Moving jobs overseas, Chinese spying, failure to support American based companies, etc. All of these actions have resulted in our decline. Now is the time to show some resolve and stop this decaying of our country.
2 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
I dont prentend to be an expert in aviation, although i am a licensed Civil pilot. I was under the impression that a stealth aircraft could have no angles, In other words it must be rounded on ALL sections to scatter the radar pings.
This aircraft in no way looks stealthly. it has right angles in some sections. unless this is made with some sort of radar absorbing material. it isnt stealth.
Anyone agree?
40 minutes ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
You impression is amazing!
17 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Gates should not be concerned about the progress of anti-ship cruise and ballistic missile or stealth fighter developments by China. He should be more concerned about the US economy which is on life support. With official unemployment close to 10% (unofficial estimates up to 16% if include those who gave up looking for a job). More people are lining the streets for food stamps while 1 in 7 American live below official poverty level according to 2009 census.
He should be concerned that Obama has lost the House to the Republicans. So QE3 would not be any easier. So instead of keeping up appearances, he should be worried about money not being wired out of Washington to prop up the vanity of the military empire that he has oversight.
44 minutes ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
Financiers of US high tech corps pursue quick profits
with H1B, which (1) lowers US high tech salaries, (2)
puts US citizens under pressure at work (3) allows
H1B's to send US salaries back home + hight tech
info from work in nightly emails (4) drives US citizens from high tech (5) puts US soldiers at risk to face US
grown technology aginst them in the future...
44 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Well said. Plus Us Universities educate large numbers of non-citizens, who go back home and compete with us. Don't believe me ?? Just attend a few grad classes in engineering.and see what I mean.
0 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Wow, Americans must have some serious phobia (or insecurity) against the technological progress of others or what?. CNN has changed the headline of this same story so many times, obviously an indication that the story is drawing in eye balls.
59 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
Thanks to US's years old H1B program for training, design methods, design tools and USB thumb drives, for H1B Chinese and Indian engineers to scavenge, upload to thumbdrives at work and at their US apartments, condos at high $ US salary expense, email home or SALE US tech data. Yeah, thanks to H1B, China has a stealth bomber
1 hour ago | Like | Report abuse
And without Indian and Chinese H1Bs, the dumb US engineers would've had accomplished nothing at the first place. That is why we give out H1B, moron. The first ever Boeing plane was designed by a Chinese engineer, if you read a little bit of Boeing history.
8 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Obviously, Chinese have grown up enough to understand that you cannot defend yourselves with Kung Fu.
1 hour ago | Like (7) | Report abuse
This is good news... more competition drives better designs and fuels research and development. This will have a positive ripple effect in the US economy for years to come.
1 hour ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
I do not understand the rational behind this article! If China makes new weapons it is a matter of major concern. However, if the US makes weapons it is alright as no one says anything. But if China makes new weapons then the US and all the NATO countries start getting worried. This is non-sense. Look who is making use of weapons and are engaged in wars for the last three decades? Not China, but the US and its allies. So if China says its new weapons is not a threat to any country they seriously mean it. But if US says its new weapons are not a threat I will certainly not believe it because they will use it in the next war they wage on countries not capable of defending itself. So look who is talking. US should practice what you preach and should not try to focus on countries who have not directly engaged in war for more more than four decades.
3 hours ago | Like (19) | Report abuse
recepivedik China and Russia are rising up, USA is wasting American Taxes in Muslim War for israel
3 hours ago | Like (8) | Report abuse
new weapon not meant to pose a threat...for now.
23 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
i'd bet money the US already has detection capabilities for stealth technology; remember stealth is 70's technology, so China is still far behind...
45 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Yes showing off a fighter plane isnt a threat.
47 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
If I make a tennis shoe I can expect no one will see that as a threat.If I make a anti-aircraft carrier missile and stealth fighters and misrepresent military spending by at least a half and create a great number of submarines outside that are required for a defense posture ...
53 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
Americans can only think in terms of war. China kicking Google out of their market probably did more damage to America than this plane ever will.
1 hour ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
although you make a good point, you fail to realize that the US has treaties (regardless of whether one agrees with them or not) to defend Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. therefore, being the "defender" rather than "defendee" they do need to look at things "in terms of war."
39 minutes ago | Like | Report abuse
unfortuantely ,the J-20 just took off sucessfully 1mins ago~ the world is shaking right now
2 hours ago | Like (14) | Report abuse
This thing isn't even capable of flying.
2 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
just went up in the air a couple hours ago..
2 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
How to get the F-22 continuing funding.. I would never discount the PRC military capability.. that's the biggest mistake anyone could make....
2 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
One thing learned in Vietnam: never underestimate your enemy. Not that China is our enemy. Hopefully our countries can remain friendly and open toward one another. But, you know, don't discount them as some third world pit of hell.
2 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
It's quite interesting that military/US-China/3rd-world-war articles seem to attract the most attention on CNN, with close to 400 comments already. Perhaps we should have another big war cuz I can feel that a lot of readers are getting quite anxious and restless...
