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2008-1-9 23:17:28


原帖由 pyou 于 2008-1-9 23:17 发表

“Upping the stakes" refers to increasing your expectations, moving one step closer to the end behavior. Upping the ...

as u wish

“Upping the stakes"refers to 1 increasing your expectations, moving one step closer to the2 end behavior
. Upping the stakes, if we use it
3 for gamble, the risk 4 tobe able to be very high; but if we use it in 5 the management, 6 possibly we can obtain an unexpected good effect.

There are times whenan assessment means more than a little gentle encouragement that you'removing in the right direction. If you need a pass to 7obtain an academicor professional qualification that could transform your career, thenthe stakes have upped considerably.

The most criticalquality of an assessment is its ability to 8 accurately test for theachievement of a learning objective. 9Assuming you're starting withspecific, observable 10objectives - and that's a big assumption - thismeans selecting the right kind of test item and then carefully 11craftingthe item to provide the right level of difficulty 12and a freedom fromambiguity. The creation of test items is 13not a trivial task andrequires 14 real attention to detail.

When a matter is noturgent or 15has not related our vital interest, we often can be verypatient. That is why the woman in this article, when she usually cannot 16obtain the report on time, she does not 17urgent; 18But when if she cannot obtain the report on time, 19she will be cut off the index finger,her 20 manner can completely 21 change.

Upping the stakes,even with 22 the people who seem most impossible, 23 you can get what youwant if you are committed to getting results.

1 "raising" seems to be better here. ne me pose pas la question pourkoi. ce n'est qu'une impression. ;-)
2 u meant to say "ultimate action", i suppose
3 leave it out to avert the repetition. "as a gambling technique" or "in gambling ventures"
4 we are in for could be very high.
5 remove "the". in management
6 we could possibly obtain an unexpectedly good result. we usu. say "to obtain an reslut", "to produce an effect", non?
7 acquire. there is nothing wrong with using "obtain" here. It's just that this verb's been already used in the previous paragraph.
8 to evaluate accurately how well a learning objective has been achieved.
9 Assuming that...
10 goals. just to avoid repetition
11 tailoring/adapting it
12 as well as
13 no trivial task
14 requires close/meticulous attention to detail.
15 has no connection with
16 get (say u have a weakness for obtain, dont you? ;-) )
perhaps u meant to say "she is not bothered" here? 她不着急?
18 sorry to say this, but I'm having BIG trouble understanding this"cannot obtain the report on time" part. what are u trying to say?
elle va se fairecouper l'index. c'est ca ce que tu veux entendre? in the englishlanguage, the sentence usu. appears as "she'll get her forefinger cutoff" or her forefinger will be cut off.
20 manners/attitude/reaction? will be
21 different
22 just up the stakes, even with those who appear to be impossible todeal with.
23 As long as you are determined to have a result, you will come by what you want.


i'm willing to concede that correcting your text is no easy task, not for it is badly written. on the contrary, i had to be hypercritical in my proofreading in order to meet your expectations.  I'm fairly impressed with ur written english which seems fine and show no sign of failing in any way. well, maybe it's just that u tend to be hypercritical with yourself, or ur just being self-effacing. anyway, keep up the good work and sustain the support for this discussion area by dropping in as often as you can. i guarantee ya, u'll be glad u did.


2008-1-10 12:31:14

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2008-1-10 16:55:56

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