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【求助】再次提问关于戏剧内容 Plaute Psendolus

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2006-11-20 18:40:23


回复: 【求助】再次提问关于戏剧内容 Plaute Psendolus

Plaute普劳图斯是古罗马时期的一位诗人和喜剧作家,原名叫Titus Maccius Plautus,生于公元前254年,卒于公元前184年。他精通希腊文,是共和时代最著名的罗马剧作家之一,其作品多改编自古希腊戏剧,但反映的却是罗马的现实生活,风格上接近罗马民间喜剧,生动活泼、富于动作,具有民主倾向。Pseudolus是拉丁文人名,作品译为《说谎者(Le menteur)》,也译作《聪明的奴隶(The clever slave)》,是他的一部著作之一。
2006-11-20 22:47:48

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回复: 【求助】再次提问关于戏剧内容 Plaute Psendolus

2006-11-20 23:59:41

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回复: 【求助】再次提问关于戏剧内容 Plaute Psendolus



Pseudolus is a play by the Ancient Roman playwright Titus Maccius Plautus. It is one of the earliest examples of Roman literature. The play begins with the shortest prologue of any of the remaining plays of Plautus.


Callidorus, the young son of the Athenian nobleman, Simo, laments to his slave Pseudolus, a clever fellow, about how his love, Phoenicium, has just been sold to a Macedonian general by her pimp, Ballio, for 2000 drachmae, 500 of which is to be delivered that day by messenger. Pseudolus promises his young master that he will solve his problem. An interaction between Ballio and Pseudolus and Callidorus heightens Ballio's awareness regarding trickery on the part of Pseudolus. Afterwards, Pseudolus then asks Callidorus to produce a loyal friend who would be able to help in his plan. Pseudolus then runs into Simo and one of Simo's friends. Simo has heard that his son has fallen for a prostitute and is trying to raise the money to buy her freedom. Simo makes a bet with Pseudolus that Callidorus will not successfully save Phoenicium from servitude to the tune of 2000 drachmae. Meanwhile, Ballio is running around town making birthday preparations (today is his birthday), and he is talking to a cook whom he has just hired. While Ballio is away from home, Pseudolus intercepts the messenger, Harpax, sent to deliver the last 500 drachmae, and retrieve Phoenicium. Pseudolus claims to work for Ballio and tries to receive the money on his behalf, but Harpax refuses, having been ordered to deliver the money to Ballio alone. Nevertheless, Pseudolus successfully deflects the messenger to a nearby inn where he is instructed to await word from Ballio. Later, Callidorus eventually produces a loyal friend to Pseudolus, although he is not very clever, and not really what Pseudolus was hoping for. Nevertheless, during the exchange, it is revealed that there is a new slave about that very few people in Athens knows about, as he is a foreigner, and he is reportedly incredibly intelligent. Pseudolus then instructs this slave to retrieve the 500 drachmae and the letter from the Macedonian General from the messenger while he is asleep and to impersonate Harpax while meeting with Ballio. After this meeting takes place, Ballio runs into Simo and they talk about how Callidorus must be crushed that Phoenicium is on her way to the Macedonian General. Ballio then meets the real Harpax, whom he takes to be one of Pseudolus' friends, and tells him to scram. In the end, Callidorus gets the girl, Ballio has to repay the real Harpax, and Pseudolus wins the bet with Simo. Simo and Pseudolus (this is real) go out drinking together in the end.
2006-11-21 00:31:15

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回复: 【求助】再次提问关于戏剧内容 Plaute Psendolus

2006-11-21 01:29:34

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