Just imagine an army of CNN readers typing their away their comments with pitchforks and machine guns in their hands. When we see an article that irritates us (anything to do with China, lead paint, communism, more China, communist China's stealth planes, etc.), we'd all post our ferocious comments and then start shooting away like crazy until the old lady next door starts acting jittery, calls the cops, and the national guard arrives on our door step. How lovely.
3 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
@windbourne - I hear your concern though I'd still rate China along with India. Indian got together with Russia and had discussions with China about building one together but they went alone. People in aviation circles were talking about India and China working on a 5th gen as early as 2007/8. Patriot2011 is right the US is still far ahead and when I look behind at the moment it is still Russia in the air and space. less
3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
@ShovelingSnw - sorry i meant Russia jointly with India and Russia jointly with China though the Russia/India went ahead while China went alone. Also I meant China and India developing 5th gens independantly
3 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
China and India aren't going to jointly develop anything anymore than China and the US would.
3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
Iraq and Afghanistan have shown that no country really needs to exactly match the US in technological sophistication and military technology. All you need is sufficient technology to hit back and hard. PERIOD. Why should anyone spend so much on tanks and planes and aircraft carriers? The ONLY saving grace for the US is that countries like Russia and China haven't thought to supply the Afghans and Iraqis with 3 things - surface-to-air missiles, anti-tank missiles and anti-personnel/ anti-tank mines. Armed with these and their Kalashnikovs, the insurgents in those two countries would stop the US armed with all their forces "superior technology" DEAD in their tracks.
3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
Latest russian mig would be a good example of russian air superiority.
3 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
HAVE people not woken up yet to the fact that this world is so over populated.People are consuming more food and resources than the earth can manage.Look at your public transport, traffic jams,over crowding shopping centers and hospitals, There has to be major wars to cut down the population other wise 16 people will be sharing a 2 bedroom flat or house. Massive over crowding trains and buses and ferries, I have once went to catch a train early in the morning and people were that jammed packed that the doors could not even open properly,All this talk about peace between countries is only producing more lives to be born. The ratio between death and life is 4 to 1 :::: 4 are born while 1 dies every second around the world. You may think im being a bit weird here but follow each day as it goes along and tell me how frustrated you feel each day with so many people every where. less
4 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
"..... tell me how frustrated you feel each day with so many people every were"... that would include you. Why hope and pray for a war that might or might not happen and sacrifice others lives. You are one extra person in the same population that frustrates you, easier solution, take yourself's out. Problem solved.
3 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
Don't be fooled people this plane is just a shell. China never misses a chance at propaganda. If they had any confidence we would see images of this thing in the air, and it wouldn't be taken by someones flip phone.
4 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
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Yongli 1 minute ago Report Abuse
This was a real news: One Chinese engineer visited US about 10 years ago and bought a F22 from daller tree and broght it to home, then they made J20 coping F22, and also copy some F22 pictures from web, it is sad that they did it in that way.
0.0Ladygagme 2 minutes ago Report Abuse
that plane is big enough to spot long distance. why didnt they just build a steath train?
0.0Aquila729 2 minutes ago Report Abuse
The Chi-Coms probably got the technology from the Clinton Administration.
0.0CARRIE 2 minutes ago Report Abuse
They sure know how to spend all the money they are pulling in from lost manufacturing jobs in the U.S don't they?
Lord Vader 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
Never underestimate anyone. We should be mindful of the progress of this aircraft and it's capabilities. While some proceeding comments are true as to the Chinese and Russians coping technology, then why is the USA depending on the Russians to transport our astronauts to and from the ISS? A disturbing lack of vision on our part. We are no longer the "technological giants" we once were. A simple by-product of free trade agreements. They will be our un-doing.
Ladygagme 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
in the religious realm God would probably have protected us years ago when the country was basically a decent country. now that we have descended, were going to be on our own as nations in the past have fallen to barbarians.
in the worlds realm, china needs food. we have it. they want it
Last1out 5 minutes ago Report Abuse
They forgot to mention that the planes are made with inferior parts & that the pilots will go sterile & get lead poisoning from flying them.
More chines crap made by greedy men selling their own people out. & they call themselves communists.
Kinder 16 minutes ago Report Abuse
many years ago when iwas a kid,my mother said, china is the sleeping giant' some day they will come out of there dog house like a bull dog and attack any one they see or choose,this was in 1965,now its 2011,and the day is almost here,
BajaPaul 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
Great! Next we can start buying our Stealth Fighters from them. Just think about all the money we will save! Probably going
to be a lot cheaper than the $300 million each we are getting suckered out of on ours!
TOM In NY 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
Who are the Chinese preparing to fight? India? Malaysia? Russia? WHO???
Surely not there biggest CUSTOMERS, the U.S.A. That would be economic suicide.
And what burning issues are they responding to with such expensive military hardware?
What issue do we have with China that treatens their existance? NONE?
So again, what is this all about? Any INTELLIGENT answers?
01749 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
Don't fall for this crap. Our government just wants more money via our fears!!!!!
0Dr. Bob 4 minutes ago Report Abuse
And to think our debt interest is footing the bill.......raise the debt ceiling so they can keep their program
Yongli 8 minutes ago Report Abuse
Don't worry, J20 can't fly to US without refeul in the air.
