National residence card is not residence card of a family member of a Union citizen.
Joyce, the Nigerian spouse of a Italian national living in Italy. Joyce has been issued a residence permit in Italy. Joyce wishes to join Luca on his next business trip to London. As the UK is not part of the Schengen area, Joyce is required to obtain an EEA Family Permit (an entry visa) to travel to the UK with Luca.
If Joyce was living with her Italian spouse in another country other than Italy, Joyce will be issued from immigration office a (residence card of a family member of a Union citizen),in this case Joyce will join Luca to UK without be required to obtain UK Visa or an EEA Family Permit.
A non-EEA spouse of a German national living and working in France will usually hold a residence card issued by the French authorities under EU law. Therefore a United Kingdom issued EEA family permit is not required for travel and entry to the UK.