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【资料】DAVID LYNCH的画展以及个人介绍目前最完整版本(T0T)

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2007-7-7 13:30:32

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Mulholland Drive (2001) - Trailer
2007-7-7 13:32:29

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(2002) </H1>展览2楼就在放这个

I am a one-armed duck fucker...

David Lynch describes Dumbland as "a crude, stupid, violent, absurd series." Download the first two episodes of Dumbland from Atom Films here.
More episodes are online at DavidLynch.com. To view them, you need to be a member of the site, though in the future you'll be able to get them via pay per view. But considering the cost of membership is only $10 a month, you might as well go the membership route.

Dumbland Episode Guide:
Episode 1: Two neighbors chat over a fence.
Episode 2: The family has bad luck with a treadmill, and a salesman shows up at the wrong time.
Episode 3: An electrical accident leads to visit from a doctor who's bedside manner leaves something to be desired.
Episode 4: A new clothesline presents problems and a friend visits.
Episode 5: A man gets a stick caught in his mouth. The main character "helps" him.
Episode 6: Violence and noise escalate.

July 13, 2000
Shockwave goes Hollywood
By Jefferson Graham, USA TODAY

SAN FRANCISCO — Director David Lynch has gone to Dumbland. The cult director, best known for the 1986 film Blue Velvet, the 1990 TV series Twin Peaks and last year's The Straight Story, now spends his days in front of a home computer, making animated shorts for Shockwave.com using software called Flash.
Describing Dumbland as a weekly offering of "stupid, coarse humor," Lynch sits at his Apple iMac, drawing images with his mouse, animating them, providing the voices, composing and performing the background music. All by himself.
"I like this (Flash) technology, and I like the company," says Lynch, 54. "They're the kind of people who will help define what the Internet is. It's modern thinking and the right way to go."
2007-7-7 13:38:55

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2007-7-7 13:42:57

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Darkened Room


片 名:
Darkened Room

导 演:
( 大卫·林奇/戴维·林奇 David Lynch )  

主 演:
(乔登·蕾德 Jordan Ladd)   (席瑞娜·文森 Cerina Vincent)   

上 映:
2002年04月12日 美国   更多地区

地 区:

对 白:

评 分:

IMDb评分5.7/10 ( 464票 )  详细  

颜 色:

声 音:

时 长:

类 型:
短片 剧情

分 级:

2007-7-7 13:55:51

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2007-7-7 13:56:16

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Post by ae

2007-7-7 13:59:54

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Rammstein: Lichtspielhaus

(2003) (V)

2007-7-7 14:04:46

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内陆帝国Inland Empire(2006)


大卫·林奇 David Lynch

劳拉·邓恩 Laura Dern
杰里米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons
哈利·戴恩·斯坦通 Harry Dean Stanton ...
国家/地区: 美国/法国/波兰
发行公司: 518 Media Inc. ...
上映日期: 2007年2月7日 法国 ...

官方网站: Official site



Nikki Grace(劳拉·邓恩饰)和Devon Berk(加斯丁·特奥克斯)在Kingsley Stewart(杰里米·艾恩斯饰)的新片中担任主角,所拍摄的电影片名是《On High in blue tomorrows》。Nikki过于投入到戏中的角色,导致她的生活乱得一团糟。渐渐地,她开始混淆现实生活与她所扮演的人物(Susan Blue)与男主角Devon(在影片中的角色名字是Billy Side)。电影《On High in blue tomorrows》所要讲述的故事是发生在从前的,结果因为两位主角的意外身亡而使得拍片计划半途而废。但是,对于Nikki来说却是越来越混乱。在现实生活中,她的角色(Susan Blue)变得越来越真实,甚至比她自己还要真实……
发布者:Mtime (2007-01-25 12:48:54)