Tom 8 minutes ago Report Abuse
all they had to do was hack our computers at the pentagon , they got specs on all our weapons. and i`m sure wiki-leaks has a
set too . just go ahead and put some more privates in charge of this kind of surcurity.
Replies (2)
BubbaHoTep 9 minutes ago Report Abuse
It will be nearsighted and short range...
Replies (1)
Shane 10 minutes ago Report Abuse
Aren't you glad Barry cut our advanced weapons systems to hand out welfare to the banks?
Douglas 10 minutes ago Report Abuse
Of course, now the Obama-bashers will, as some already have, claim that the Administration "isn't doing anything about this".
Pray tell, exactly WHAT do you want him to do, short of filling the skies with extremely expensive F-22s and F-35s (which
will necessitate either (a) raising taxes or (b) borrowing more from the Chinese to pay for them)?
And please don't start talking about preemptive strikes and nonsense like that, since you know that isn't going to happen in
the real world.
Robert 11 minutes ago Report Abuse
We have all ready built the next generation and desinging the third
That thing is no fighter but need to keep a eye on it
Thanks GW and Cheney for wrecking economy and funding
United States Armed Forces pilots play second to know one
Who cares that China has this piece of tin.
just looks like a cheap copy of a F-22 ,Stolen ideas like the Russians were doing before.
4.2Sparkinu 33 minutes ago Report Abuse
china is the #1 threat to world peace, it is apparent that they intend to provoke a war with us to get back the little island
called Tiawan
The_angry_american 34 minutes ago Report
@#$% all you want about liberal this & that. But while a conservative administration got us involved fighting a war in the
Middle East, & started us on the road to depleting our treasury, the Chinese got to work. The quality of the weapon's
fabrication is irrelevant if it's 'just good enough' to deliver a missle at your position. Russian gear isn't top notch
either, but they managed to put people in space using a garbage can & masking tape, & keep a space station in orbit far
longer than anything the ol' US threw up into orbit.
Replies (1)
Michael 36 minutes ago Report Abuse
I would agree, it is most likely a bomber, and its stealth technology is most likely only adiquate at best. The US had known
bout this for many years, which is why they have other flying aircraft in the arsenal we know nothing of. Trust me, the
chinese, though a greatly advancing world power, are still way behind in this department.
Denny 40 minutes ago Report Abuse
hope it ruins their economy the same as our stupidly overpriced weapons has helped ruin ours
0.1James 40 minutes ago Report Abuse
not very stealthy if you can photograph it. let them have their fun we've got cloaking devices ....
0.0Jack S 41 minutes ago Report Abuse
Where where, wow thats good I didnt even see it.
Bob 43 minutes ago Report Abuse
Our worst fears will be realized-China will take us over and force us all to learn to play cello! Next, they'll make our kids
excel academically. These monsters must be stopped!
0.4Xiaoye 46 minutes ago Report Abuse
Please continue wishful china bashing, it only makes a chinaman proud!
Replies (2)
3.5James 51 minutes ago Report Abuse
"The J-20 flew for about 15 minutes" Then it fell apart like all Chinese made Junk! Wonder when Wall of China Mart will be
getting a shipment of these?
7.6The Hun 52 minutes ago Report Abuse
Thanks to the Clintons and Loral Inc. they sold out to the Red Chines classified technology, for return of payments into the
election campain of Billy for his second term. That was Treason against the people of the US of A. Congress should look into
what was transfered To the Chines, and Billy Clinton should answer for his treacherous activity against his countrymen.
2.1Rock Mathiot 52 minutes ago Report Abuse
Alright #1 This isn't a surprise to our gov't they have known they were making one for a while now!!!
#2 That thing what ever you may call it is most definitely NOT a fighter it might be stealthy but its way too big to be a
fighter!!! I can easily tell you right now that its a bomber not a fighter!
3.6User 58 minutes ago Report Abuse
Impressive ... but if it's made in China .... to me it's nothing but a CHEAP knock-off.
3.4Mr. Ed 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Hard to see with all the smog, cough, cough.
10.6John M., American 1 hour ago Report Abuse
And Obama is sitting on his butt, flapping his jaws doing NOTHING as usual.
Replies (1)
10.2Tony 1 hour ago Report Abuse
This is the best news the companies making the F-35 components could have gotten. Orders will go up, production will
increase, and we'll sell them to our allies overseas. This will also spur the next generation of stealth fighter development,
to ensure that we keep the edge. Not that I'm cynical or anything. That's just the way the game is played.
1.3Rahul 1 hour ago Report Abuse
very nice, with new found pal-y pal-y relationship with a terrorist friendly pakistan... who knows what they are going to do
with all the technology.
1 hour ago Report Abuse
America: You gotta be more transparent about your military, dude
China: Ok, here's what we are building.
America: ...what the f? You trying to show off or something?
6.7Chubby Cherub 1 hour ago Report Abuse
China will be the next Germany in Asia. That`s the way the world really works.
12.6Watchdog 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Do you still trust the Chinese govt??? They can and will steal anything they want with impunity. I refrain from purchases
that have the "made in China" label. It's hard because our own corporations continue to buy there.
