[attach]2097401[/attach] 英国媒体近日报道,英国一对父母为防止两个女儿变成“沙发土豆”,对她们下达一年的电视禁令,作为补偿,又与女儿共同列出100项户外活动,且全程参与。一年下来,一家人感觉效果不错,已经着手制定来年的百项活动清单。 [attach]2097400[/attach] 诺丁汉郡的蒂姆·米克和克丽·米克夫妇均为教师,育有两个女儿,大女儿埃米现年10岁,小女儿埃拉8岁。看到女儿闲时总是看电视或是玩电子游戏,夫妇俩决定,在一年里禁止女儿看电视,作为补偿,在征求她们意见后列出了100项户外活动的清单。为了鼓励女儿,户外活动米克夫妇样样参与。为鼓励更多人投身户外,他们把全家人的户外活动录成视频,并设立网站与大家分享。“我们希望能帮到其他父母,给孩子更多积极影响,”蒂姆说。 [attach]2097402[/attach] 米克夫妇为女儿列出的百项户外挑战不仅考虑到娱乐,还兼顾锻炼胆识和培养生活、社交技能,内容包括浮潜、滑雪、漂流、攀岩、爬法国埃菲尔铁塔、参加音乐节、在城里露营、户外庆生、在野外生火和觅食、走扁带、岩洞探险、24小时不用电、在母亲节为妈妈做饭、在全校师生面前卖面包为慈善机构筹款、参加社区劳动等。每逢周末或假期,一家人就出发,挑战清单上的项目。 [attach]2097398[/attach] 刚刚过去的周末,米克一家完成了100项户外活动,总共花费不到500英镑。蒂姆说,一年下来,他们全家感觉精神状态更为积极向上。“我们并没有绝对禁止她们看电视,不过现在她们基本不想看了。” [attach]2097399[/attach] 如今,这家人已经开始为来年的百项活动制定清单。蒂姆说:“现在,女儿们开始为活动内容出主意,她们决定要住在山里,我们打算哪天就去。”据新华社 附:百项活动清单: 1. Slacklining (walking on a rope between two trees) 2. Scooter Safari 3. Caving 4. Spend the night in a hammock 5. Canoe down a river 6. Adventure led by the girls 7. Sleep in a wood 8. Watch rutting deer 9. Learn survival skills 10. Sleep on a beach 11. Forage for a meal 12. Support a cause (Comic Relief) 13. Snorkelling 14. Go for a reptile ramble 15. Find a private beach 16. Climb the Eiffel Tower 17. Kayak Safari 18. Camp in a city 19. Swim in a natural pool 20. Sleep in a cahutte 21. Coasteering 22. Orienteering race 23. Outdoor birthday party 24. Walk on high ropes 25. Make a rope swing 26. Sleep in a Bivvy-Bag 27. See a henge from sunset to sunrise 28. Sleep in a family-size sleeping bag 29. Kayaking 30. Community work 31. Climb and abseil 32. Sailing 33. Walk a peninsula 34. See a puffin 35. Watch wild seals 36. Play conkers 37. Go off-road hiking 38. Sleep in a shelter 39. Climb an epic summit 40. Camper-vanning 41. Cook and eat in the wild 42. Wake and run 43. Bivvy by a river 44. Tag team cycle trail 45. Learn a constellation 46. Whittle (carve) while you walk 47. Sub-zero camping 48. Snow walking 49. Floodlit swan feed 50. Discover local history 51. Find a summit 52. Go without electricity for 24 hours 53. Weaseling (climbing between gaps in rocks) 54. Night-time descent 55. Eat nettle soup 56. Enter a race 57. Explore rock pools 58. Cook on a beach 59. Dam a stream 60. Explore a cave 61. Explore a wreck 62. Find a waterfall 63. Take on the elements 64. Body-boarding 65. Wild river swim 66. Mountain biking 67. Going to the toilet outside 68. Go behind a waterfall 69. Coastal walk 70. Music festival 71. Visit a landmark 72. Walk to a tidal island 73. Sleep in an eco-tent 74. Spot red squirrels 75. Climb a ‘matterhorn’ 76. Walk down a river 77. Geocaching (GPRS treasure hunting) 78. Clean a beach 79. Scramble 80. Walk around a city 81. Orienteering 82. Night-time wood walk 83. Snow hiking 84. Cook with snow 85. Visit a suspension bridge 86. Three peaks in three day 87. Climb a winter summit 88. Ghyll scrambling (walking through gorges) 89. Make meal for mum on Mother’s Day 90. Play in snowdrifts 91. Backpacking 92. Tracking and mapping 93. Visit London 94. Build a bridge 95. Crabbing 96. Night walk in a forest 97. Off-peak camping 98. Skiing 99. Climb indoors 100.Tentsile (hammock-like tent) |