劳拉·邓恩饰演女演员Nikki,她在Kingsley(杰里米·艾恩斯饰)的一部电影里担任主角,与男演员Devon(Justin Theroux饰)联合主演。男演员被警告只能专心演戏,因为Nikki的丈夫(Peter J. Lucas饰)在感情上想完全控制她。
这只是故事中简单的部分。还有一些波兰人,他们或许是第一个版本的电影中的故事人物。Grace Zabriskie是一个邪恶的邻居,有一个是由朱莉娅·奥蒙德所扮演的角色。第一次看见她是在内脏里有一把螺丝起子,此后又突然变成了Billy的妻子。与此同时在舞台上还有三只巨型的兔子——两只在沙发上,第三只兔子正在熨平衣服(由娜奥米·沃茨、劳拉·赫利和斯科特·科菲配音)。
2007-7-7 14:08:34

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A Woman In Trouble




2007-7-7 14:08:54

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这些棕色的兔子有可能会让人联想到《爱丽丝梦游仙境》(Alice in Wonderland)里那只白色的兔子,带领爱丽丝走进洞中的仙境。随着一些奇怪而且极其可怕的事情发生之后,下陷的天花板和无法判断的状况,这儿远不是一个可以令人喘口气的仙境。在林奇的官方网站的短片里第一次出现兔子之后,这也许可以推测他很喜欢人们穿着兔子服装的样子。


2007-7-7 14:09:18

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·有一次大卫·林奇和劳拉·邓恩谈话的时候,劳拉提到她的丈夫来自内陆帝国。这是洛杉矶东部地区的一个破落的贫民区。林奇坦言当时无心去聆听她究竟说了什么,自己的注意力已经完全被“内陆帝国”(Inland Empire)这个单词吸引了。最后他决定用这个作为自己电影的片名,用林奇自己的原话来说就是“我很喜欢内陆(inland)这个单词,我也很喜欢帝国(empire)这个单词。”




发布者:Mtime (2006-08-28 15:25:59)
2007-7-7 14:10:15

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Goddess (aka Venus Descending)
Based on a book by Anthony Summer, this was the first collaboration between Lynch and Mark Frost in 1987. Goddess revolved around the last few months in the life of Marilyn Monroe, though the character's name is changed to Rosilyn Ramsay for legal reasons. The story made the claim that Bobby Kennedy (changed to Phillip Malloy, again for legal reasons) killed Marilyn. Once the producers heard that, they dropped the project.
One Saliva Bubble
One Saliva Bubble was an early project of Lynch and Frost, almost a year before Northwest Passage (the TP pilot) was written. It centers around the small town of Newtonville, KS, where a secret government project goes amuck. The result is an exchange of identities of several of the townsfolk. The script is mostly a comedy, which it was rumored Martin Short and Steve Martin would star in.
One Saliva Bubble Screenplay (183k)
Ronnie Rocket
Ronnie Rocket was a screenplay originally written by Lynch and possibly to star Michael Anderson (The Man From Another Place in "Twin Peaks" and the Woodsman (Twin #1) in " Industrial Symphony #1"), who would have played Ronnie. This was the first film Lynch offered CIBY 2000 as a part of his former three picture deal, but they elected to pass on it.
More information from Ann Kroeber, the late Alan Splet's (Lynch's sound designer) wife:
"Actually Ronnie Rocket was written LONG before David ever set eyes on Michael Anderson. The first RR script I read was written before "The Elephant Man" was made. He used to talk with my late husband (Alan Splet) and I , any chance he could get, about Ronnie during breaks of shooting "The Elephant Man." Ronnie Rocket was the subject that was near and dear to his heart."

"Ronnie scripts have gone through all sorts of permutations over the years. I suspect that "Ronnie Rocket" is David's most thought about story and may just never be made not because that production company didn't want to shoot it, they and several others were willing, but David wasn't."
There are two drafts available, one called Ronnie Rocket and an earlier version called Ronny Rocket
Ronnie Rocket Screenplay (215k)
Ronny Rocket Screenplay (185k)

Dream of the Bovine
Co-written with Robert Engels in 1994, this was to be comedy about three people who once were cows. They still behave like cows, but look like humans. Peter Deming described it as an "existential Marx Brothers." Originally it was planned as a television series for Comedy Central, but was later adapted to a feature format. Lynch wanted Harry Dean Stanton to play one of the cows, as well as Ed Wright (Del Mibbler from Twin Peaks) and Max Perlich (best known from Homicide : Life on the Street). The script hasn't been completely scrapped, but Lynch is not currently working on it.
Dune Messiah
Lynch was in the process of writing the sequel script to Dune, but the box office failure of the first film killed the project. From the Inner Views Lynch interview, "...I was really getting into Dune II. I wrote about half the script, maybe more, and I was really getting excited about it. It was much tighter, a better story."

