那个亚洲女孩被黑人Mario Moore (他手持尖刀威胁说要杀了她)强奸的事实不容置疑!!警察报告和Alexian 兄弟医院(天主教医院)的记录都清楚地说明她在她的月经期被强奸和她经历了强烈的恐惧,她在被强奸抢劫后数小时还在痛哭。那个亚洲女孩非常恐惧,她向强奸犯 Mario Moore 哀求:“请不要杀了我!” www.6park.com
当那个亚洲女孩下到泊车场去指认罪犯时, 她在寒冷的天气下竟然光着脚。她在指认罪犯Mario Moore 后,“歇斯底里地哭了起来”(见Elk Grove 镇警察报告)。 www.6park.com
这个案件涉及到种族歧视:刘波和那个女孩都是亚裔,外国国籍。警察和州律师在保护有长长重罪纪录的美国公民。强奸犯Mario Moore 向警察撒谎和编造假口供的事实是非常明显的,警察和州律师故意对此视而不见。 www.6park.com
The Asian girl was so scared, she begged to the armed rapist Mario Moore: “Please Do Not Kill Me!!!”. www.6park.com
By the time the Asian girl was raped, she was on the second day of her period. She does not even have sex (sorry to use this word, but I couldn’t find any other that is accurate) with her husband during her period, how could she offer sex favor to a felon? www.6park.com
There is no doubt that the Asian girl was raped and robbed by Mario Moore, who held a sharp knife and threatened to kill her. The police report and medical record from Alexian Brothers Medical Center indicated clearly that the girl was raped on her period day and had great fear and was crying during a few hours after being raped and robbed. The Asian girl was so scared, she begged to Mario Moore: “Please Do Not Kill Me!!!”. www.6park.com
When she went down to the parking lot to identify the rapist, she was “bare-footed” in the cold weather. After she identified the criminal, “she cried hysterically”. www.6park.com
Racial Discrimination was involved in this case. Mr. Bo Liu and the Victim are Asian, police and State's Attorney protected the felon Mario Moore, who is a US citizen with huge criminal records. www.6park.com
It was apparent that Mario Moore, the rapist, lied to the police and made false narrative! And police and State’s Attorney neglected it intentionally. www.6park.com
So far there were millions of people over the world know the case and they are on Mr. Bo Liu’s side. www.6park.com
Please review the letter, please investigate the case and please help me. www.6park.com
Attached also includes a page of the victim’s medical record obtained from Alexian Brothers Medical Center (name and address of the victim are omitted) with the written authorization of the victim. www.6park.com