LOFT诞生于纽约的“波西米亚”——Greenwich Village,成长纽约南部——Tribeca,后迅速繁衍于芝加哥、旧金山、落杉机等地。
当LOFT的居住理念在美国获得巨大成功后,立即被其他国家所效仿。1970年,法国雕塑家Yues De La Tour D’Auverngne将一间位于巴黎Boulevard St Germain 地区的钥匙加工厂进行了改造,而英国建筑师Tony Goddard通过改造奥利弗仓库,创造出伦敦第一所LOFT住宅,LOFT最早出现在加拿大范库弗峰的格斯镇,迅速遍布蒙特利尔、多伦多等地,意大利紧随其后,米兰的Navigli是最著名的LOFT街区,接着,西班牙的LOFT异军突起,巴塞罗纳的Poble Nou成为经典LOFT区。
An upper room or story in a building, directly under the roof, used either for storage (as in most private houses), for a specific purpose, e.g. an "organ loft" in a church, or to sleep in (sleeping loft). In this sense it is roughly synonymous with attic.
A large adaptable open space in a factory, warehouse or other commercial space, or a type of residence that results from the conversion of such a room. Such spaces generally contain very high ceilings, large windows, and concrete floors and ceilings.
Loft apartment
Loft apartments are apartments that are generally built into former industrial buildings. When industrial developments are developed into condominiums instead of apartments, they may be called loft condominiums. The general term warehouse-to-loft conversions may sometimes be used for development of industrial buildings into apartments and condominiums. "Loft-style" may also refer simply to developments where a street-level business occupies the first floor while apartment "lofts" are placed above the first floor.
These dwellings may advertise "exposed brick" and are the two-story equivalent of a studio apartments. Loft apartments generally have one open room having the bedroom in a loft while the kitchen and living room comprise the first floor. This style may be chosen for redevelopment of industrial buildings due to the original high-roofed room design of such buildings. Sometimes, loft apartments are one component of municipal urban renewal initiatives that also include renovation of industrial buildings into art galleries and studio space as well as promotion of a new part of the city as an "arts district."
loft nom commun- masculin( lofts ) 1. construction local professionnel ou industriel reconverti en lieu d'habitation (mot anglais) installer les commodités sanitaires dans un loft