Apple Inc. set off shock waves Tuesday by announcing Steve Jobs will not speak at what the company said would be its final appearance at the Macworld trade show. The news sent the company's stock downward, and raised questions about whether Mr. Jobs had new health problems or some new products were not ready.
Apple Inc. set off shock waves Tuesday by announcing Steve Jobs will not speak at what the company said would be its final appearance at the Macworld trade show. The news sent the company's stock downward, and raised questions about whether Mr. Jobs had new health problems or some new products were not ready.
Appel inc. a anoncé à mardi, 首席执行官steve jobs ne se présentera pas et ne parlerai pas à salon MACWORLD, ainsi que ça serait sa dernier apparition au salon Macworld. Cette annonce entraine la baisse du stock, et ont soulevé des questions quant à savoir si M.Jobs a des problèmes de la santé ou les nouveaux produits ne sont pas bien prêts.