六、其他国家的人在法国各地被打砸被抢被盗的案例; . BBC news:Kiev mayor's daughter robbed in Paris http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8517272.stm (基辅市长女儿租车从戴高乐机场往巴黎市区途中被劫匪拉开车门抢包) The daughter of the mayor of Kiev has been the victim of a robbery in Paris. Kristina Chernovetskaya said she had 4.5m euros-worth (£4m) of jewels stolen as she drove into the city from Charles de Gaulle airport. She was being driven along the motorway in a luxury hire car when the thief struck, she told police. They were stuck in traffic in the northern suburbs when a man wrenched open a car door and made off with her handbag, said Ms Chernovetskaya. She said the bag contained jewels, rings and earrings with a value of more than $6m. Her chauffeur gave chase but the thief got away, says the BBC's Hugh Schofield in Paris. The only consolation for the daughter of the mayor of Ukraine's capital - who is also a banker, adds our correspondent - was that the thief left behind some 8,000 euros in cash. .
《麦当劳继承人在法国遇歹徒 被劫40万欧元还惨遭殴打》 http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/hqgj/2010-07/01/content_10043944.htm . Thieves assault McDonald heir, steal cash and jewels http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/thieves-assault-mcdonald-heir-steal-cash-and-jewels/story-e6frea7c-1225885511545 . 本周四凌晨3点45分,19岁的卡塔尔王子驾驶一辆奔驰车在香舍丽舍大街附近,被自称警察的人截停。…….http://www.**/thread-1652291-1-1.html . 《马赛暴力抢劫案件频发,法甲后卫希尔顿家中被洗劫一空》 http://sports.sina.com.cn/g/2011-07-13/22535656843.shtml . 《马赛前锋遭武装分子入室抢劫》 http://news.163.com/11/0320/00/6VI3G49I00014AED.html . 《视频: 看法国黑人是怎么抢iphone的》 http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzUzNjUyMjAw.html . 《法国尼斯美术博物馆遭匪徒抢劫,失去四幅无价名画》 http://www.baozang.com/news/n19787 . 《大巴黎91省上演现代版“西部强盗抢劫火车”事件》 http://paris818.com/article-1393-1.html . 《保安罢工抗议偷盗猖獗 卢浮宫关门暴露治安问题》 http://www.chinanews.com/gj/2013/04-11/4719877.shtml . 《卢浮宫为抗议小偷闭馆24小时》 http://www.paris818.com/article-1534-1.html . 《法卢浮宫关门抗议小偷 欲游宫先读防盗秘籍(图)》 http://www.chinanews.com/gj/2013/04-12/4724163.shtml |