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2019-5-7 08:40:35


18小时前 来自 微博 HTML5 版 Pity for Shizu women 刘婧瑶 and foreign thieves.  ‘对不起了贾小琳,我必须成名。'Sorry Jia Xiaolin, I must be famous.'’’ I am sorry for Liu's suicide for over half a year by damaging me to receive.  They attacked me when clinton showed dissatisfaction and Ma yun attacked through my ears. 刘的干爹:"你放心吧,早晚有你死的那一天。" 贾琪.:"你不能有信息。""我得洗洗手,这女的太脏了。"刘婧瑶:‘谢谢干爹护我。’’ 刘的干爹:"会怎么着啊,我向着她呢。" Q.J:‘’呦喂。" 刘让她干爹性*骚*扰,逼我发到网上。 刘:"蜀黍,屁股。" 刘的干爹:‘现在该到你了。‘’ Roger:‘她同意了。"  I know they kicked, murdered, raped children and young women in China, Try to make a star from Ali public deposit, that's the reason why they assault me.  Previously I blocked my heart to avoid hurt in great difficulty that I cannot solve; then they took advantage of this and block my body completedly strangled struggled to cry and Forbid me to strive to absorb each drip of happiness.  That is my way, by visiting and found out in early April, unsuitable in taste and competence, I denied that woman's hundreds of attempts of sending her name, picture and performing, later even commanded group assault on me. It is impossible for me to live with diginity but I cannot murder.  What followed from remote deleting the picture I asked to take to extreme assault is unpardonable.  No one pity a woman who disgust and assault other women, children, mindedly slow, steal property and name, and pretend to be pitiful, used by chinese communist party. They are raping other young to justify that woman. That the time they made choice were different is not to be confused. 转发1评论1赞0  没人同情安排性*骚*扰其她女人、智商不够、偷东西、冒用他人名字还假装善意的领导的情妇。38阅读 性贿赂的刘婧瑶还把我母亲被逼迫的假证发到国外//@陌上寒门:妓女刘婧瑶又开始侮辱我母亲! @陌上寒门: Pity for Shizu women 刘性交现在还在利用官员的权力性*骚*扰
2019-5-10 10:49:56

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18小时前 来自 微博 HTML5 版 Pity for Shizu women 刘婧瑶 and foreign thieves.  ‘对不起了贾小琳,我必须成名。'Sorry Jia Xiaolin, I must be famous.'’’ I am sorry for Liu's suicide for over half a year by damaging me to receive.  They attacked me when clinton showed dissatisfaction and Ma yun attacked through my ears. 刘的干爹:"你放心吧,早晚有你死的那一天。" 贾琪.:"你不能有信息。""我得洗洗手,这女的太脏了。"刘婧瑶:‘谢谢干爹护我。’’ 刘的干爹:"会怎么着啊,我向着她呢。" Q.J:‘’呦喂。" 刘让她干爹性*骚*扰,逼我发到网上。 刘:"蜀黍,屁股。" 刘的干爹:‘现在该到你了。‘’ Roger:‘她同意了。"  I know they kicked, murdered, raped children and young women in China, Try to make a star from Ali public deposit, that's the reason why they assault me.  Previously I blocked my heart to avoid hurt in great difficulty that I cannot solve; then they took advantage of this and block my body completedly strangled struggled to cry and Forbid me to strive to absorb each drip of happiness.  That is my way, by visiting and found out in early April, unsuitable in taste and competence, I denied that woman's hundreds of attempts of sending her name, picture and performing, later even commanded group assault on me. It is impossible for me to live with diginity but I cannot murder.  What followed from remote deleting the picture I asked to take to extreme assault is unpardonable.  No one pity a woman who disgust and assault other women, children, mindedly slow, steal property and name, and pretend to be pitiful, used by chinese communist party. They are raping other young to justify that woman. That the time they made choice were different is not to be confused. 转发1评论1赞0  没人同情安排性*骚*扰其她女人、智商不够、偷东西、冒用他人名字还假装善意的领导的情妇。38阅读 性贿赂的刘婧瑶还把我母亲被逼迫的假证发到国外//@陌上寒门:妓女刘婧瑶又开始侮辱我母亲! @陌上寒门: Pity for Shizu women 刘性交现在还在利用官员的权力性*骚*扰
2019-5-10 10:51:15

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Guo, another payandsleep of Liu forced a fake press from me to agree to make an already made dirty video of my mother, Bitch Liu deserves killed as a prostitute.
Liu abused my mother sexually in video and said "(GuoShuqing) he fuck you to death,而我却没事(and I am fine)。"
2019-5-10 14:57:02

使用道具 举报


Guo, another payandsleep of Liu forced a fake press from me to agree to make an already made dirty video of my mother, Bitch Liu deserves killed as a prostitute. Liu abused my mother sexually in video and said "(GuoShuqing) he fuck you to death,而我却没事(and I am fine)。"
2019-5-10 14:59:41

使用道具 举报


Guo, another payandsleep of Liu forced a fake press from me to agree to make an already made dirty video of my mother, Bitch Liu deserves killed as a prostitute. Liu abused my mother sexually in video and said "(GuoShuqing) he fuck you to death,而我却没事(and I am fine)。"
2019-5-10 15:00:19

使用道具 举报

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