有自己的不足。比如,我们的学生特别是中小学生课业负担过重,我们的学生创新精神不强,实践能力不足。But we also have shortcomings. For example, our students, especially in primary and middle schools, bear a heavy course load. Our students lack innovation.5.因此强调,要推进素质教育,主要的目标是什么?就是??提高学生的创新精神和实践能力。The major aim for promoting quality-oriented education is to promote innovation and practical abilities. 6.我们应当立足中国大地,弘扬我们的优秀文化传统,同时我们应当虚心学习借鉴各国有益的、成功的教育做法和经验。We should develop our traditional education methods, and also absorb the successful education experiences and methods from other countries.7.中国学前教育毛入学率为75%,达到世界中上收入国家平均水平。Kindergartenenrollment ratewas 75 percent, the average level of a medium-high income country.8.中国小学净入学率99.9%,初中毛入学率为104%。中国九年义务教育普及率超过世界高收入国家的平均水平。Thenet enrollment rateof primary schools and thegross enrollment rateof junior high schools were 99.9 percent and 104 percent, he said. Theattendance rate for nine-year compulsory educationsurpassed the average level of high-income countries9.高中阶段毛入学率为87%,高等教育毛入学率为40%,这两项都高于世界中上收入国家的平均水平。The gross enrollment rates of senior high schools andhigher educationwere 87 percent and 40 percent, both above medium-high income countries. 学习这事,可悲的是你不努力,可怕的是你努力未必会有进步。掌握科学的方法,才是提升能力和分数的关键。