Part 5 > Employment and Finances > Student > Additional Information While studying, do you also work either part-time or full-time? 如果我刚刚实习结束,这里是应该选YES还是NO呢? 实习结束了,现在就不工作就没雇主了,按理不能选YES。但是如果选NO,那后面要填的资金来源怎么填,毕竟银行账单上能看见实习单位给转的账。just say yes
2. Part 5 > Employment and Finances > Income and What is your total monthly income from all sources of employment or occupation, after tax? 如果自己的钱就靠实习,或者打工赚的,这个是不是就填实习时每月工资的数目,还是?
另外需要在材料里加上什么证明吗?yes, and you have to give your "bulletin de paie"
3.How much money is available for your visit? (just put a bigger number like 1000 euros) What is the cost to you personally of your stay in the United Kingdom? (put a smaller number as 500 euros) 我怎么感觉这两个问题是一样的啊?如果就自己去玩两三天,是不是填一样的数目就好了。
4. You stated that you had travelled outside your country of residence, excluding the UK, in the last 10 years.
Please provide details of all your trips abroad in the last 10 years.w(put all the foreign countries you have visited, the more the better) 这个是不是就回答我在法国学习生活了多少年就可以了?去其他德国西班牙啥的也不用签证啊。
谢谢啊。太感激了。 While studying, do you also work either part-time or full-time? 选了YES 后面紧接着要求填 what is your present occupation? What is your present work or job occupation? Please give details of your present job/occupation/employment. You should provide full and current, independent and verifiable documentary evidence to support this. For students who work as well as study, please provide details of your present job/occupation/employment
in this case, you just choose that you don't have any occupation when doing you studies in France. Make sure that you have at least 1000 in your bank statement and everything will be OK.
I have applied at least 6 UK visas. never had problem, even sometimes I could not provide enough documents as utility bills / payslip as they required.
Don't worry, the most important is that you have enough money on your bank account and the proof that you will come back to France ( school's certificate for example).