It is not often in a lfietime that one is previliged to watch a dream grow from the minute seed of a faintly perceived vision to the joyful flowering of a reality that eventually unfolds in ways that far exceed all the expectations and hopes that initially inspired the original dream.
Post by charming
不要被这个长句吓着了,其实很多是修辞上的废话(什么小小的种子啊,虚幻的愿景啊,如花般的欢乐现实啊),译成中文的时候没有必要一字一句的翻,把主要的意思翻出来就行了。 It is not often in a lfietime that one is previliged to watch a dream grow from the minute seed of a faintly perceived vision to the joyful flowering of a reality that eventually unfolds in ways that far exceed all the...
Post by amourguan
呵呵 我也来试一下: It is not often in a lfietime that one is previliged to watch a dream grow from the minute seed of a faintly perceived vision to the joyful flowering of a reality that eventually unfolds in ways that far exceed all the expectations and hopes that initially inspired the original dream. 目睹...
Post by amourguan
no I didn't. That's just kiddo thing hehe lots of freshmen or sophomores crowded there and I was so impressed by their ardent enthusiasm while passing by. Anyway, who can predict what is gonna happen in two years? I'm not so clear about what I will do right that time, but one thing is for sure, GG ...
and how!!!! 2008 is a can't miss!!!! once in a life event!!! i mean the next time beijing hosts les jos, it'd be, god knows when. i'll manage to be there, just like u. also, i wouldnt be averse to stepping forward as a volunteer, i mean when chance arises. its my town. it's fair enough for me to honor its guests, isn't it? and there might be a chance we'd come cross each other on our way to a game. tell me how i can spot u then. hehe