由于要搭乘从冰岛到瑞典的飞机,我不得不在凌晨5点钟起床,在马桶上抽了3又1/2根烟以后还是不清醒,我决定下楼去喝杯咖啡。酒店的餐厅是开着的,但是漆黑一片,我轻手轻脚的摸了进去,有种小时候淘气的快感。咖啡是热的,看来是专门为我们这些早起赶飞机的客人准备的,因为是逆着时差飞,所以飞往欧洲的航班很多被安排在很早。昨天在和服务生的攀谈中得知,在这个时间起飞对于冰岛这个特殊的地方来说很平常,Beacause here is arctic pole...
Iceland! when your Balder comes back and bears from the heart of the Sun
Peace and the healing of pain, and the wisdom that waiteth no more
And the lilies are laid on thy brow'mid the crown of the deeds you have done
And the roses spring up by thy feet that the rocks of the wilderness wore
Iceland! when your Balder comes back and we gather the gains he has won
Shall we not linger a little to talk of your sweetness of old
Yea, turn back awhile to your travail whence the Gods stood aloof to behold?