Rest in peace uncle Sam..........your children sold out.
你们还信任中国政府么???他们能够并且将会偷盗任何想要的东西,不受惩罚地。我将停止购买任何“made in china”的东西。很难,因为我们自己的公司都在那儿采购。
4.2Donald 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Looks more the size of a bomber
16.23Dorj 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Congrats to China for this big step in the J-20 fighter. The world welcomes parity and balance, which will bring peace. After
the collapse of Soviet Union, America had a free hand and went on a war mongering spree, creating so much suffering in Iraq
and Afghanistan. China's rise is good for the world. The world needs China to check US war mongering. No more bogus lies to
invade other countries.
Replies (2)
10.1Big Ed Grissil 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Remeber this next time your in Walmart and Harbor Frieght-check the "made in labels"
记住吧。下次去超市的时候,注意别买“made in china”
6.4Art 1 hour ago Report Abuse
Leave Gates over there...find him a job in some laundry.
Replies (1)
2.7Star_spangled_socialist 2 hours ago Report
I heard take off was delayed because they had to tape blocks under the pilots shoes so he can touch the rudder pedals. Then
the batteries went dead and it took 5 hours with customer service to open the@#$%pit canopy. They recorded the call and
monitored it for caller quality in India and thus gave away all their state secrets. They don't care though, they make all
the USA's defence stuff now so they will just borrow our tech. hey, don't get mad, you supported NAFTA, now roll in it. -
Replies (3)
13.3Noname 2 hours ago Report Abuse
US tax payers' money at work!
12.0Shawnee 2 hours ago Report Abuse
Imagine what could be accomplished if we had an international space effort instead of blowing money on these @#$% stealth
planes...the technology and energies of the US, China, and Russia need to find SOMETHING to work on together for the
betterment of this world instead of racing to find ways to destroy it.
One of these days, with the population, lack of fresh water, coming scarcity of oil and financial boondogles, we will all
have no choice...
course by then it'll be TOO LATE>...
美国还是最强大了。路漫漫~~ BEIJING – The U.S. and Chinese defense chiefs took a step Monday toward mending frayed relations between their powerful militaries, though China warned ties could be cut again if Washington does not heed Beijing's wishes.
Military contacts are fewer and less substantive than U.S.-Chinese interaction in the economic, political and diplomatic arenas, and both nations wanted to put a better face on the military relationship ahead of a high-stakes visit to Washington by Chinese President Hu Jintao next week.
The agreement stops short of the robust cooperation sought by Washington, and China pointedly refused to promise that friction over U.S. arms sales to Taiwan might not interfere.
U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie agreed after a morning of talks Monday to broaden some of their fragile military contacts and to study ways that the two nations might build a more formal structure for future talks. They set up a working group to look at establishing the larger and more enduring framework Gates wants.
Gates said the two nations agreed that military ties should be "solid, consistent and not subject to shifting political winds," and he said he is sure that China's People's Liberation Army is behind the idea "as much as I am."
The sometimes hidebound PLA has resisted more regular contact out of apprehension or embarrassment, and Gates has said before that China's political leadership was quicker to see the value in better military ties with the United States.
The reluctance was evident Monday, despite Gates' optimism. The United States has been pressing China to give a firm date for the planned visit of China's chief of the Army general staff to Washington. Liang would not be pinned down, announcing only that a visit would happen sometime in the first half of 2011.
The agreement marks an end to a rocky year in which Beijing cut off defense ties with the United States over arms sales to Taiwan, the democratic island that China claims.
"On that, China's position has been clear and consistent," Liang said. "We are against it."
The arms sales "seriously damaged China's core interests, and we do not want to see that happen again," Liang continued.
"We hope that U.S. arms sales will not again and further disrupt," military ties or the overall relationship, Liang said.
Liang, an Army general, repeatedly warned that the United States should consider China's perspective.
The two nations also agreed to wider cooperation in such noncombat areas as counterterrorism and counter-piracy operations.
The United States has argued that a more formal arrangement would benefit both nations and help avert crises. More formal contacts and cooperation, including joint exercises and training, might also make it less likely that China would walk out on the arrangement.
Gates' four-day trip to Beijing includes meetings with the top political and military leadership and a visit to a Chinese nuclear weapons base.
Both governments are trying to smooth over substantial friction over trade, North Korea's and Iran's nuclear programs and China's generally more assertive diplomatic posture.
A rapid build-up of the Chinese military has fueled perceptions of aggression, unnerved China's neighbors and caused Washington to insist Beijing more clearly explain its intentions.
China has made strides in building a new stealth fighter jet, and Washington is also concerned about a new ballistic missile that could theoretically explode a U.S. aircraft carrier nearly 2,000 miles (3,200 kilometers) out to sea. China has also apparently beaten U.S. estimates to develop that weapon.
Gates told reporters traveling with him to Asia on Sunday that China had the potential to "put some of our capabilities at risk."
"We have to pay attention to them. We have to respond appropriately with our own programs," Gates said.
