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2018-10-9 11:09:43



联系方式:Tracy Miao,0512-85188298-8112,tracy.miao@hutchinson-suzhou.cn

HUTCHINSON is an old company,founded in France in 1853 by an American engineer. Between 1922 and 1923, theformer Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping had worked in Hutchinson. Since 1974, HUTCHINSONis a subsidiary of the TOTAL Group, a Global Fortune top 20 company, dealingwith oil and chemicals business and with a sales level of more than 110 BillionEuros. Over the years, HUTCHINSON developed and internationalized to become theworld leader in the industrial rubber business, with about 2.7 Billion Eurossales in 2010 and employing more than 28,631 associates worldwide. HUTCHINSONmain activity is to manufacture and sell rubber products to Global OEMs in theaerospace, railway, and car industry, but also consumer goods, from its 95plants located in 21 countries. HUTCHINSON broad products range is includingdefense parts, antivibration parts, car body sealing, fluid transfer systems,transmission belts, precision seals, gloves, scouring products, and babyproducts. In 1996, HUTCHINSON started to invest in China and developed 2 unitsin Wuhan and Suzhou, and employing more than 1700 people in Chinese area.

HUTCHINSON SUZHOU is developing 6Business Units: Common Department, Industry, Precision Sealing, TransmissionBelts, Antivibration Pads and Asia Purchasing Office. As one of the best rubberproduct’s suppliers in the world, HUTCHINSON SUZHOU produces high qualityproducts for railway, aerospace and general industry on international markets. HutchinsonSuzhou, subsidiaryof the Group TOTAL, supplier of row 1 of the automotive industry.

We are looking for Chinese students in France, major in mechanical, vehicle engineering, or material engineering.

Thanks to send CV in English to tracy.miao@hutchinson-suzhou.cn
2018-11-21 09:07:13

使用道具 举报


2018-11-21 23:35:53

使用道具 举报



联系方式:Tracy Miao,0512-85188298-8112,tracy.miao@hutchinson-suzhou.cn

HUTCHINSON is an old company,founded in France in 1853 by an American engineer. Between 1922 and 1923, theformer Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping had worked in Hutchinson. Since 1974, HUTCHINSONis a subsidiary of the TOTAL Group, a Global Fortune top 20 company, dealingwith oil and chemicals business and with a sales level of more than 110 BillionEuros. Over the years, HUTCHINSON developed and internationalized to become theworld leader in the industrial rubber business, with about 2.7 Billion Eurossales in 2010 and employing more than 28,631 associates worldwide. HUTCHINSONmain activity is to manufacture and sell rubber products to Global OEMs in theaerospace, railway, and car industry, but also consumer goods, from its 95plants located in 21 countries. HUTCHINSON broad products range is includingdefense parts, antivibration parts, car body sealing, fluid transfer systems,transmission belts, precision seals, gloves, scouring products, and babyproducts. In 1996, HUTCHINSON started to invest in China and developed 2 unitsin Wuhan and Suzhou, and employing more than 1700 people in Chinese area.

HUTCHINSON SUZHOU is developing 6Business Units: Common Department, Industry, Precision Sealing, TransmissionBelts, Antivibration Pads and Asia Purchasing Office. As one of the best rubberproduct’s suppliers in the world, HUTCHINSON SUZHOU produces high qualityproducts for railway, aerospace and general industry on international markets. HutchinsonSuzhou, subsidiaryof the Group TOTAL, supplier of row 1 of the automotive industry.

We are looking for Chinese students in France, major in mechanical, vehicle engineering, or material engineering.

Thanks to send CV in English to tracy.miao@hutchinson-suzhou.cn
2018-11-23 08:36:20

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2019-2-27 16:18:33

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