就是这样啊,我去移民局问,今天问明天问得到的答案就不一样。有的说三个月,有的干脆说不行必须拿黄纸,有的又说凭签证就可以。当时随护照一起返回来的那个表格最后一页最下面,有一个TRES IMPORTANT, 写的就是1、You wish to travel to another Schengen Zone country: your long stay multiple entry visa allows you to do so any time.
2. You wish to travel to a country outside the Schengen Zone, or to your country of origin:
- within the first 3 months of your arrival in France: your long stay multiple entry visa allows you to do so without having the OFII sticker in your passport or receipt stating your file has been received.
- After these 3 months: you have to have the sticker 'Vignette OFII' in your passport (or at least the OFII receipt). Failing to comply with the necessary formalities with the OFII within 3 months of your arrival in France will result in your having to present a new application for a long stay visa at the French consulate or embassy of your country of origin”
意思明明就是 如果想去申根国,你的长期签证就足够了。如果想去非申根国或者回国,就分两种情况,三个月内和三个月后。
前几天还去OFII,直接指着上面那段话问凭签证能不能去申根国,工作人员回复OUI, TOUT A FAIT,OUI.