At their news conference Monday, Gates and Liang denied their governments are entering an arms race. Liang, dressed in his military uniform, animatedly defended China's growing capabilities, calling them entirely appropriate and
consistent with China's rise as an economic and political power.
While both sides try to pave the way for a successful Hu-Obama summit, economics and politics also are aggravating strains between the world's superpower and the fast-rising new power.
Chinese trade data released Monday showed exports swelling nearly 18 percent in December and more than 30 percent for all 2010, though surging imports narrowed China's overall trade surplus. The still-high surplus is likely to add to pressure on the Obama administration to penalize Beijing for trade and currency policies that some economists and U.S. lawmakers call unfair.
A defense spending authorization signed by Obama on Friday wades into the fair-trade battle. The act effectively prohibits the Defense Department from buying solar panels made in China, a leading supplier, by requiring the Pentagon to purchase panels made in the United States or from countries that have joined an international trade agreement that Beijing has not signed.
The spending measure also orders Gates to come up with a plan to ensure secure U.S. access to critical elements known as rare earths that are crucial to some weaponry and other high-technology products. China is the world's biggest supplier but has restrained exports, citing environmental degradation from mining. Critics contend Beijing wants to drive up prices and demonstrate its control over vital commodities.
评论翻译 • Reality 15 minutes ago Report Abuse
Americans needs to come to their senses and start believeing "The bigger they were, the harder they are falling". They are no more the top dog. China is influential in every way, and by 2020, mark my word, China will be Superpower and the top dog. And US knows this. If US wants to retain its position, it needs to stop bullying other nations and mind it own business. Get the millary out of other nations. Simply said "THEY DID NOT INVITE YOU, THEY DONT NEED YOU, GO HOME AMERICANS, WHO MADE YOU THE POILCEMAN" and focus on improving your relationships with other nations and stop thinking of yourselves as something special. The world would be a better place if this nation was never discovered. Or never existed.
• Chris 40 minutes ago Report Abuse
When it comes to foreign policy, Obama is a child in a room full grown up. (Sorry Noble committee you picked the wrong guy) Heck if you think I Am wrong how many times has he sent his underlings to do his job.
• Playa Pan 1 hour ago Report Abuse
commie china has about 200 nuclear warheads in their arsenal
US has about 10,000+ nuclear wear heads in their arsenal
• Cesar 1 hour ago Report Abuse
I like chinese food anyway..............
• JaguarPaw 5 hours ago Report Abuse
The Chinese and Russians play Obama like a school boy .
• Captain America 6 hours ago Report Abuse
Will be interesting to see how Obama surrenders to the Chinese after having done so with the Russians.
• ROBERT 11 hours ago Report Abuse
New talks will probably include, sorry but we are going to have to reduce our military, hopefully, that will not hinder Chinese development.
• Andy 15 hours ago Report Abuse
why are we (American) so stupid!!! When was the last time the Chinese Government keeps its promises? Never! Do not listen on what they are going to say, just look on how they do it! They will stab us on the back! Wake up Americans! Say No to China products, or they will take on our #1 economy in the year of 2019 (or 2022)!!!
• JP 16 hours ago Report Abuse
The sleeping dragon has a woaken!
• WM 16 hours ago Report Abuse
China's army is huge, they now have the aircraft carrier killer bomb and the new stealth plane. This is all funded by China's outlet store - Walmart. The USA world leadership in military and economics is a thing of the past. I hope Americans like to play second fiddle...third fiddle ?
• No China 18 hours ago Report Abuse
People's Republic of China is a chief of Asia
No way, he is the thief of Asia
• JC 18 hours ago Report Abuse
China is the one who broke the tie... and should be guilty of the act...
• stana 21 hours ago Report Abuse
Do you know about Chinese "Soft Power" ?
• Mary Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:41 pm PST Report Abuse
China's rise and its military and economic policies are meant for China's benefit only, not as part of an international community of cooperative nations. Good luck getting the Chinese to stop digging into their heels. Again, the tail is wagging the dog, eh! We need to stopping buying anything that says "Made in China." That is the only way to negotiate with China.
• James Mon Jan 10, 2011 08:12 pm PST Report Abuse
China's issue is that while the civil government may want closer ties with the US, the Chinese army is under the command of the military who want to show the world how big their junk is. Hu Jintao needs to get his crew in order.
• Stankus Mon Jan 10, 2011 01:19 pm PST Report Abuse
In 25 years, China will have ALOT more old people than young people - an inverted population pyramid.
• Jim Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:25 am PST Report Abuse
Robert Gate goes to China with three air Carrier Battle Groups, China answer him with the J20 stealth fighter, even an idiot knows that the result of this visit will be.
• Thomas Mon Jan 10, 2011 11:04 am PST Report Abuse
china does not run the world, neither does the U.S.
We should stop importing from china. We can make what we need.
While we have deployed troops all over the planet and spent billions doing so, china has just sat back and taken it easy, waiting for us to go bankrupt. Are our politicians that stupid?
• NathanG Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:32 am PST Report Abuse
Why do our militaries need to have a relationship. Are they going to get together to play softball or something?
• BK Mon Jan 10, 2011 10:05 am PST Report Abuse
US more like China & China more like US.
