very difficult actually
i gave up such an opportunity last summer because of the visa
UK had changed visa policy to some crappy evaluation system based on cumulative points...
and for master degree holder, and with an internship salary less than 2000 pounds (which is generally the case), you can hardly even proceed your application from very beginning, that is to say, you can not even pass the pre-screening processure.
At least it was my case, hope I was wrong, I did not like so much that internship anyway, so I gave it up without trying hard, hope you good luck.
- Tier 5 is not possible as we do not hold a license for Tier 5 applications.
- Tier 1 application is not an option anymore as a new law to be enforced from April 6th stipulates that applicant must provide the proof that they meet requirement to support themselves and can not be sponsored by a company. The new requirement is £150k.
- Tier 2 “intra company” not possible either as you would need to have been already employed by XXX min 3 months before coming to the UK .
- Tier 2 “general application” is technically the only possibility BUT the process is long (we need to advertize in the local papers the position during min 4 weeks and will have to consider every candidate), not cheap, and requires a payment bracket to the candidate which is outside (too high) what we provide to trainees.
Based on the above, it unfortunately looks unlikely that we will proceed with your application.
Not your fault but the UK Home Office is taking a tougher approach to students coming here. We had a similar problem with a Russian trainee last year.