yes, exactly, as my gross anual income is about 40k, with a online simulaor, i got a monthly net income about 26**, but the socalled "net imposable" is 28**.
So I supposed that it's the first mount 26** I got payed, but I still need to pay some tax at the end of the year. I just wanna how much I have to pay for that income tax.
Thank you very much, I can't type chinese in a public linux computer
cauchy 发表于 2013-4-2 22:26
yes, exactly, as my gross anual income is about 40k, with a online simulaor, i got a monthly net i ...
楼主,法国的个人所得税不是按月征收的,更不是简单的数目*Taux,如你每月净到手2600*12=31200,这是brut imposable,假设楼主单身无孩子无老人负担,在此基础你可以选择一个déduction des frais pro10%,那就是31200*0,9,假设楼主没有任何东西可以减税、那28080€就是你的net imposable. 最后用28080套一个固定公式,就得到你的所得税金额了。公式网上就有。28080套公式的R,你一个人是一个part,N就是1。楼主如果结婚有孩子,就又不一样了,所以是完全根据个人情况的,
si toutes mes hypothèses sont ok, tu devras payer 2857€ par an pour IRPP。