• Bret Mon Jan 10, 2011 09:32 am PST Report Abuse
everyone listens to micheal jackson's we are the world!!
put your weapons down and on your knees start praying to god maybe he will forgive us!!
每个人都应该听听迈克杰克逊的“we are the world”,放下武器,想上帝祈祷吧,或许他会原谅我们。
• JUBUSTER Mon Jan 10, 2011 09:12 am PST Report Abuse
US is spending on building Iraq, Afghinistan, Pakistan and India.
China is spending on building China.
All I can say......is China,watch out what you wish for.And other Countries too.
WHY IS IT THAT THE COMMON FOLKS IN THIS COUNTRY CAN SEE THAT WE ARE MAKING CHINA THE NEW WORLD POWER WHILE PUSHING OUR COUNTRY FARTHER DOWN THE ROAD TO DESPAIR AND OUR SUPPOSED LEADERS ARE BLIND TO WHAT THEY ARE DOING? Ill tell you why,...GREED, GREED, AND MORE GREED. Our f#@ked up leaders are selling our country off. They dont care about anything but padding their OWN pockets and building their personal portfolios. They are stealing from us and giving everything to China who will one day conquer us. Americans, as a people need to stand up to our corrupt government and take back what is ours. There is strength in numbers.
The majority of this country are hurting while the minority are massing ever larger fortunes. I used to have faith that our president would help fix this problem, but Ive come to the conclusion that he is just too wet behind the ears. He needs to stand up like a man and fight for us like he said he would, but all he does is bend over and take it in the a__ like the rest of us.
但是他所做的和我们大多数人一样只会躲在后边挨插(take in the ass)。。。
We, the American people cant take it, anymore. Were losing our jobs to others over seas. What next? Are they going to move into our homes that are being taken away from us?
Man thats a big mutha stealth fighter! I guess its a good thing that Mao burned all the books, and destroyed the Chinese peoples real technology! Then they might not just be playing catch-up! Do any of you Nazi Republicans out there understand that there might never have been a space shuttle if the Chinese had never invented rockets? Most people in China think that the government is out to lunch. But in most ways they seem to do a better job than our democratically elected government, mostly because of the damage that Bush inflicted on the US! Wake up Repubtards! The US is not the center of the universe, and your misguided fascism is not helping us to fix any of the real problems!
True man Thu Jan 06, 2011 06:01 pm
Do not be so nervous!I am a Chinese student. I want to tell you that we do not have the intention or ability to be the adversary of the US. Most of the Chiese people are so hate the Communist Party that they even welcome the UN armed forces to liberate us. Please pay more attention to the miserable Chinese people.
I still say youre wrong. Go read up on the latest issue of Foreign Policy magazines about what it says are inevitable (the decline of the U.S, and the rise of China)..
Re Houston
Totally wrong! I am a Chinese student living in China now, but not a Christian..
Im a Chinese. Im not miserable. I think you are miserable. Oh. plese, dont be. Please be happy to live as a second class citizen in the USA..
Re jeff: Yep, may be you are a wumao and I am a @#$%izen..
JY回复: 或许你是个五毛,我是...(米国人看得懂五毛吗?)
Archery Chan :forget him, must be a JYer from Tianya..
译文导读:费加罗报上对黑丝的首飞只发了法通社的一条快讯,快讯中黑丝被称为轰炸机(bombardier),但也被称为战斗机(chasseur)。没有很多评论,主要就是酸。但是黑丝上天,没有法国人民的酸也挺遗憾的,特此翻译,作为庆贺。Premier vol du bombardier furtif chinois
Un avion de combat présenté comme le premier bombardier furtif chinois a effectué son vol inaugural, confirmant ainsi les rapides progrès dans sa conception, selon des photographies publiées aujourd'hui par la presse officielle.
Ce baptême de l'air de l'avion furtif J-20 intervient alors que le secrétaire américain à la Défense, Robert Gates, se trouve à Pékin pour tenter de raccommoder les relations militaires entre les deux puissances.
Des photos de l'avion J-20, évoluant au-dessus de la province du Sichuan, ont été publiées par les sites Internet du quotidien Global Times et de l'agence Chine nouvelle.
Le chasseur au fuselage profilé a effectué un vol d'une quinzaine de minutes avant de se poser sans problème apparent, selon des témoins cités dans des articles de presse.
Un porte-parole de la diplomatie chinoise, sans confirmer explicitement le programme de bombardier furtif chinois, a estimé aujourd'hui "normal" que la Chine modernise son armée.
15 minutes de vol, c' est FURTIF assurément !
Le 11/01/2011 à 10:57 Alerter Répondre
Manifestement, il n'est pas si furtif que cela...!
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:01 Alerter Répondre
c'est beau le progrès technique dans ce domaine. Comme en économie, pour les pruneaux on ne verra rien venir. Bonne année 2011 à tous !!!
