当然背不是眼睛看着天花板背一些口语没有任何人会用的句子,而是固定下来一些词,比如 il est plus grand que lecontrole可能是临时能想起来的句子,而如果事先准备好就可以说ce groupe montre une sur-coissance;这样清晰的多了而且用的专业里面明晰的概念,就不像小孩子一样只能用一些浅显的词.
这就要至少提前三天完成ppt 然后剩下的三天想想每张ppt上有几个要点,每个要点除了用grand petit 等词还有什*么词可以更清晰的表达。然后力求记住那个最精准的词。当然临场忘了也不要慌了,永远有另一种方法可以解释明白。
还下载了一本,买了一本,计2本如何manage科研和科研小组的书,针对博士后和新chef d'equipe的,翻了几页觉得很不错,还没时间看。除了这个,还有就是俗话说知己知彼百战不殆,看看他们怎么挑人,也好准备被挑。
Make the Right Moves 和At the Helm: A Laboratory Navigator
As tradition dictates, we made our own ice cream, using liquid nitrogen as a refrigerant and aerator. We spilled a little of the nitrogen onto a table and watched tiny little drops of it dance around." Someone asked, "Why does it do that?" M. explained that the nitrogen evaporated when it came in contact with the table, which provided a cushion of air for the drop to sit on, and thermally insulated it to minimize further evaporation- enabling it to do its little dance without scarring the table, boiling away or being "smeared" out. "It's this principle," he said, "that makes it possible for someone to dip his wet hand into molten lead or to put liquid nitrogen in his mouth without injury.
硝基迈克原名叫Michael Mazur,是WPI大学的学生,故事发生在1997年。我刚才的留言里有WPI大学官方网站的相关报道的链接,但不知为什*么被删掉了。
所以感兴趣的可以去WPI的网站搜索,文章标题是'Student Gulps Into Medical Literature'
Mazur, a West Hills, Calif., native who received his bachelor's degree in physics in May 1998, swallowed liquid nitrogen and lived-possibly the first person to do so. The response and cooperation of emergency medical teams from WPI, the city of Worcester, and the nearby University of Massachusetts Medical Center (now UMass Memorial Health Care) helped beat the odds and save his life.
A rabbit is sitting outside its hole writing its dissertation when a fox comes along.
“What are you writing?“ the fox asked slyly.(Fox are always sly.)
“My dissertation,“ answers the rabbit.
“And what are you writing it on?“ asks the fox (slyly).
“How to eat foxes.“
The fox thinks this is incredibly funny and starts to laugh, but therabbit urges the fox to join her in her hole. The fox agrees; we seethe fox slyly follow the rabbit, and later the rabbit returns to herdissertation.
Along comes a wolf, who askes the rabbit,
“What are you writing there?“
“My dissertation.“
“And what are you writing it on?“
“How to eat a wolf.“
“And how would a rabbit know anything about eating wolves?“
“Well,“ says our rabbit,“Why don’t you come down in my lab and see?“
So the wolf follows the rabbit into the hole, and soon the rabbit returns to the surface alone again.
Now, if we had been able to see inside the rabbit’s hole, we would haveseen piles ofbones and a lion.
The moral of the story is:
Don’t ask, “What is your thesis on?“, ask, “Who is your advisor?“