地产银保 · 房产买卖

来自欧洲和中东地区 发布时间 2024-09-30 23:16:43
大巴黎 大巴黎



城市: 大巴黎 大巴黎

售价: €320000欧

面积: 58平

户型: 一室一厅

Charges: 欧/年

来源: 个人

楼层: 6楼

装修: 精装



一套位于Charenton le pont 一室一厅58平房子
城市安全 小区邻居传统法国住户 周围没有廉租房或者不正经的人

楼里开soirée 或者装修都会张贴广告提醒邻居,也会把楼梯包起来,整体住户素养很高。

房源距离Vincenne森林步行仅5分钟,日常散步遛弯出门即可感受大自然 距离田径场足球场网球场篮球场步行10分钟。

如果你是一个中国胃:T3直达13区且只有4站,满足日常采购以及中餐需求 (法超更是遍布周围)

房源一室一厅58平,法国2楼带大电梯,总高6层。带cave,带parking, 客厅连接开放厨房,厨房+客厅总体达到40平+目前看的同类型面积甚至更大面积房源都没有如此舒适客厅厨房,一间卧室,配备浴缸的大洗手间,
全屋落地窗户,采光一级棒,重点是带窗户的通透卫生间,多少年了在法国哪怕更大的房子 也都是暗卫。
重中之重:集中供暖‼️charges comprises 到了冬天再也没有天价电费单,也没有冻着不敢开电暖局面,而且暖气非常好。

学区:误打误撞买了中国人趋之若鹜的学区房,私立高中了解一下:École Collège Lycée Notre-Dame des Missions

最后的最后:舍不得搬家卖房的原因竟然是舍不得如此好的gardien! 非常敬业的一对夫妻 天天都在忙碌,小区卫生维护的非常好,垃圾桶洗的比家里的桶还干净!每一封信每一个快递送上家门,并且过节还感恩写卡片给住户。

Prix:总价€320000 低于本城市均价很多,也低于周围街区均价。有意者联系电话或者Whats:447386130274

A 58-square-meter one-bedroom and one-living room house in Charenton le pont
The city is safe. The neighbors in the community are traditional French residents. There are no low-rent housing or improper people around.

After living there, I felt a sense of tranquility in the bustling city. It is very convenient to go to Paris and the Chinese Super League, but it is very quiet to live there. There is a castle next door at the end of a small road.
When a soirée is opened or renovated in the building, advertisements will be posted to remind neighbors, and the stairs will be wrapped. The overall residents are very well-educated.

The house is only a 5-minute walk from the Vincenne Forest. You can feel the nature by taking a daily walk and going out. It is a 10-minute walk from the track and field, football field, tennis court and basketball court.

If you have a Chinese stomach: T3 goes directly to the 13th district and there are only 4 stops to meet daily shopping and Chinese food needs (the French Super League is all around)
In addition, there is Metro Line 8, a 7-minute walk, and many direct bus routes to the city.

The house is 58 square meters with one bedroom and one living room, on the second floor of France with a large elevator, with a total height of 6 floors. With cave, with parking, living room connected to open kitchen, kitchen + living room total up to 40 square meters + the same type of area or even larger area of ​​the house I have seen so far does not have such a comfortable living room kitchen, one bedroom, a large bathroom with a bathtub,
The kitchen is full of cabinets and appliances, the focus is natural gas, especially suitable for couples who love food at home,
The whole house has floor-to-ceiling windows, the lighting is excellent, the focus is the transparent bathroom with windows, for many years in France, even larger houses are dark bathrooms.
The most important thing: central heating‼ ️charges comprise In winter, there is no sky-high electricity bill, no cold and dare not turn on the electric heating, and the heating is very good.

School district: I accidentally bought a school district house that Chinese people are flocking to. Let’s learn about the private high school: École Collège Lycée Notre-Dame des Missions
A very good high school in Greater Paris!

Finally: The reason why I can't bear to move and sell my house is that I can't bear to leave such a good garden! A very dedicated couple is busy every day. The community is very well maintained, and the trash cans are cleaner than the trash cans at home! Every letter and every express delivery is delivered to the door, and they also write cards to thank the residents during holidays.

Price: Total price €320,000, which is much lower than the average price of this city and the average price of the surrounding neighborhoods. If you are interested, please contact us by phone or Whats: 447386130274