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:03 Alerter Répondre
Mais à qui les chinois ont-ils bien pu voler les plans de ce nouvel avion furtif ? Car ne nous y trompons pas tout comme l'URSS de la grande époque, ils n'investissent pas dans la recherche mais s'emparent par l'espionnage économique partout dans le monde de toutes les avancées technologiques, créées par les autres au prix fort, sans lesquelles si le pillage continue ( Renault chez nous en est le dernier exemple patent et visible! ) et si nous ne nous protégeons pas nous finirons par être relégués dans l'arrière-cour des nations du monde ! Luttons avec force et détermination contre cela l'avenir de nos enfants et petits-enfants en dépend ! Ne jouons pas les autruches plus longtemps. La guerre économique est depuis longtemps commencée, la Chine l'amplifie de jour en jour et cette guerre doit être considérée comme une vraie guerre dont nous devons punir implacablement les auteurs complices actifs français ou étrangers et instituer un délit de traîtrise punissable de mort ! A ce prix sera notre survie ! La 3ème guerre mondiale continue de plus belle !
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:08 Alerter Répondre
savez-vous qu'aujourd'hui, la Chine dispose du train le plus rapide au monde alors que leur train ne roulaient pas plus de 120h/km il y a 5 ans, et l'ordinateur le plus rapide au monde alors quil n’était même pas sur le top 10 il y a 18 mois. pense vous vraiment que La Chine a besoin de voler les Europeeen du plan de la Rafale de 4ème génération pour construire l'avion du 5ème generation. d'ailleurs, il faut être naïf pour penser que les industriels ne se volent pas entre eux, vous vivez dans un monde de ouioui? sur le plan de la voiture électrique, la Chine se place deja au premier range sur le plan technologie tout comme dans "the Green Economies". réveillez-vous, mon cher!!
Le 11/01/2011 à 23:47 Alerter Répondre
(回复Ladislas002)您知道吗,中国今天有世界上最快的列车,而5年前他们的列车最多只开120公里/小时,他们还有世界上最快的计算机,而 18个月前他们都不在前10名。您真以为中国有必要偷欧洲的第四代阵风的图纸,为的是造一架第五代的飞机?再说啦,要以为工业集团间不互相偷来偷去,那就幼稚了,您不会是生活在童话故事里吧?至于电动汽车,中国在这方面就像在“绿色经济”上那样,处在最先的行列。醒醒吧,亲爱的!!
Ils trouvent normal de moderniser leur armée, ce qui est probablement le cas, mais anormal que les autres s'en inquiètent. Quand on est une dictature, qu'on réagit assez violemment dans la rhétorique dès qu'on est critiqué, qu'on cultive la haine et le ressentiment envers le Japon par une exploitation et une exagération de l'histoire et des massacres horribles qui ont effectivement eu lieu au lieu de chercher à apaiser ses relations, il est assez normal de s'inquiéter de cela il me semble.
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:08 Alerter Répondre
Et encore de la technologie volée aux autres/ les chinois vont piller le monde,,
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:23 Alerter Répondre
又是从别人那里偷来的技术/ 中国人抢掠世界,,
Retour de manivelle, les européens ont bien profité des chinois, et grâce aux chinois et leurs fameuse poudre à canon, les européens ont pu conquerir le monde ....
Le 11/01/2011 à 16:45 Alerter Répondre
Lors de mon premier vol , j'ai connu une bombe asiatique. Je confirme, ce fût furtif mais intense.
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:26 Alerter Répondre
C'est pour mieux survoler les centres de recherches étrangers ?
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:33 Alerter Répondre
Troiscent Savage
La Chine a encore du retard face à la Corée du Nord.... les avions sont furtifs depuis des decennies : lorsque le pilote passe en mode furtif, un signal est envoyé à tous les commissaires politiques du secteur et ils ordonnent à la population locale de ne pas voir ni entendre l'avion... D'ailleurs, ils appliquent la même méthode avec absolument tout le reste : ils ont aussi des trains furtifs, des camions furtifs, des autos furtives... et depuis toujours, des idées furtives... même la bouffe est furtive là bas.... c'est dire leur avancée technologique !
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:37 Alerter Répondre
Bien trouvé! Bravo§
Le 11/01/2011 à 14:00 Alerter Répondre
Carlos 14: Avion furtif pour ceux qui y croient.Certains détails de sa structure laissent penser le contraire.
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:46 Alerter Répondre
Je vous le promets, dans dix ans, ils auront racheté l'Europe et nous leur mangerons dans la main, à genoux !!
Le 11/01/2011 à 11:54 Alerter Répondre
ce ne sera pas dans 10 ans, on leur mange déja dans la main...
Le 11/01/2011 à 12:44 Alerter Répondre
El canson
Il y a même des photos "furtives" de cet avion !
Le 11/01/2011 à 12:10 Alerter Répondre
Il serait pas équipé de moteurs Renault leur navion par hasard?
Le 11/01/2011 à 12:46 Alerter Répondre
A tous ceux qui accusent la Chine de vol d'informations, il semblerait que vous oubliez que la France est considérée comme la plus grande menace en Europe sur ce point, il y a même eu un article il y a quelques jours dans le figaro. Notre rafale est lui-même issu d'informations volées aux russes qui ont fait gagner 20 ans d'avancée technologique à la France. Ouvrez vos yeux, tout le monde vole !
