O: Hey apple, apple, hey! Hey apple! Hey, apple! Hey apple, hey apple! Apple hey! Hey apple~
A: What, what, what is it?
O: Orange glad I say apple again~? HAHAHAHAHA
A: Yeah, yeah that joke was funny the first four hundred time you said it.
O: Hey apple~?
A: What?
O: You look fruity~! HAHAHAHAHA
A: Yeah, that ...that was hilarious~.
O: Hey, hey apple~.
A: What!!up?
O: Can you do ten push ups in ten seconds?
A: What kind of question is that, I don’t even have arms. How am I even gonna do one push
O: Hey
A: what?
O: Hey apple
O: Can you do this. (making the noise)
A: No~
O: (continue making the noise) Try it.
A: No, stop it.
O: (Still making the noise)
A: OK~.You've made your point~, STOP IT~
O: (Continue~~)
A: Would you please be quite, for crying out loud! Would you stop yammering for longer than three seconds, I can’t even hear myself think! Ah~
(quiet for five seconds)
O: Hey apple~
O: knife~
A: (screaming).
O: Oh~, I warned you. Ouch~ looks like it hurts~...
(quite for two second)
O: Hey pear!
P: Oh God.~