In 91 Palaiseau, You will for sure get a Titre de sejour that holds until 2018年11月 (the ending data of your contract), and when you get your titre de sejour, you need to pay 269 Euros.
There is one way to get one-year titre de sejour if your contract left is not more than one year, which is to register in pole emploi and the certificate from pole emploi will alow you to get one year tire de sejour (I have not tied yet, but some of my friends manage to do that).
In Principle, the data of your titre de sejour depends on the "convention de accueil" from your employer (CNRS, or University or others), but if you register in pole emploi, you will have the excuse to apply a one year titre de sejour, although your contract or convention de accueil left is less than one year.
Sorry, I cannot write in Chinese for the moment, but I assume you can read English.