Le 11/01/2011 à 12:54 Alerter Répondre
'tout le monde vole', les hommes et un peu moins les oiseaux en ce moment (AR, LA, Suède, ...) car eux parfois, contrairement à nous, ils s'arrêtent de voler. Ce monde va de plus en plus à vol-Haut !!!
Le 11/01/2011 à 13:47 Alerter Répondre
El canson
Bravo de croire tout ce que l'on raconte à ce sujet. Vous ne seriez pas"Français" par hazard ?
Le 11/01/2011 à 16:49 Alerter Répondre
Troiscent Savage
(回复fh49)Des infos volées aux russes et pouf ! 20 ans d'avance..... Mouais.... le Rafale date de 1986, et niveau technologie, les soviétiques (oui, on les appelait comme ça à l'époque, mais je parle d'un temps que les moins de vingt ans...) étaient au top des mauvaises bonnes idées et avaient un certain temps d'avance dans les catastrophes majeures (surtout niveau nucléaire...) Quand on s'intéresse un peu à l'aéronautique de combat, s'il est indéniable que la Rafale est un bel oiseau, il est flagrant que son concept a plusieurs decennies de retard : on ne conçoit pas un équipement de combat comme on conçoit un camion multitâches de la DDE... sauf quand on nomme un comptable comme chef de projet.... et pour ça en France, nous sommes inimitables... et inimités d'ailleurs... Ouvrez les yeux vous aussi, ces 80 dernières années, la France a "exporté" ses idées vers les "démocraties populaires progressistes" par le biais de sympathisants communistes (plus par conviction que par appat du gain au passage), ne serait-il pas plausible que cela continue ?
Le 11/01/2011 à 17:56 Alerter Répondre
Je ne doute pas des capacités du rafale, qui fait sans doute partie des meilleurs avions en service, mais les MIG, sukhoi et autres ont, il faut le dire, toujours été source de fascination et de crainte pour le monde et les français en particulier. Vous êtes naïf de croire que la France a créé son rafale "toute seule", je le dis et répète, tout le monde vole des infos ! Arrêtez donc tous de croire qu'en France on est les meilleurs, on ne fait jamais rien de mal, tout le monde il est beau il est gentil. En réponse à l'autre commentaire, non je ne suis pas "français", en tout cas pas dans mon cœur, et c'est pas plus mal.
Le 11/01/2011 à 22:14 Alerter Répondre
(回复Troiscent Savage)我不怀疑阵风的能力,它也许是正在服役的战机中最好的之一。但是米格,苏霍和其他的,我们也得说,总在世界上引起的惊叹和恐惧,尤其是法国人。您要是以为是法国“独自”研制出阵风就太幼稚了,我再说一遍,谁都偷信息!不要再相信在法国我们最好,我们从来不做坏事,大家都英俊潇洒心地善良。回复另一个留言,不,我不是“法国人”,至少我心底里不是,这并不是最坏的。
Aujourd'hui on est plus proche d'un démonstrateur que d'un réel prototype. Ils testent une formule aérodynamique très inspirée des F22 et F35 américains. Mais c'est une coquille vide, sans la moindre électronique digne d'un avion de 5eme génération. Mise en service éventuelle : 2020 ou plus ?
Le 11/01/2011 à 12:55 Alerter Répondre
Le vol des plans Renault a lui aussi été furtif !!!
Le 11/01/2011 à 13:37 Alerter Répondre
notre croyance est furtive !
Le 11/01/2011 à 14:49 Alerter Répondre
coincoin canardo
Pendant ce temps, des paysans chinois profitent d'un accès très furtif au progrès.. mais bon,évidement, il y a des priorités..
Le 11/01/2011 à 16:25 Alerter Répondre
Ah oui ?
@ coincoin canardo : ce que vous dites est faux. La reussite de la Chine notamment en matiere de lutte contre la pauvrete est, a ce jour, sans precedent dans l'histoire universelle. Des representants de l'ONU l'ont salue dernierement.
Le 11/01/2011 à 18:00 Alerter Répondre
(回复coincoin canardo)回coincoin canardo:您说的并不对。在对抗贫困方面,中国今日取得的成功尤其突出,是史无前例的。联合国代表曾为此向他们致敬。
Quand je m'appelle que il n'y a même pas une semaine, beaucoup entre nous croient que le j-20 c'est du pipo et que Bill gate pense que la China n'aura pas de l'avion du 5eme génération avant 2018. la Chine nous dépasse de plus en plus, pendant nos jeunes ne rêvent que de la retraite avant 60 ans. où va la France avec des mensonge auto satisfaisant et des yeux bandé sur le monde en croyant que l'on est tjrs le champion du monde..
Le 11/01/2011 à 23:35 Alerter Répondre
Vous avez bien dit. "la France avec des mensonge auto satisfaisant et des yeux bandé sur le monde en croyant que l'on est tjrs le champion du monde" J'ai vecu en France pendant 6 ans, suis tout a fait d'accord sur ce que vous disez. C'est le temps de se reveiller pour les francais.
Le 12/01/2011 à 07:37 Alerter Répondre