One of Lynch's earliest ideas, this project was a part of his application for enterance to the American Film Institute. It was about a bug that grew in a guy's attic, eventually driving him from his home. It was a very abstract film, much like The Grandmother. A producer was interested in funding the project, but only if Lynch expanded it to a feature. Lynch passed.
Based on the Kafka story, Lynch was working on the screenplay to this film as far back as the early 80's. At the time, the cost of creating a believable bug (and the technology involved) pretty much put the possibility of the film on hold. However, with the modern advances in CGI, it might be possible now. No word on if Lynch still has the rights to the story though, but he does have a script finished for it.
Lynch on Metamorphosis: "It's a story that millions of people have read and about a hundred-thousand people have written about, and each one has seen it from a slighly different angle. But...it's just rich with things. But there's a certain kind of dark humor that I love about Kafka and it is his stuff that thrills me to my soul. It's just a completely perfect mood and story and characters. I like pretty nearly everything about it."
Up At The Lake
This was one of the last projects pitched to Dino De Laurentiis before his company went out of business. Little is known about it, other than that it was a mystery.
You Play the Black, and the Red Comes Up
An adaption of the story by Eric Knight, Lynch can be seen working on this in the doccumentary "Don't Look at Me". But he wasn't all that interested in the story and the script was never finished.
The Lemurians
A collaboration with Mark Frost, it was planned as a TV program about the lost continent of Lemuria, which was so evil it sunk into the ocean. An explorer finds the continent and awakens the Lemurians, which puts the rest of the world in jeapordy. The project never made it to the script stage of development.
"Woodcutters From Fiery Ships"
David Lynch was to team with anime producer Bandai and two Japanese partners to produce a digital adventure to be released on DVD-ROM, the Internet, and in novelization form. The project was tentatively entitled "Woodcutters From Fiery Ships".
Unfortunately, the project never came about. Lynch says it was "blocked from the get-go." The game was going to be a "conundrum thing.. a beautiful kind of place to put yourself. You try to make a little bit of mystery and a bit of a story, but you want it to be able to bend back upon itself and get lost ... Ceratin events have happened in a bungalow which is behind another in Los Angeles. And then suddenly the woodcutters arrive and they take the man who we think has witnessed these events, and their ship is... uh, silver, like a 30`s kind of ship, and the fuel is logs. And they smoke pipes."
2007-7-7 14:15:04

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Obsession by Calvin Klein
Lynch's first commercials were a series of four directed for Obsession. Each one centered around a famous author's work.

Download three of the Obsession ads:
F. Scott Fitzgerald quicktime - 1.9 mb
Ernest Hemingway quicktime - 1.8 mb
D.H. Lawrence quicktime - 1.9 mb
Georgia Coffee
These commercials were done for the Japanese canned coffee, Georgia. The series was set in Twin Peaks and featured many of the cast from the series. In the ads, a Japanese man searches for his missing wife. Each commercial added more clues to the mystery, until the final one where Cooper rescues her from the Black Lodge. Originally a second series of four were planned, but the Coffee company, unhappy with the first series, canceled them.
Georgia Commercial #1 1.7mb
Georgia Commercial #3 1.7mb
Georgia Commercial #4 1.8mb

2007-7-7 14:17:44

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We Care About New York
(1991)This was a public service announcement created to bring attention to the city's rat problem. Frederick Elmes was the director of photography for the ad.
We Care About New York commercial quicktime 3.7mb

Who is Gio?
Giorgio Armani personally called David Lynch to ask him to come up with something for his new perfume. Lynch sent him the description as a little poem, and Giorgio liked the concept. Lynch has said he had the most freedom on the Gio commercial than any of the others.
Gio Commercial quicktime - 9.1mb
2007-7-7 14:18:49

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