Dream ON! People have been killing each other since Cain and Abel, and a "WEAPON" that could kill a human was used then. You did not think that statement through did you! People will always fight, intelligence - or lack of - has nothing to do with it!
- Carlos, AYR, 12/
You are right, intelligence has nothing to do with it. Greed and lust for power has EVERYTHING to do with it
- John, Livingston, 12/10/2010 15:46
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she went there in the full knowlege that people were being kidnaped and merderd,so why did she go,just what did she think she was going to achieve,its sad but very foolish,nieve,and very selfish,she put troops at risk,that had to go and rescue her,the military,need to put a ban on all,civilians,going to the country.
While my heart-felt sympathy goes out to her family, Miss Norgrove went to that country knowing the very high risk of kidnapping - or being killed by terrorists. The men who went in did the best they could - and perhaps another group would have done it differently, but perhaps not. Those sorts of situations are extremely dangerous and volatile - and unless you've ever been in one, you'll never appreciate what the men who tried their hardest to rescue Miss Norgrove took on.
Rest in peace, Miss Norgrove - and thank you for all you did for other people. And thank you to the men who went in to try and rescue you.
- Tori, NY, 12/10/2010 15:28
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Liz, Basingstone - you hit the nail on the head. Why do "aid" workers feel they are invulnerable to being killed in countries where our soldiers are being targeted and killed every day?
It's all very well thinking you are there to help them but the majority of Afgans don't want the help - our way of life (education and healthcare for males and females) is alien to them. They only know a patriarchy where women are possessions that don't require maintenance or kindness. Life is disposable to these people. That's all they know. If we try to educate them, we become the enemy.
Leave them to it, they are not ready to join western society.
- JB, Up North, UK, 12/10/2010 15:06
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A very sad case indeed but I cannot help thinking, you put yourself in harms way, sooner or later you are going to get bitten !
- Toby, Bree, 12/10/2010 14:59
Click to rate Rating 13